bumper stickers to combat alternatives to overcoming depression
By Jewels
@Tetchie (2932)
January 29, 2007 7:10am CST
I am very concerned at how quickly people decide to take medication to solve their sadness issues. People are too quick to diagnose themselves as depressed and without taking other considerations into account, such as good balanced diet, sufficient exercise and finding a support person or group to talk to about your woes and difficulties in life.
So I'd like to see how many slogans we can come up with as an alternative to doctors and anti-depressants.
(Please note I do not advocate non-medication in cases of absolute need).
So here's one -
Buy tissues not anti-depressants!
I'm not very creative (am learning though). I would like to make a push to present alternative ideas to Health Authorities as I feel it is getting out of control how easy it is to get medication for the most basic human emotional feelings.
5 responses
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
30 Jan 07
In allot of cases depression is a choice. We need to start understanding our bodies more. Not only our physical bodies but our psychological makeup. Why do you think you get depressed? Everybody believes it's chemistry. "That chemical imbalance is the cause of this problem!" Rubbish. It's your emotions, it's your diet, it's your lifestyle, it's your lethargy, it's your attitude. That's what creates the chemical imbalance. Chicken or the egg. Why the chemical imbalance - that's the question to ask?
Take the time to look at what's going on in your life.
@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
You CLEARLY don't understand the difference between clinical deprssion and just having 'the blues'.
Clinical depression cannot be fixed by diet and excercize ... believe me, I have tried.
Tha sad thing is that many people with depression are already blaming themselves for not beign able to 'snap out of it' ... and peple like you just make them feel worse.
Depression is NOT a choice. If you have never had it, or had someone close to you struggle with it, you cannot possibly understand.

@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Amen to that one. I had some PMS/anxiety issues. I went to the doctors because I literally could not sleep. Originally, it only happened during my period, but as time progressed it seemed to be happening everyday.
The doctor ran some tests. There wasn't anything physically wrong with me. He than told me I was depressed and prescribed me prozac. I was livid and gave that doctor a good piece of my mind. I found his diagonsis unacceptable and he better come up with something a little better because I am not going to be a pill popping junkie. He Asked How was he going to be able to help me if I refused his treatment. I simply told him you're not.
I did some research on my own and found out the reason I was so high strung and unable to sleep is because I was consuming way to much caffiene in a day. Some people can't handle it. I happen to be one of those people. Once I cut down on my caffiene intake, I felt normal again.
So, I understand exactly where yu are coming from. I am extremely annoyed that my nephew is on medication. Wht, because my sister in law felt he was too high strung. Believe me, I have seen high strung kids and my nephew certainly doesn't fit the profile.
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
Caffiene is a stumulant and can create anxiety as you found out.
Caffiene is in soda drinks, cola for instance. See how many kids are drinking that stuff. Sugar is similar, it's a stimulant and you get a high from it, especially in the doses kids are getting these days. Now when you get a stimulant, what happens when it wears off? You fall flat on your butt!
Now kids are getting high on this stuff and consequently fall down. It is making them emotionally erratic. This is a diet issue primarily but will and has expanded to instability in mental health.
Thank you so much for your input, I was starting to think I was alone in my opinions. Phew! I hope you shocked that doctor into some common sense as well. He studied at least 5 years in medical school to do that!
1 person likes this
@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I can only hope. I know when I left his office he was somewhat speechless.
@abhisree (520)
• India
30 Jan 07
i dont believe in all that crap about chemical imbalance. if you ask me i personally feel that chemical imbalance is caused because of several other factors combined together like the wrong attitude, inability to cope up with stress; the wrong outlook toward life; trying to shun yourself from everything when you feel low..these are the things behind all those phases called depression!!
@somnolence (460)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Telling people that depression is caused only by their eating habits, attitudes, and lifestyle is both wrong and irresponsible. Doctors should not diagnose people with depression indiscriminately, nor should meds necessarily be the first or only course of action. But for many people the chemical imbalance has been present since birth, or a traumatic event may trigger a chemical imabalance. There is plenty of scientific evidence that mental illness, including depression, is very often a genetic disorder (to control for inaccurate results due to children being influenced by depressed or mentally ill parents they usually use people who were not raised by their biological parents as subjects). If it were only caused by external factors then that evidence would not be shown.
I have been depressed since early childhood. I was not lethargic. I did not eat poorly. I did not have a bad attitude. I did not suffer from any lack of physical excercise. Though all of those things happened eventually as a result of the disease. With medication I no longer have most of those problems. My lifestyle improved dramatically just as a result of finding a medication that worked. When I have gone off of them medication my lifestyle reverted back to the way it was before within months due to the depressive symptoms returning.
If you make people feel that they are at fault for their depression then you discourage them from getting appropriate treatment. That will cause them to feel like a failure if making lifestyle changes does not improve their depression, or if the untreated depression prevents them from being able to make those lifestyle changes.
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
There is a lack of education here. Lack of responsible doctors, they are too easily writing out prescriptions. I am not discouraging people from getting treatment, but meds are not the only treatment here and it should not in allot of cases be the first treatment.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
23 Oct 10
I use to manage depression, listening musiq, playing violen and i like chocolates, and i feel i get refreshed after having my chocolates. And best remedy is Meditation, try breathing exercise, it will help you balance and handle depression.