do all christian hate muslim?
By istanto
@istanto (8548)
84 responses
@mommydearest (877)
• United States
9 Oct 06
Christians aren't supposed to hate anyone, but I am sure some do. The bible teaches that we should love everyone and pray not just for our loved ones, but even for our enemies.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
27 Mar 07
I think the more appropriate question is "Does anyone love muslims"?
Muslims are embattled with the Hindus in India, the Buddhists in Thailand, Catholics in the Philippines, Protestants everywere. They are in battle with the Zoroastrians, the Bah'ai. Oh I forgot their alltime favourites - the Jews.
Can anyone show me a single religion in the world that the muslims are not fighting?

@LackThereOf (571)
• United States
20 Nov 06
I for one do not, and I don't think we'd be considered Christian if we went around hating people for no good reason. Right? :O)
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@Dewdrops (4)
• Egypt
13 Dec 06
Look it is rather short-sighted to put it this way. I am a christian living in a muslim country. All my best friends with whom I created my loveliest memories happen to be muslims. I did not choose them nor did they choose me on muslim-christian basis. We are simply humans that found good friends in each other. It is the bad deeds and corrupt thoughts that are hated. I assure you these are not exclusive to muslims. I grew up in a house that taught me without tutoring or preaching to deal with all people as human in terms of a good hearted or bad hearted person.
As a girl I found it a privilage having my best friend a muslim... We always told each other it is a guarantee that we will never fight over the same boy.
In my life I have met people who would hate me or be unfair to me for simply being christian.. I was called names for being christian. The difference is... I never generalized. I never thought that I am a hated rejected minority in a muslim society. I never will. I am a cell in a tissue. We all are cells in a tissue. Think it that way and live on:)
@lebgirl90 (181)
• Lebanon
25 Feb 07
no it's not true. oh god!! i'm so sick of everyone generalizing everything, not all christians hate muslims and not all muslims hate christians. not all muslims are fanatics and terrorists just like not all christians are fanatics and prejudices.
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@fawcey (926)
• Australia
28 Mar 07
All people are individual, just because someone follows the same religon as another person does not make them have the same likes and dislikes. I have never not liked someone for what religon they are. I do not think if one type of person does something that all people in that group are the same. I can not understand this way of thinking. It is like saying if one person with blonde hair hates people with black hair that all people with blonde hair hate people with black hair, or if one person who is a vegeterian hates people who eat meat, do all vegetarians hate all those who eat meat? We all have different ideas and opinions and should not be put into a certain group. If one person with blonde hair kills someone does that make all people with blonde hair killers? All people are different even if the follow the same religon or come under the same heading of a certain group. I believe we should treat all people on who they are not what beliefs they have. I bet there are some christians who dislike other christians too, doesn't mean they all do.
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@flikkenni (537)
• Indonesia
28 Mar 07
I agree with neo_knight. You are right about this, we should taught our children anything about muslim and christian. When they grow up, they will know which was fit and better or maybe the right religion for them and they can choose which one for the rest of their life.
@Neo_Knights (1882)
• Indonesia
26 Feb 07
If I'm Aali311 I will teach my children all the good from Islam and Christian. And when my children get grow, I will let them choose the religion for them self.

