Prophet Muhammad
By smartnrich
@smartnrich (1067)
25 responses
@ErrollLeVant (4353)
• United States
28 Jan 07
If he is a profit, it is not for God, because he denies Jesus as God in the Flesh, and the only savior of mankind, all mandind, no matter what race or nationality
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@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 07
Jesus also a prophet, not god. He also sent by god to the human being.
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@vinod_sailes (214)
• India
3 Feb 07
You say Jesus Christ is a prophet whereas Bible provides testimony in the person of St.John Baptist who was born as a percedessor to the arrival of Jesus Christ and who proclaimed the coming of Jesus Christ as the Son of God - I repeat the coming of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World was proclaimed long before even Muhammad took shape. What better testimony do you require to acknowledge the birth of Jesus Christ duly prophesied by testimonies and scriptures? What was Muhammad's credentials as a Prophet? And where did he disappear? Did any one really precede Muhammad who could vouch that Muhammad would be coming in to this world that too only as a prophet?Jesus Christ was born in to this world in a humble and spectacularly divine fashion feared even by contemporary kings, lived for only about 33 years of which 30 years were spent quietly around His parents but worked in public for only three years. Yet, He Jesus Christ left the greatest following, being today's largest following? How can you account for the meagre following of Muhammad? Do you feel Muhammad tripped somewhere that he could not get such a following in this world? How do you account for this dismal/diminished greatness of Muhammad?Please do not mind but go on discussing. I shall be back with the balance questions. I pause for your answers soonest!
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@irwanyzan (88)
• Malaysia
12 Feb 07
what is the prove you have that bible say Jesus is the SOn Of God? Which verse and chapter.Maybe i can check.Jesus have no confession on any bible that he is the son of god. If i'm wrong, please provide the prove.Prove that i'm wrong.
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@cliff19id (306)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 07
I don't know Muhammad, i don't know He is rela or not, so I Can't answer it, but i don't agree with his decision to have more than one wife
@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
24 Feb 07
You should visit all the sites which I have listed above, in this discussion.
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@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 07
Muhammad is best person in the whole wide world. From the beginning of the earth until the end of it, nobody can compete with his honesty, kind heart, forgiveness, and the good qualities. I respect and admire him to the fullest extent.
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@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 07
I'm very very agree with your statement.Hopefully you're always in the protection the god.Thank you
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@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
12 Feb 07
You're welcome. So sorry about your neglected comment that you sent me one week ago. I didn't notice them (both of them).. lol...
Oh yes.. I'll fulfill your wish in your comment. Have a nice day and may all of us be sheltered under Rasulullah's umbrella during the judgement day.
Continue to have faith. Happiness and content will surrender to you, no doubt about that.
Adios! (but see you later!) lol...
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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
25 Jun 08
I have not read the Holy Quran and therefore don`t know the story of Paigmbar Muhammad but i can say onething that he realised his divinity and brought forth to the world the principles of love for God and all fellow beings on Earth,kindness to all, tolerance and he taught everyone to treat each other with the love and respect that one would have for ones near and dear ones.
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@siddiqali (632)
• India
25 Jun 08
Prophet Mohammed(PBUH)the last prophet of ALLAH was not only for the muslims but for all manking.He was rehmatulil Allameen.The greatest Prophet(PBUH) of all time.He was small in age when compared to other Prophets but his post was higher than any other Prophet ever came on earth.
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I think that Muhammad was a very enlightened and gifted prophet, the same as Sidhartha Guatama (the Buddha), Lao Tsu, Josheph Smith, Jesus (Yashua), etc...
All of the prophets of old had something to say and each was given breath by the Creator!!
Thank you very much and have a great day!!
@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 07
Thank you for your opinion. Hopefully you are always in the protection of the god.
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@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
5 Feb 07
the Holy Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H) was the most perfect man on the face pf the earth
his truthfulness,honesty and life is matchless
if i start writing about him i think this place is not enough
simply he was the Best
may Allah give us strength to follow him!
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@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 07
Amin for your pray, my brother pioneergladiator.hopefully may ALLAH bless all of us.
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@destinycole (827)
12 Feb 07
I'm a Catholic but I would never say anything derogatry against any other beliefs, religions or faiths. I have to be honest I know very little about Prophet Mohammed and I would never dare to make assumptions until I had read about him, so I cannot answer your question truthfully until I have actually read about him
Blessed Be.
@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
12 Feb 07
May be you could read the Noble Quran to know detail about it and visit these sites.
Thank you my friend and have a great day.
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@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 07
He is the last prophet which sent by god to the all of the human being in this world until the day of judgement.
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@irwanyzan (88)
• Malaysia
12 Feb 07
Muhammad (pbuh) is the greatest human being ever born before him and after him. None could compare his divine personality towards enemies and friends.
As Muslim, i knew he is the best human being example of lifestyle.
i know 1 christian writer who write a book about "100 most influential people in the World" and he put Muhammad (pbuh) the 1st person as the most influential person. The writer is Michael H. Hart. More about the book you can refet to this link
@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 07
I would like to suggest for all to read this book.Maybe we could know more about all these peoples and their contribution.Thank you my friend irwan, have a great day and always in ALLAH protection.
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
18 Jun 08
The best man ever born to Earth never molested a child like Mohammad did.
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 08
molest, molest, molest, do you have experienced being molested by your.... [like the story of Lot in Bible] at your whim???
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
16 Jun 08
Thanks for such nice compliments to the best man on earth(pbuh) are really sweet.Please keep it up!

