Rap music and Young Children don't mix.
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
United States
January 28, 2007 10:10am CST
My daughter is driving me crazy. She listens to music in the presence of my 5 year old grandson that I find highly inappropriate. Rather than play music that is age appropriate she will blast the music of Eminem or Twisted. There are too many to mention. The words are not what I would want a child to listen to nor repeat.
I can't tell you the number of times I have voiced my displeasure and concern over this matter. I have also given my grandson cd's of children's music for him to play at home. The music of her choice still plays.
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50 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
28 Jan 07
I would remind her, when he starts repeating the things he hears, for her to punish her self and not whine about it. My sister in law did the same thing and yes the day came she actually tried to complain when he kept calling women "*itches"! I just told her she is the one that taught him that was fine by playing that stuff around him. So deal with it. She did, she promptly stopped listening to that stuff when he was home.
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
28 Jan 07
We have had the coversation about the word hoe. Yes it is a good word but how often to you use a hoe in order to use it in conversation.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I'm always amazed at the age of kids I will see listening to this stuff and it's NOT the parental control version! I'm always taken aback! And for the parents to listen to it with the kids around... just not right. My sister did the same. I can honestly say my kids were older when they were even allowed to get the parental control versions. Now that they are teens, I find the less fuss I make the more likely they are NOT to listen to the crappy stuff. I have to say I do love some rap music and think there is some real talent out there. However using vulgar words, belittling women and such is just not right no matter how you look at it.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
28 Jan 07
For some reason she listens to the wrong stuff....just the type you are describing.
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@patootie (3592)
28 Jan 07
I'm not sure how you can stop your daughter playing the music of her choice in her own home .. I think it's just something you are going to have to learn to live with ..
I'm sure your grandson doesn't really listen to the songs .. it's just tuneful noise at that age surely .. and I doubt he understands the words .. blimey .. I don't undertsnd half the words in a rap song either .. I think I need a 'rap translator' for some of it ...
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@BDnLacy (324)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I actually do like some rap music. And I allow my children to listen to it. BUT! I listen to all cds that my children want before they get it. If there is any vulgarity, talk about raping, killing, or robbing, then they are not allowed to listen. I believe with the correct censorship by parents, children should be able to pick the kind of music they like for themselves. After all don't we want our future heads of state to have minds of their own?
But short of that, you have stop and realize that your daughter is now the mother and it is ultimately her choice. And all the complaining you do, is only going in one ear and out the other. I hate to put it that way, because I know I that once our children start having kids of their own, I will most likely disagree with many of their choices in raising their kids. I know and understand that you only want to protect you grandchildren but, all you will accomplish is causing problems in your relationship with your daughter.
As far as the two artist you have listed, I would not let my children listen to them in general. But Eminem does have a couple songs that I allow my older children listen too. They have a few curse words, but also have a good theme. They are "mocking bird" and "cleaning out my closet"
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I know exactly what you are saying. What child listens to their mother? Very few do. I have issues with her subjecting him to this music and having him repeat it. A five year old should not be subject to words of violence, rape or other topics.
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@dhouston (417)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Rap definitely is not good for children, partly because it teaches them inappropriate ideas and partly because it is so oud and can damage their delicate hearing. I am so sorry your daughter is so unconcerned about her son's well-being. She sounds selfish. Is she a very young and immature mother? How does her husband feel about the issue?
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
28 Jan 07
She is 26 years old and a single parent. She seems to be very self-centered lately.
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@simplysue (631)
• United States
28 Jan 07
You are right about young children listening to inappropriate lyrics. Unfortunately, it will probly take your daughter sitting in the pricipal's office at your grandson's school because he is repeating the words that he hears in the songs for her to realize that you were only trying to look out for your grandson's best interests.
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
28 Jan 07
Today is this kind of attitude, whether we like it or not. He is her child and not yours and she is supposed to raise him as she wishes. Whether you like Eminem for a child or not, this is the music she hears. But, she will realise the truth and what she could have done soon enough, don't worry!
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@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
28 Jan 07
oh no! How old is your daughter. It is quite hard to listen to the radio without finding that crap on...but there are plenty of choices. I switch the channel or don't play it. I really don't allow my children to watch too much t.v. or that. and if they do, it is not adult t.v. Right now they are watching the movie the aristocrats. I am an old mom, so I don't listen to rap, or eminem or twisted sister. I refuse! Of course, when they are teens, I might not have that control but still!
