Ok, shouldn't the headline be...Why are you spanking your 7mth old????
By Stephanie5
@Stephanie5 (2946)
United States
January 27, 2007 5:26pm CST
I seen this on the news and found this article...
OK, the man supposedly spanks his 7 month old baby for grabbing electrical wires and then turns around and electricutes the baby's grandmother...Like look...Here's what it will look like if you touch those wires!! Is that the point he was trying to get across? WTF?
First off, he shouldn't be spanking a 7 month old!!! And second, what the hell could he be thinking to shock the crap out of an elderly woman??? That's just messed up! Someone needs to teach that boy some RESPECT!!
What's your opinions on this???
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26 responses
@navywife (1)
• United States
28 Jan 07
What did this guy think he was proving to a 7 month old baby... They don't remember things that happend 5 min. ago... Spanking a child this small isn't going to help anything. Baby prof your house, it is our jobs as parents to keep our children from getting hurt, hid the wires!! The child is only going to be tramatized by seeing the grandmother electircuted, its not going to teach him a leason, maybe someone should teach the father a leason. At 7 months old they learn more from saying no no then spanking. I can see softly smaking the diaper to make a noise and saying no no, but not spanking the baby its not going to help.
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@armywifey (882)
• United States
28 Jan 07
You are right. babies that small don't understand the concept of spanking and he was not helping by doing so. He never should have tased the grandma. He was just pissed because she was right in saying that he shouldn't be spanking the baby.
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@chroniclady50 (16)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I totally agree with you on this topic. Anyone who hurts a child or an elderly person should be locked up and the key thrown away. What in the name of God does this guy think that he is doing. People like him have no respect for anything or anyone.
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@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Ok I'm in shock. My daughter is almost 8 months old. I can't imagine anyone spanking someone as young as she is!! I don't agree with spanking at all, but 7 MONTH OLD! I hope he goes to jail.. for not only child endangerment but attempted murder on his mother in law.
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Oh give me a break. 4 inches of absorbant cotton seperated his hand from his kids bare rear end. That is not child endangerment. 7 month olds are old enough to be discipline because, by then, they are getting into things that they should be getting into. Just because you don't believe in spanking doesn't mean people who DO spank abuse their kids.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Where in the heck do you buy diapers that are 4 inches thick...You are obviously NOT a parent and if you are, you haven't changed a diaper lately, so back off steffy!!!
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Just so noone is confused that statement was directed at mkirby...:-)
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@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
28 Jan 07
How in the world did he electrocute his mother or mil? It doesn't matter really, you're right, it is messed up, and why spank a 7 mos old. Babies don't understand. Believe me they can be beasts, but they don't know any better. If the baby is getting around that much he better child proof that home! geesh!
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Exactly! He tasered her with 50,000 volts of electricity because she told him that he shouldn't be spanking the baby..then he got mad and told her to leave and when she wouldn't ....he tasered her.
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@beutfulmama6701 (1718)
• United States
27 Jan 07
a sevenh month old dosesnt understand te concept of what electrical wires can do to them. those wires should be hidden and unused pugs should be covered up! hasnt he ever herad of baby proofing! this upsets me
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I agree, it upsets me also. I think this man needs to do alot more than baby-proofing..
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@Pepsigal525 (58)
• United States
28 Jan 07
A 7 month old baby shouldn't be spanked. Period!
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@Queenmaximus (56)
• United States
27 Jan 07
This story is outrageous! This is a prime example of how some people just shouldn't be allowed to raise children. Someone should taiser his butt and see how much he likes it. I think If I were the judge on this case I would order that he be taised seven times twice a week(7 and 2 grandmother's age 72) for seven months(childs age). Maybe he would learn then. LOL.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
28 Jan 07
That's a GREAT idea!!! I like your way of thinking, lol!
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@mansha (6298)
• India
30 Jan 07
I agree kids do know, my seven month olds knows it when I say no to her in stern tonme and will immediately burst in to tears. she knows that she was not supposed to do the thing that she is doing. AS for this guy I thionk he has some screws loose and where was his wife, kid's mother all the time. I completely agree that this person should not be allowed to raise a child. For such young kids you can just pull them away and distract them away fronm their curosity, you don't even need to swat their tiny little hands.
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Not to say your mother is wrong, but that's not the case with all kids. My niece knows when she gets swatted on the hand that she's done something wrong. She knows not to stick her hand in the VCR just from getting a swat on the hand or leg and she's not even 10 months old yet.
I'm sorry, but kids are mischevious and they know what that swat means. My niece, now, goes to the VCR, looks to see if anyone is watching, then stick her hand in it. Cmon, she knows she's not supposed to do it! Get real.
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@angelagomes77 (198)
• Singapore
29 Jan 07
my kids were just like your girl at that age. do not get deceived by their small size. kids are not dumb...when given a swat, they usually know "ok...thats not acceptable." but sometimes choose to do it anyway.
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
I think this guy has no grasp whatsoever of what a child that age is capable of understanding. Unfortunately he's not that unusual, too many people don't know that you can't reason with a child the way you can with an adult.
Dude needs some parenting classes. Very badly.