@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
22 Feb 07
Personally, I think he was a crazy, conniving, marauding bandit that was very good at leading and tricking people. But that might just be me...
I think he is obviously the most violent religious foundation out of any of the major religions, and that his lifestyle should not be observed or emulated at all.
@urbandekay (18278)
13 Nov 07
Sorry, Muhammad doesn't really fit the criteria of Prophet. More like a cult leader
all the best urban

@urbandekay (18278)
16 Mar 08
Just awaiting your reply.Please note, a matter can be of import but not an import matter. Then we would say an important matter
all the best urban
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
16 Mar 08
hehe, urban, it seems i haf a bit interest in u (duno y, maybe bcoz ur avatar), hehe, and i think ur a fan of english literature.
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
16 Mar 08
u still need to discuss such "import" matter with me...hehe

@urbandekay (18278)
24 Mar 07
Ilanitz, if you read the gospels you would understand that Jesus is very diferent from how he is portrayed in Islam and only in understanding his life will you come to understand that Jesus could easily have just walked off the cross had he wanted to. But as Jesus said,
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
So, the crucifixion in which Jesus laid down his life to save us is the greatest sacrifice, the greatest act of love ever.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
God would not be angry since Jesus accepts this fate, though he could have chosen not to, Jesus attests to his acceptance of this just prior to being arrested.
Hope this clarifies matters
all the best urban
@lebgirl90 (181)
• Lebanon
23 Feb 07
jesus could simply had run will the soldiers were comin to get him in the prairie but this was his path he came to earth to save the human race from its sins

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
18 Jun 08
Sorry but a 50 year old man who molests children is far from a "perfect example to mankind".
@isaelmas (159)
• India
18 Jun 08
only an ignorant person can say such things about our prophet mohammed(pbuh). he was such a great those days early marriages were not uncommon.thats why even the worrst of prophet's enemies did not call him with such worst words. you have to do some research first rather than using your own half knowledge which has been spoon fed from here say, bring some historic evidence where people called him such worst words. tell me any single teaching of our prophet which is against mankind.
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
19 Jun 08
and now i know that Whatshername is a follower of Roman Pagan Polytheist, a bloody religion which supports cannibalism for salvation.

@roshand8 (1478)
• Sri Lanka
19 Jun 08
Clearly Muhammad is not a true prophet. I have read the quaran there are some verses are disgusting and encourage the poeple to kill disbelievers. Muhammad came to this world condeming Jesus. He saw the major threat to his idea was the Jesus so started to condem Jesus in strategical way.He gave people some set of external rules that is we called Islam.
@Ashbiz (148)
• Mauritius
19 Jun 08
The Quranic verses must be read in their proper context. First they are the words of the Lord. Secondly, the verses regarding the killing of disbelievers were revealed to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in times of wars. This is so as the Holy Quran also states that the killing of the innocent one amounts to the killing of the whole humanity. Moreover, it clearly innapropriate to say that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) condemns Jesus (Salutations upon him). The Quran is full od praises of Prophet Jesus (Salutations upon him). This shows that you have not read all of the Holy Quran or that you have not read it properly. Muslims consider every prophet sent by the Lord to be great prophets. In the Holy Quran the blessed miracles of Jesus (Salutations upon him) are mentioned as well and any Muslim denying such qualities of Prophet Jesus (Salutations upon him) can no more considered to be believers. Hope this helps.
@Ashbiz (148)
• Mauritius
16 Jun 08
He is the last Prophet sent the by the Lord to guide mankind on the right path. Many people today think that he is discriminatory against women, but remember that in Islam, paradise is found at the feet of the mother. Moreover, in the pre-Islamic era, the Arabs were barbaric and used to bury their female children alive. The blessed Prophet (PBUH) has put an end to such evil and inhuman practise. He is himself the loving father of four daughters.
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
18 Jun 08
He was also the husband of a 6 year old child when he was in his 50s, don't you think a man of God should set a better example than molesting children?
@Ashbiz (148)
• Mauritius
18 Jun 08
He indeed marry Lady Aisha (the mother of believers) when she was only 6. However, they never had any relationship until Lady Aisha reached her maturity. Don't forget that in those days, in every community a girl was considered a woman as soon as she reached her maturity. So, the child molesting accusation is baseless.
@vonkristoffer (833)
• Philippines
19 Jun 08
he sinful like us.. ^_^
a human.. he is an idolatry... ^_^ the Bukahri proves that..