How should i forget him?
@sunflowergirl (3064)
United Arab Emirates
January 29, 2007 1:25pm CST
i was in love with a guy and after like 5years i come to know that he has been lieing to me.... lies which i can not take...i mean any girl wont....can plzzzzzzzzz any one help me how should i forget him??should i make friends talk n get involved again?i did made new freinds n stuff but deep inside i still love him and i want to forget him...i just dont know how should i???it has been like 2weeks since v broke worse thing valentine is coming........Oh God!!!!!!!!!i know what will i do on that day:( how long will it take2 forget him?help me in forgeting this guy plz!!!!!!!!!!:(
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148 responses
@dmillman (2273)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I hate to be the one to say it, but "Time heals all wounds" and it's the truth. Don't let this guy know how much he got to you. If he knows he has that much power over you, he could try to use it against you. It's just a warning because of something that happened to a neighbor of mine. Some places have special events for people without soemone on Valentine's Day. You could look into that. Maybe get some friends together for a girls night out instead. There are ways around it, you just have to be creative.
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@sunflowergirl (3064)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Jan 07
he does not knows....i already had a girls gettogather but the worse i ended up talkin abt him and my friends get annoyed i prefer not talkin 2 dem abt it any more

@kuntal41101 (366)
• India
29 Jan 07
There is a saying : Idle mind is a devil's workshop. it implies to you to some extend. to for this guy there are quiet a few ways but which one is suitable to you is a matter of concern and you only can judge it the best. Here are the ways :
If you are working then let yourself take on more and more work, in that way u will get busy and have hardly anytime to think anything alse. Slowly with your work your responsiblity will increase and so does your work !! and of course time is the biggest healer !!
If you are non working girl have lot of time then get engaged with your friends... think about them... talk to them... go on for a drive with them... u got hell lot of things to do !!
Lastly, mylot itself is a good forum where people bang their heads to help out each other... get to know the other's problem... anlyse it and try to solve... same thing what i am doing right now!!
I hope it will help you out !!
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@hitzphillygirl (1235)
• United States
29 Jan 07
You can't force yourself to forget him. You just have to get on with your life and give your attention to something that's worth it.
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@007watergg (23)
• Hong Kong
30 Jan 07
It is a kind of lot that people meet each other in chinese it is called??(yuanfen),If the guy lie you that proves the lot between you had lost,he won`t worth being remembered by you so forget him!
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@sidearthman (179)
• India
30 Jan 07
i think that you should return back to him....this is your first love and it should not be left...
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@sunflowergirl (3064)
• United Arab Emirates
30 Jan 07
no wat i can not return back 2 him above friend is rite......i can not do not can not ever ever trust him again...
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@bubblgum25 (185)
• Philippines
30 Jan 07
I don't agree. How can she return to him after all the lies and deception? I mean how can there be real.genuine love if there is no trust?

@w3bdiv3r (35)
• Indonesia
30 Jan 07
I think you should haven't to forget him. I know now your heart is broken with him lying to you. You should have been patient about this condition. Maybe in valentine day later, I hope you can correct or repair your relation with that boy. Don't forget to pray for the God, because the God always help his human.
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@sunflowergirl (3064)
• United Arab Emirates
30 Jan 07
even if he comes back..i wil not acpet him ever!
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@chrisabby11 (42)
• Philippines
30 Jan 07
5 years is a long time being with a person to just forget him in a couple of weeks. The problem is you've gotten used to him, you're still attached and even if you think you still love hime after all the lies, it might actually just be the attachment, or the habit of having me around that's pulling you back. try to ge yourself into some new routines. meet new people. don't hang around where you used to hang around with him. as much as possible steer clear of places,things,people that remind you of him. give yourself time to break the habit/addiction/attraction. Find a new hobby, something to get busy with, and under no circumstances should you have any type of communication with him. This is the best you can do for now. Give it time.
@wantaferrari (142)
• India
30 Jan 07
Hey i know this situation you are in.....u love some1 and suddenly they disappoint you...but u just cant get them out of your mind...but deep inside you know they cheated on you so u shld be loathing him...but still you dont...i think what you should do is, try spending time with your friends a helps...try to talk to some1 who had the same experiecnce..and confide in some1 you trust and take advice from...try not to spend too much time about him by setting a mental flag...all the best buddy!!
