Could your "Problem" Child be Gifted?

United States
January 29, 2007 6:07am CST
A 10 yr old boy is a constant problem for his math teacher. He talks in class and clowns around. He refuses to turn in homework. He openly questions her policies and rules. He refuses to "let things go" when she ends a discussion. He constantly twitches in his seat, twirls his pencil and bounces his leg. She wishes he were anywhere but her classroom. Is this problem child ADHD? No, he highly gifted. What I neglected to tell you is that although his text books still crackle when you open it, he is a constant disruption in class and he never turns in his homework, he makes 100% on every test. Ho do I know? I know this gifted person. He dropped out of high school at 16 because he was frustrated and depressed-convinced he was stupid. He was diagnosed with ADHD but never as gifted. A gifted child who is bored will be especially prone to disruptive behavior and he or she may make poor grades and be an underachiever if not challenged. These children do not fit most peoples idea of gifted and are often mis identified as such. Because they share many behaviors in commone with children who have ADHD, they are commonly misdiagnosed. What a tragedy to deprive ourselves of this natural resource and mistakenly drug our brightest children into compliance with the "norms." But be aware that a child can be gifted and have ADHD.
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2 responses
@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
29 Jan 07
my 10 yr old daughter is about the same. she is smart as a whip and knows how to do her work she just refuses too. im not sure the answer to your question. but its possible they are just bored like you said
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• United States
29 Jan 07
ADHD supposably runs in my family. I do not believe in giving children medicine I believe it's all on how they are raised. A child who misbehaves knows they get away with things and this is why they do it. Maybe if you tell the teacher she has to be on top of things with him and let them know he does not have ADHD he has a disability and you would like them to be patient with him and be stern. If the teacher tries to devote her time to other classmates this maybe also making his jelous making him think she dont want him inthe room and he knows. A lot of children can pick up the vibes and feelings people send to them. Hopefully they are not mistreating him in anyway. If the teacher is more consired with his problem then maybe you should consider doing home schooling or trying a diffrent school. This all maybe just a act of his because he dont like the teacher!! I would Continue to send him while researching better things for him. Good Luck!!