Why I think Lorelai belongs with Luke and not Christopher...
@Wastedoneternity (52)
United States
January 28, 2007 11:02pm CST
I think that though Christopher and Lorelai do make a good couple and do love eachother that they do not belong together. Christopher and Lorelai have a past and that is great. They do have love for one another you can see that but even with Christophers recent holding of a job and maturity I still feel he isn't what she needs. When Lorelai and Christopher are together the children come out in them. Playful banter and stupid fights show just how immature they both are. Lorelai needs someone to be the ying to her yang not another yang. Its nice to think that Rory finally got her Dad like she's been wanting all this time but I think its too late. Luke could hold his own against her banter but also knew how to take her down a notch when she was getting out of hand. He was always there for her and if it weren't for his lie about April maybe they would still be together. But I feel Luke is the better husband for Lorelai not Christopher. Anyone agree?
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6 responses
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Agree - I wonder why the writers did that. My SO got so aggravated by that, he no longer watches it. We all know she belongs with Luke.
I missed it last week, what happened?
BTW How you feel about Logan - he is smooth, but is he trustworthy. He can sweet talk, but I don't think he is good for Rory.

@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
31 Jan 07
That was an awesome episode! It was hilarious when Christopher started singing. I loved all the trees. That Gigi just doesn't fit into the family though. I noticed that she wasn't in last night's episode. I adore Lane in her mega pregnancy mode. Her mom and husband are priceless too. I laughed when she pulled the candy bar out of the pillow.
I also love Logan. He obviously adores Rory.
I am glad that Lucy forgave her.
@Wastedoneternity (52)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I don't think Gigi is working out at all rating wise or story wise for that matter. Which is probably why she is always convenently missing or in Paris.
@Wastedoneternity (52)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Last week was a christmas eppisode. Rory came back from London after celebrating Christmas with Logan to her mother, father and new step sister who hadn't had a holiday. They purchase 7 trees for a buck and decorate the house for an after christmas christmas. Christopher starts trying to change their christmas traditions and the girls are threatened. April sneaks and lies a visit to her father where they excange presents. She made him a mask in art class, he got her a stone polisher that she had wanted. But it seems she already had recieved that present for her grandmother so they return to the store to excange it. While out shopping Luke and April bump into after christmas shoppers Lorelai and Rory who are looking for the perfect present for christopher. Lain is gigantic and is about to slaughter her mother if she spends anymore time with her so her and Zach agree Mrs. Kim should live with them only on the weekends. Meanwhile the court date for custody is vastly approching and the letter of referance that Luke's sister Liz wrote him is not valid. He asks Lorelai to write one which she struggles through the majority of the eppisode with. At the end of the eppisode she types the letter up on a typewriter reading it off of a yellow pad of paper that she wrote it on and sneaks it out of the house to mail it. She hides it from Christopher and Rory though concerned doesn't push to hard on it. We are to assume everything is going well between Sookie and Jackson as well as Rory and Logan. Lorelai's parents do not appear in this episode, nor does April's mom Anna, Logan or Jackson. However Michel, Brian and Gil have short but funny moments in the show.
Next episode to come? Christopher finds the yellow notepad with the letter on it and tells Lorelai to say she no longer loves Luke...but can she?
I happen to adore Logan regardless of what anyone says. I actually think he is the BEST thing for Rory and I hope he doesn't let me down. Well I hope the writers don't make him let me down. I'm starting to fear the shows continuation because the longer it runs the more drama that will unfold and as other shows have shown us longer...is not necesserally better...