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Maybe when your Grandson says something in school that is inappropriate and that he picked up from listening to your daughters music and she gets called to a teachers meeting because of it maybe then she'll listen and understand. Maybe if you can get ahold of the written lyrics and really show her what is being said in black and white and ask her if she wants her son to be repeating this stuff it might help. If she understands that it is not the style of music that you object to but the lyrics that are said. But then again she might just get stubborn because it is you that is saying it. Anyone else in your family or circle of friends that she might listen to?
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I am not sure if her siblings have said something to her or not. They tend to stick together. Her friends do not say anything. She has one "normal" friend who she does not hang around much. She would rather hang out with people that I consider not to be good influences on her.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
You are right that this music isn't the most apprpriate for such a young mind! I too find myself blasting Eminem and Akon at times! I never thought about it this way before but i will definately keep it in mind now that you reminded me about why i should not!!
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I am really sorry that your daughter plays this music around such a young child. It really doesn't seem like a good idea. there are so many bad values in the lyrics of many of the rap songs that I've heard. Of course, at five years old I'm not sure how much of it he's going to hear or understand. At that age I definitely didn't get what a lot of the songs I was listening to were about. In fact, even at an older age I was pretty naive about some of the lyrics to the songs on the radio. It is only when I hear some of those songs now that I realize what they meant, and I get embarrassed about how unashamedly I used to sing some of them in front of my parents! *laugh8 But then I was a pretty sheltered kid, being so shy, so I didn't learn a lto of things that kids today seem to know at a young age. And either way, I am sorry that she plays that music around him. It would upset me, too. :/
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
28 Jan 07
This kid is anything but shy. He picks up everything. He of course does not understand the meaning of the lyrics, but that isn't the point. He sings these songs word for word.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I hate rap music. I cannot understand why they say what they say. It is usually violent. Is it really a song if you dont sing?? I mean get real.
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@balaji_civil (190)
• India
29 Jan 07
i like rap music and mixing in the sense. they can create more new thing in that............................
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@pclife (246)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 07
This your time nurturing your grandson , this is the time which all begins , at this age a child learn fast & at this time you decide to make him be what as you plan ...if you plan to make them like sentimental music so, it's the time you lead them toward thats & so & so...hope got my point...
@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
28 Jan 07
We play a variety of music. From Doris Day to The Dixie Chicks. He has learned the words to many of the songs and sings along with them.
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@tendaheart2002 (495)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I can understand why you would be frustrated, and you have done as much as you can do. She may not care about what he listens too, and it will bite her in the butt later on if she doesn't address the situation soon. Children are big sponges, all they do is repeat and observe everything, continue to point that out to her. Although in later life he will still encounter things that you do not want him to experience, there is a time and place for everything. Stay a positive influence it will pay off. I have had that problem when my son would stay with his father and come home singing the most crazy lyrics you could think of. I make sure he hears appropriate music when he is home. When he asks me about the lyrics he repeats, I am honest and expalin how wrong they are. Good luck in getting your point across.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
28 Jan 07
she is the one thats going to be paying in the end. i mean all rap isn't that bad. for some reason, playing eminem's early stuff would calm my child in the car when he was only 3 months old. but now that he's older, we still listen to music we like, but most of it is just rock music with no real swearing in it. but its true, if he learns some choice words (especially if their un edited versions) then she's going to have more problems. sometimes you have to let them learn on their own. most parents dont like to be told how to raise or act around their children.
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
My dad listened to the Stones when I was growing up in the 60's and they were considered very inappropriate for children at the time. I survived the experience without any long-term effects.
It's her son and she's the one who will have to deal with the repercussions if he gets sent home from school for repeating the things he hears. At that age he has no idea what the words and concepts mean, so he's not going to be harmed.
@Hipponater (262)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Ha rap music. I can't stand rap, but thats another story.
Try really telling her that is full of bad words and things. Maybe even go through the lyrics with her, they're most likely worse than she thinks. Try to tell her her kid will say those things if she doesn't change (likely to happen) and suggest some other bands maybe? Something like Rock or something a little less offensive/full of bad words.
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@ram13288 (387)
• United States
28 Jan 07
i agree with you that she shouldnt blast her music when there is a five year old present because he is too young to be exposed to the nature of some of these rappers lyrics. you should remind her that that kind of music is innapropriate for little kids and that she should listen to it quietly or just get an ipod so no one else can her what she is listening to.
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