My roomate's girlfriend does her laundry at my apartment every weekend..

United States
January 27, 2007 10:15pm CST
This is getting old. I have had a roommate for two years, the first year was okay, but then the second year, his girlfriend started to bring her laundry to the apartment. At first it was just a few things, especially if they were going out somewhere. But little by little this has become more and more laundry. She comes over friday night, spend the night with him and does her laundry half of the day saturday. The laundry and dryer is not that big, so she has to do many loads. Even when my roommate is out working, she is here doing her week's worth of laundry. I am sick of it, how can i tell my roommate that this really is not part of being a roommate without having to seem mean or rude to g/f?... Me and g/f are somewhat friendly, but this is too much. I want to relax on Saturdays, not have someone hanging around doing thier laundry.
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30 responses
• United States
28 Jan 07
Hi there. Wow yeah I can see your frustration. But first off plp do not know what we are thinking or feeling unless we tell them. So my advice to you is to state the way you are feeling. You do have a right and yeah it will probably start a small disagreement with you and your roommate but in the long run you will get your saturdays back. Best wishes...
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• United States
28 Jan 07
yeah, i need to speak out... just not used to being abusedcoz i dont do thatto others.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
lot of comments here, giving me some ideas, being the nice guy that i am i usually dont like to cause a fuss (except on MyLot hehe). Its one of those "give em an inch and they take a mile" sort of things.
• United States
29 Jan 07
The question I need to ask is who owns the washer and dryer? If it is yours I would tell her that you do not want her using it anymore because you do not want to replace it anytime soon.
• United States
29 Jan 07
Yes...good Ideal!
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Thats a tough one to handle. If it bothers you alot, you should say something. But to keep the peace, put yourself in their shoes. If you had a girlriend and she wanted to do laundry, would you let her? Do you and your roommate split the bills, also has the bill gone up that much. In life there will always be something that bugs us. We can not always have things our way. I try to pick my battles, if its something that bugs me alot, then I will do something about it. If it isn't that big of a deal, than I learn to deal with it. If the bill has gone up alot, you can always tell your roommate he has to give you more money to cover her laundry. Does she use your soap or does she provide her own.
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• United States
28 Jan 07
well thats the thing, it did not bug me at first... but it has been a year, and little by little it has become more and more laundry and she spends more time here. Yes, i dont want to cause an issue. I can probably let it go for now, I do feel like i am being taken advantage of. We live in a city apartment in a dense area, it's not like a big house or something where i dont hear the machine running. she uses my roommates soap. and next week the landlord is getting us a new was/dryer, she is really looking forward to that...!
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@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
28 Jan 07
well actually it is very rude of her do be doing that, because she is not the one paying the electric bull to be running the washer and dryer.
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• United States
28 Jan 07
thats what i think, sometimes she sleeps till noon cuase they were up late on friday nite, then she starts the laundry around 1 or 2 oclock until around 6 in the evening. i think i am just going to get my own apartment.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
Just tell him that it can't happen anymore...she should do her laundry where she lives or the laundramat. You might also tell him that the wear and tear will shorten the life of the machines and then you 2 guys will not be able to do your own laundry.
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@dbeamon (128)
• United States
9 Feb 07
first you have to be honest with him and tell him how you feel. if he doesnt put a stop to it hen you need to go to the g/f. and you can always charger her for doing her laundry there as well. you could even tell her that if its not done by a certain time then she cant do her laundry bc you want to be able to relax on your day off and then stick to what you say and be firm.
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@rawpoet (2045)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Boy, I don't know what to say. Sometimes you give a little, and the person takes advantage. Personally, I would have a hard time saying how I feel about it. Good luck.
• United States
29 Jan 07
yeah, thats my problem too!
@emarie (5442)
• United States
28 Jan 07
just tell him. tell your roomate that you don't feel comfortable about her hanging around there when he's not there. i mean, she should find another place to do the laundry. i'm sure if she knew you were uncomfortable with her doing it there she would stop. i would. i wouldn't want to be a bother since i don't live there. ALSO, you can charge here if its your washer and dryer. i mean, to run those things does cost money. tell him that if she's going to do it every week, to chip in for the electric and water bill. its the least she can do. its not nice to try and get a free ride. i mean, my sister has her own washer and dryer and i only did my laundry there once.
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• Australia
29 Jan 07
I get the impression that the problem is not just that she is doing laundry there but the amount of time she is hanging around there. Once an ex- boyfriends housemate suggested that I was spending too much time at his place. The result was that I spent less time there. I suggest that you talk to your roomate.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I understand your frustrations. I would definitely talk to your roommate about this, or try writing them a letter, that way you don't say things you don't mean to say out of frustration. Good Luck...Oh, I would also be asking for an extra 10-20 bucks a month for the rise in the electric and gas bill!!