@resasour (378)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Ok. This man must have lost his mind. I think anger management would likely help him if he is willing. He says basically that he would not do it again, so I assume he means he is remorseful of the situation.
Tasering someone is pretty painful. He is lucky that she is ok, especially being 79 years old. He is lucky that he did not cause her to have a stroke or heart attack or something.
However, I agree that there are better ways to handle a 7 month old. I also agree that wires should be hidden and plugs covered for the childs safety. I also understand that at 7 month old you would have to say no many times before they start catching on. However, at 7 months a pop on the hand, a firm no, and moving the child to another location, then distracting them with a toy will help greatly as their attention span is quite short anyway. However, the child will find his way back unless you provide a barrier. That is responsible parenting to me.
If this guy has never been in trouble before, I hope he gets lots of community service hours and is required to take anger management classes. I also feel like he owes his grandmother-in-law a serious apology.
And he better thank his lucky stars that no one got hurt over his irrational behavior.
He would probably benefit GREATLY from parenting classes too.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
28 Jan 07
There are always two sides of a story. I know that my mom would not leave my house when my husband and I got into a fight. Then she attacks my husband because I was crying? It was a emotional reaction on her part,and one that should have been repressed. So what happend; the cops came after a neighbor called them and my husband got cited the next day for "asaulting" my mother. She is 5'8 and he is 5'5. He had a srain foot, sprain neck with major brusing and a lot of scratches. I could also tell you what he did couldn't I. Well Like I said, there are always two side of a story.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Yes, but the man said in the tv interview that she was just sitting on the couch...so he had no right what-so-ever to react that way and go to such extremes!
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@mishald (176)
• India
28 Jan 07
i have not read the article. but from what u have described i feel the person in question has a serious psychological problem. i mean spanking the child, electrocuting the grand mom. god i hope the two of them r ok. the child really needs to be institutionalized as soon as possible. the press also has a role to play. by sensationalizing such events they just give delinquents like this their moment of fame.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
28 Jan 07
It wasn't a child doing this to another child, it was a father spanking his 7 month old and then tasering his wife's grandmother.
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@carissa765 (1097)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I believe you are right. I don't think that is they way to go about doing things. I think that he should never have spanked his 7 month old child for any reaason.. they don't know any better, and won't for a while. I understand his concern though.
But, why would you turn around and shock the grandmother? that was just senseless(sp.). So how are you going to do that? the comment to say this is what it looks like is very funny.. THANK YOU for such an interresting topic.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Thanks, lol. I am glad that the grandmother and the baby are ok, and I was trying to be funny about it...but it's kind of ironic that he spanks baby for something and turns around and assults someone with the very thing he didn't want the baby to touch!!!
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@honeyangel (1991)
28 Jan 07
you should never smack a 7 month old baby,say no and take the baby away.this person needs to be reported to the police before he really hurts someone.i hope the grandmother is ok
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@carissa765 (1097)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I agree I have seen people reported for less.. and spend a lot of time in jail for it too.
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@cowboys33 (421)
• Australia
28 Jan 07
hittting a little kid is just cruel, just so no to him maybe he will get the message, buts hes only a kid
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@carissa765 (1097)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I am the parent of two, so yes I am a parent are you?
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I won't address the grandma situation, because clearly it was wrong of him to electrocut her. But the article says he "Swatted the 7 month old's diapered bottom"
Diapers are thick, swatting a kids's diapered bottom is not spanking. Spanking happens when you're hitting skin that isn't protected by 4 inches of absorbant cotton.
My niece gets swatted on the leg or hand and it doesn't hurt anything but her feelings. If he was hitting the kid HARD, that'd be different, but swatting a kid on a butt that's padded with 4 inches of diaper...hardly abuse and hardly wrong.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
28 Jan 07
How horrible...to think that somebody could smack a baby of 7 months old. Hopefully social services will make sure that this man is re-educated about children!! I simply cannot believe this. What an ignorant man. and the lady that he electrically shocked when she tried to intervene? Actually, I hope that social services take this baby away from him for good.
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@dmanuel (411)
28 Jan 07
the man has some serious issues! it's his responsibility to keep the house safe for the baby. what does a 7 month old knows about wires and stuff? nothing! it was his fault why the baby grabbed the wire. he should be the one punished. why would you spank an innocent 7 month old baby? it's sickening!
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@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
28 Jan 07
First off why in the world are the electrical wires out where the baby can get ahold of them. They should have been covered up or taped or something so that the little baby could not get ahold of them. This is all part of having a baby and being a responsible adult. Next what in the heck is going on when someone can shock any one. Why in the world and what was he thinking. Last I can not believe that anyone would ever even think of spanking a baby, at this age they do not understand the meaning of a spanking at all. I don't even spank my 4 year old. At this age a NO is sufficient they are learning the word by this time and know when you use it that they are doing something wrong. I can not understand this guy at all.
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@ScrappinHappyMom (914)
• United States
28 Jan 07
The term anger management comes to mind. If he is willing to zap a little old lady and spank his 7-month old. Imagine his road rage and how he treats strangers. This boy needs some serious help.
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