@Lithium311 (50)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I totally agree. Chris and Lorelai are trying to hold onto what they had in the past. I don't doubt they love each other but they aren't meant to be married. Luke understand Lorelai better, he understand that she is kind of a simple girl that she isn't taken in by money. He understands her quirks, her love for the town and above all else her relationship with Rori. Chris simple does not understand their relationship, he wants to change something that had been formed a long time ago. I understand he wants new traditions, but part of the package of getting Lorelai is her qurikyness. I feel like Chris wants to change Lore, but Luke embraces who she is. Yea she can be annoying but he loves her, he knows what is important to her. He would NEVER have gotten married to Lore with our Rori their. I was really surprised she went through with it without her. Luke would understand why Lore didn't want a party thrown by her mother. This weeks episode clearly outlines why Luke is a better choice for her. Luke was able to put aside his own feelings and do whatever was needed to take care of Lore.
Even freakin Logan did a better job than Chris. Chris needs to understand he can't change Lore, in the relationship with her she will be the center of attention, not him. I don't think he can handle that. It looks like next week will be the end for them, and I don't really feel bad about it!
@Wastedoneternity (52)
• United States
8 Feb 07
OMG!!! I love you! I love how you were just able to jump into my head like that! In one paragraph you have said everything I have always wanted to say but was never able to articulate. That is amazing. I agree though it looks like Lore is about to end this messy relationship they tried to make and I don't feel in the least bit bad about it either.
@Lithium311 (50)
• United States
9 Feb 07
:) I thin think the reason they didn't show us the wedding with Lore and Chris, is because she isn't supposed to be married to him. There can only be one wedding that actually is seen you know what I mean? I think that we'll also find out that their marriage wasn't legitimate in the US. Because when they first came back Chris mentioned that they weren't legally married. I can't wait for a luke and Lorelai wedding. I hope the whole town is involved and it's quirky and Rori is there.
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I did like Christopher until last night. He was childish and immature. He asked her to say she didn't love Luke anymore. She did and he still hit the roof. She was doing a favor for a friend. Yes she hid the note and didn't tell him about it. I think it was the line in the note that said that once Luke was in your life, he was there forever.
I am glad that Luke won joint custody.
@Wastedoneternity (52)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I glad Luke won too. See the thing with Lorelai is that she loves them both Chris was her past and Luke was her present. Luke had trouble with that but he respected it. Now that the roles are reversed I think Chris just can't handle the fact that he was never there and Luke was. That she never planned a wedding with him but over planned her one with Luke. I'm sure she also probably still has her wedding dress and that will come up in a future eppie Im sure.
@cristlegirl (817)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I think Luke is a much better for Lorelai then Christopher, Luke has been there through everything! Ge brings out another side of her and it's a good thing, Christopher and Lorelai may have a history, but I think that Lorelai and him rushed into a marrage because of that history and Lorelai wanting to get married so badly.
I do want to add that I am not happy with how they got married, it was rushed and we didn't even get to see it! It makes me mad! (okay not really that mad) but that is one reasion I think it's not going to work out with them. If it was the writers would have made a bigger deal out of it.
@Wastedoneternity (52)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I was mad about missing the wedding too. I think it was kindof a if Rory doesn't get to see it then the audience doesn't get to see it thing. Its kind of like though that Lore and Chris are both yangs but Lukes her ying ya know?
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@blogyourself (1577)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I'm all for Luke and Lorelai! I don't like Christopher and I was so disapointed to see the two of them get together. Luke has always been there for her and they are so cute together. The writers on that show are amazing and I have a feelings things will turn around. I haven't watched in a few weeks b/c I just don't like seeing her with Christopher.
@Wastedoneternity (52)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I was actually extremly disappointed in the Way she and Christopher got married. It was kind of like she was doing it behind Rory's back. Lorelai would not be at all happy if Rory and Logan were to get married and she were to be left out. Even if she doesn't like him very much. Oh I have fate in the writers too. I have been an avid watcher since the show started and own every season. They have yet to let me down [knock on wood] and I hope they never do.
@peapod1003 (35)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I think you're pretty much right. Although she and Christopher have fun, what they have is more of a teenage love life. They get jealous too easily, and hide things too much. Luke is much better for Lorelai then Chris is.
@Wastedoneternity (52)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I don't think Luke ever did anything wrong. Except for hiding April he never kept things from her like she did with her Chris rondevous.