helping out a friend

@glasser3 (354)
Hibbing, Minnesota
January 27, 2007 11:23pm CST
okay so last wednesday i had an up until recently ex friend show up at my house because he got kicked out. now just prior to this maybe 3 weeks before we were like mortal enemies and thanks to my girl we started talking again well anyway he shows up here wednesday with all his stuff and tells me he got kicked out because he refused to pay his roommates share of the rent. so he was just wanting to store his stuff here so he wouldnt have to carry it while he was homeless needless to say we felt bad for him and took him in out of the cold well it upset alot of people but i felt guilty leaving him outside while it was 10 below zero outside. what would you have done? did i do the right thing? tell me what you think
1 response
@sylvrrain (659)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I would have let him come in. I would not worry about the other people, if they do not live there. If they do, it is just as much their decision as yours. I think you have a good heart and you are a good person for caring. Maybe you and he will become better friends, because that is just how it works sometimes. Enemies one day, good friends the next. If you know his roommates, see what they say, about what kind of person he is. This may be an issue if you decide to let him live there. All through life you will meet people who are down on their luck. The only options you have are to help them or not to help them. A good person will help when he can, and feel bad when he can't. You never know, you may help turn someones life around and you will know how rewarding it is. Good luck with your friend, hope things work out for you both.