your first thought of the day!!

thought - thought of the day!!
January 28, 2007 1:30am CST
every day what first thought comes in my mind i really donot care about that but believe me if u care about that u will relize a great change in ur life!!!!!!!!!
1 response
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
28 Jan 07
My first thought of the day is always about my professional work! I work for a Stud Farm and I am a Stud Vet residing on the Farm.I need to work day and night depending upon the situation, I hardly go out of the Farm, except for the time when I am on leave. So naturally since I need to attend my orses on day to day basis my first thought is always about my work. I take few minutes while sipping the Bed Tea about the line of action to be taken for the day and then I proceed further. Yes! I think what you say is correct to some extent, for the first thought of yours is the genuine and most prioritised thought of your life for the day and if you impliment it then many of your problems will be get solved! I agree and I think this may a part of the Key to the Success in my Profession and life. One more thing what I invariably do is ask myself everyday before sleeping that what was my contribution to my organisation and how the organisation got benifitted by me! This gives an immense satisfaction and always keeps you informed about your capabilities and talents to your self to keep up marales high!