@dharmendra_pawar23 (907)
• India
13 Dec 06
Hi.. I m not an American but the way i see ..American father of all peace lands .. America have helped many countries from ruining like Natural Disasters strike and see Americans are there to help. Americans have spread Democracy in the Asia.. As India is the only true Democratic Country in Asia .. But he's trying To spread Democracy through out the world but in result Americans are hated .. Just like Jesus He helped So many people But he was HAted..but the time changed andhe was loved.. blah blah .. but m talkin about America why it is hated ?? it makes me cry i love America Very very very Much And GOD BLESS Pr.BUSH i love him very much True spirit.. Ahh Jesus bless him ... But why Muslims hate them although what do i see is that no Muslim Country is Civilized (except Dubai) but Muslims are growing migrating to America and other Chrisitian Countries.. and on the other hand they hate Christian countries or America.. What i believe and what is true is that America wants Democracy..
@hackermania2020 (141)
• India
29 Mar 07
NO thats not true.christian or muslim or hindu they are all humans and they are meant too hate anybody.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I am a christina and I dont hate the muslim people !I do however hate the religion they enslave themselves to !I have studied it and also read the quoran and i feel it is a religion that promotes violence direspects women as human beings and relegates them to the mere property of males there is no love in islam in contrast to the Bible where we are told to love even our enemies (matthew 5:43) the quoraan tells to kill anyone who is not a believer in islam(quoran 47.4 , 9.5 , and 9.29)
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 07
Weew... Revdaupnee,
Do you really have studied Islam or just reading some part of the verses? No, you don't obliged to answer this to me or the public, just answer your heart.
In spite of that, allow me to explain the verses and situation you've just stated above (of course it's based to my understanding)
1. "... the religion they enslave themselves to!"
My Commentary:
I believe there some purposes why religions --whatever they are--, emerged, built and growth. There must be some function as Robert Crosbie have said in "Friendly Philospher":
"True Religion must give us a basis for thinking, and consequently, a basis for acting; it must gives us an understanding of nature, of ourselves and of other beings. Religion is a bond uniting Men together-not a particular set of dogmas or beliefs- binding not only all Men, but also all beings and all things in entire universe, into a grand whole" --Robert Crosbie
Based to Crosbie explanation, Islam is a complete system of guidance of how all Men shall act whether in relation with God, with another Men, and With all creature in the world. We must obey the guidance.
But yet, Islam Moslem didn't enslave themselves to religion but to Allah. The word enslave also is rather apart from appropriate, for it is imply that Muslim didn't have right, choice or free will. It's imply that Moslem didn't use their brain to questioning the Faith that which they embrace.
In Fact Qu'ran challenging every Men to use their Brain to questioning about not only the universe but the Qur'an itself.
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 07
2. " is a religion that promote violence"
My Commentary:
Islam do not promote violence. Like Christian Islam also promote love and respect.
You use the Verse 47:4, 9:5 and 9:29 to support your claim. Ok, then I would write the verse here to see the context:
If you encounter (in war) those who disbelieve, you may strike the necks. If you takes them as captives you may set them free or ransom them, until the war ends. Had God willed, He could have granted you victory, without war. But He thus tests you by one another. As for those who get killed in the cause of God, He will never put their sacrifice to Waste.
Once the sacred months are passed,(and they refuse to make peace) you may kill the idols worshiper when you encounter them, punish them, and resist every move they make. If they repent and observe the Contact prayers (salat) and give the Obligatory Charity (Zakat), you shall let them go. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
You shall FIGHT BACK against those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, nor do they prohibit what God and His messenger have prohibited, nor do they abide by the religion of truth--among those who received the scripture--until they pay the due tax, willingly or unwillingly.
If you examined the verses carefully, it is only applied in situation of war. The Definition of war is a situation where two or more groups or nation attack each other. The situation where the choice is kill or to be killed. It's Natural.
You can see in current war in some country which is not involving Islam. The situation are same. Kill or be killed.
In Islam we have some rule to obey during war.
- do not kill women
- do not kill children
- do not kill old-man
- do not kill incapable
- do not hew or chop trees
- do not destroy temples
- and etc (I kind forgot some)
To make it short, Islam do not do ethnic cleansing.
But have a look to the nation which are not Islam they did genocide and ethnic cleansing like in Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Hongaria, Croatia, England, Armenia you name it which religion are (Ding dong! SURPRISE!!!) name it your self heheheheeh....
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 07
You can see who did ethnic cleansing here, and see the different:

@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
I agree with mommydearest. As a devoted christian, We were thought to show respect and accept whatever people chose to believe. If you happen to encounter a Christian who did nothing but to keep criticizing other religious group, then he/she is not a true Christian. This people who claims to be a Christian but continues to judge others are nothing but a complete hypocrisy.
@m311kk (5)
• United States
28 Mar 07
You are so right myjeremy--it truly is hard to love someone that has wronged you or that you feel is an enemy. I think so many times people are grouped together as a group and not seen nor taken on their own individual merits. I think since we are not perfect any group will have their good and their bad people. I think everyone needs to remember that and try to get to know someone before you write them off.
@rlonrlon (155)
• Philippines
29 Mar 07
If you'll ask me, i do not hate muslims. i am a catholic. one of the teachings of my religion is to respect other people regardless of his/her race and religion. my religion teaches us to treat everybody as a brother/sister, that way peace and equality reigns.
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I am christian, I dont hate muslims, I dont even know what they believe, but I posted a discussion, so I can figure it out. I dont hate anyone, I sometimes hate what people do, but I dont classify people based on groups they are involved in. So, I'd say no, not all christians hate muslims.
@jhossh (32)
• Philippines
25 Mar 07
No. We Christians don't hate Muslims. What we do hate, like your fellow decent Muslims are terrorists. We hate people who try to force us into their way of thinking. This is not the Muslim way but those same terrorists carry out acts of atrocity in the name of Islam, killing Innocent men, women and children. The faith of their victims doesn't matter. What it is really about is power. Power to bend others to their will.
sorry to tell this... i hate islam because I feel it is a false teaching and not from God A democracy is not about Christianity. It's about freedom and equal rights, something that very few, if any, islamic countries know about or allow. As far as the war goes, it's not against islam. It's against the evil being done in the name of islam. Muslim terrorists started this so we have no choice but to finish it.
@hobbyab27 (37)
• Romania
21 Mar 07
no i am not hate anybody because my father in th heven told me that i must love any people:catholic penticostal etc