do you use skype?

By A B
Scottsdale, Arizona
January 29, 2007 12:49am CST
hi,do you use skype for calling,i have just installed is it?
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5 responses
@Jestin (560)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Skype has usually good connection. The voice call, the video call or even the skype to phone calls. Plus the skype to phone calls are relatively cheaper than others. Skype credits are easy to purchase too. I use skype all the time, even for overseas calls.
1 person likes this
• Scottsdale, Arizona
29 Jan 07
thank you for telling these.can i buy it with paypal?
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Feb 07
I installed Skype about 2 months ago. I belong to a business communtiy and we talk via Skype all the time. I really like it a lot. I also use it to send text messages also. I bought a $12 microphone and everyone says that I come across loud and clear. It's one of the best Freebies I ever used. Lloyd
• Scottsdale, Arizona
10 Feb 07
where from did you bought the microphone?can you please tell me?
• Scottsdale, Arizona
10 Feb 07
thank you for your response,actually i need one i was asking
• United States
10 Feb 07
We have a chain of stores here in the United States called K-Mart. It's very similiar to Wal Mart. You can also find them on the internet. Do a search for computer microphones. Hope this helps. Lloyd
@imrajesh (1965)
• India
29 Jan 07
i use skype for calling. it is good and offers gr8 service and it is the only one which i found on which voice does not gets disrupted. so i like skype and prefer it for calling. it is the best in terms of voice chat.
• Scottsdale, Arizona
29 Jan 07
i have a 2mbps internet connection so i hope it will work well with it.what do you think?
1 person likes this
• Scottsdale, Arizona
29 Jan 07
well thank you for the informaTION,it was real helpful
@imrajesh (1965)
• India
29 Jan 07
of course it will work well. but this is half the battle . the other half depends upon the other person with whom u r doing voice chat. if his/her speed is also good then it is not going to be problem but if the other person's speed is slow then definitely it will be problematic. i m talking slow speed like dial up connection which i think is not going to be in ur case. so enjoy ur time chatting. have a nice day.
29 Jan 07
I use skype onli for chat
• Scottsdale, Arizona
30 Jan 07
oh thank you for telling .
@malini4u (896)
• India
30 Jan 07
yes i do use skype a lot...its best way to have voice commmunication....clarity of voice is welll and good..but it makes process a little slow..
• Scottsdale, Arizona
30 Jan 07
thank you for telling us your experience.