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I agree with Stephanie...the roommates g/f should pay some of the bill, plus I think she should contribute with laundry soap, softener, and dryer sheets. Start showing her that your home is not a free laundromat.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I think that you need to discuss this with your roommate first. You don't want to approach his girlfriend with your frustrations, because he would most likely side with her and feel that you were "attacking" her. He needs to realize that you are frustrated, that your privacy and life are being compromised by having her around every weekend, that you feel they are taking advantage of the situation, and also that you are helping to pay the utility bills for her to do her laundry for free. If this is the arrangement that they want, maybe your roommate needs to move in with his girlfriend? Maybe they don't even realize that they are taking this situation for granted and that they are frustrating you so much, because you have kept it to yourself. It is likely that bringing it up might cause a disagreement, but hopefully you can work it out with him. If not, you may be looking for a more considerate roommate; but at least you would have your weekends back! Good Luck!
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• United States
31 Jan 07
yeah you are right. it funny how something like this represents more than just my frustrations.. actually they say they like to be together, but then i think my roommate is afraid to commit by moving in with her. So doing the laundry at my place becomes a relevant issue for her to be near him. the laundry is just a side effect, that more i look at and understand this.
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@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
28 Jan 07
Why is she doing the laundry at your place? Doesn't she have her own washer/dryer? Does your roommate at least pay for the electricity/water bill? Seems kinda pushy, what she's doing...
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Well.... It is his apartment too so I think he has a right to let his girlfriend do that... BUT I would perhaps try to talk to him and see if there is something you can work out like a different day or something? Sorry! I know this wasn't probably the answer you were looking for but I think it is only fair if he is sharing rent as well. Hope it works out for you though!
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• United States
28 Jan 07
i dont know about that... running a washer and dryer cost money. and just because he pays rent does not automatically mean his gf can do laundry does it? she does not pay rent!
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Put yourself in his shoes: If your girlfriend wanted to come over and do her laundry, you would let her right? And would your friend object? Would he have a right to object? You are right, she doesn't pay rent, but her boyfriend does. And yes, it does give him the right to allow her to do it because he does pay his share of the rent. On the other hand, he should be courteous of you and your feelings so perhaps he should have asked you if it was okay. But maybe he doesn't know it bothers you. And I still think you should talk to him about it.
• United States
31 Jan 07
I have to agree with some of the others it is time to have a sit down with your roomate. It is not appropriate for her to stay all day in your home, using your appliances, and what the heck does she do while the laundry is going. I don't know how you guys can live together if you can't even talk him about something so simple.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
29 Jan 07
You know I had a friend who was going through some tough times and started doing that. During the summer, I would hang clothes out on the line, because it saved electricity and it smelled good. Well, she kept using my dryer. And of course my soap and electricity. One day, I just had enough, I threw the tripper for the dryer. I wasn't using it anyhow. Well, she came over and said your dryer is not working, I said I know,went to use it during the week when it was raining (I had to lie). Well she then went to the laundromat. I left it off, then a few weeks later, commented how the electric bill went down noticeably and the only difference was the dryer and I may not even bother getting it fixed. Seems drastic, but it worked. Do you know where the breaker is? It might be worth a try. If necessary let the landlord in on it. SO he can say will call electrician or something. She never brought her laundry over again.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
@wynna1 (1291)
28 Jan 07
Thats is so annoying in your part maybe. I think what you have to do is to talk to your friend about the situation that you are into right now and also tell him that you also need sometime in your apartment to at least relax and to have quiet moment and perhaps you can arrange for a new schedule when or what time this gf can visit and do her stuff, you need to speak out. If all of you agree with the new schedule then thats good and if there's any conflict, as what you've said in your other comment that you would consider looking for a new apartment for you to settle in.
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@delina123 (2453)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
I would tell her go do it somewhere else or tell her to start giving you money for doing it there.
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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
28 Jan 07
That would annoy me too I can feel your frustration... I would firstly talk to your roomate and tell them how you feel or kindly suggest if she could do it eles where. Maybe she or he/the room mate pay a little extra towards the electricty and water Bills as her washing would be contibuting to a higher bill, that may stop her or at least pay you a little to compensate. Good Luck
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@tohot666 (300)
• United States
29 Jan 07
be honest and suggest she go to a laundry mat, or comeover a diferent day.
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@vicky1 (240)
• United States
29 Jan 07
You need to let your roommate know how you feel. If not other things will start to build up. Why should she be there if her boyfriend is at work. Let your roommate know you want to relax and she really doesn't need to be there washng her clothes.
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• United States
29 Jan 07
tell roomate her doing her laundry there is getting out of hand, u understand emergencies, but every weekend is not an emergency.u need your time on sat just to relax and do what ever and u cant when shes there doing laundry. tell him shes gonna have to start payning on the electricity and water bills. it adds up beleive it or not. thats why shes probly not going to one becuase she has to pay, at your place she doesnt.
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