What does integrity mean to you individually?

United States
January 29, 2007 1:21pm CST
I am thinking about the candidates, the current in political office, people I know and do not respect and it occurred to me that the issue is how I judge the integrity of a person as to whether or not I trust the individual to do the right thing in a given situation. I would like several comment what it means to have integrity for yourself and what does it mean in the political arena today?
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1 response
@yanjiaren (9031)
29 Jan 07
integrity for me is to be in private as you would be in public.not two faced..to keep promises..uphold your honour..never owe money to individuals..political office? usually it is the middle class that is most corrupt when it comes to politics..cos they are so desperate to get the creme off the cake they are the ones that rip the poor off..especially in agrarian communities..