@sillygirlsd (959)
• United States
29 Jan 07
My bf and I broke up yesterday...I found some pictures on his phone which he thought we okay...but they weren't! they were of naked girls! well anyway we had an argument and he was going to move out. Then later that night he left and came back with a "I'm sorry" card. I know he's never cheated...he has no time to cheat but recieving pictures from girls is worng and he send pics too....well anyway he wrote in the card things that he's never said before and the only reason I took him back is because I know he hasn't's just the worst feeling seeing that he has pictures of naked girls along with pictures of our's really disrespectful...well anywa in your situation....I don't know..I should be telling you to forget him but I know from some of my friends experiances that some men can change....If you love him maybe it will be okay to give him 1 more's up to you! Good luck
to me Valentine's day is just like any other day...I don't see what the big deal's a day for companies to sell more candy and flowers....
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@sunflowergirl (3064)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Jan 07
lolz...dat rite v-day is a just a day...thank u....i hope that he didnt cheat on u!well i can not give him another chance...i hav been giving him a lot of chances during these 5 years.....and that is by i had to just end it up!i do not trust him at all now!
@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
30 Jan 07
Replace him. I have had this happen to me and the only thing I found that worked was got out and met a bunch of new people taking my mind off the girl I just broke up with. So many of you women say should I forgive him but yet most men just move on.(MOST) I wouldnt forgive him because it will happen again but do whats in your heart and good luck with your choice.
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@ilovesarwesh (148)
• India
30 Jan 07
Oh dear lady!I know this would be very much difficult for you to get out of this situation but you will have too.there are many handsomes in the world then why to go just behind one person only.I know the valentine is coming but so what?You can get your new partner who may be better than him nad best for you.Options are there for forgetting him.Search for a new partner and fell deep in his love.Trust him and don't get lied again.Best wishes...
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@theone3nu (598)
• India
31 Jan 07
so u r in love with him. but he is acting with u. well he acted 5 years!!! great. i dont think he acting with u. ok firstly he may started acting on u. but in the middle and now i think he is really loving u. so pls confirm if he is really acting or not. is he is lieing then try to forget him. see we cannot forget those memorable days. memory is god gift. so try to hate him then try to forget him . any way i wish ur love should success. all the best.
@swatirocks (22)
• India
30 Jan 07
I understand its difficult to forget the one you love so much but since this guy is not right...u must forget him as soon as possible for you....for that whenever his thought come in your mind divert your attention to other things and keep yourself involved in other things...i know it will take time to forget all those things...but ya i'll definitely suggest that don't be in a hurry to enter in any other such relation...
@invernomuto (55)
• Italy
29 Jan 07
I'm in your same situation.. I and my ex girlfriend broke after 5 year.. We broke last summer. But after 5 months I recover.
take heart! I and myLot comunity are with you ;)
(excuse me for my terrible english but I'm Italian)
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@sunflowergirl (3064)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Jan 07
realy u did recover man dats Hope 4 me!!!oh yes i love u allll
@elisa812 (3026)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I'm sorry you're going through this :( Breakups are horrible on everyone. I think the best thing to do is to try to stay away from him and not even be in contact with him. Otherwise, whenever you are around him or talk to him, it will probably just make you miss him even more and wish you were still with him. I know it really sucks now, but it really will get better with time. It seems like forever, but eventually you will be able to move on and find someone so much better won't lie to you like he did. I hope you feel better soon!!
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@sunflowergirl (3064)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Jan 07
he did try 2 contact n stuff bit now he stoped worse thing is that i now keep cheking my mobile every now and den just to see if he had text me or called me......i stil miss him dam!!u rite..i will find a beter person den him hopefuly!neways thank u!
@shalwani (760)
• Pakistan
30 Jan 07
Firstly, make yourself busy as much as you can. Get extra work on your side to be busy doing that. Get socially involved with people. Go for parties and chill out. and whenever you recall anything regarding him, just recall the fact that he lied to you.. and start pushing yourself away from his thoughts. be hapy all the best dear..
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@sidhesh (17)
• India
30 Jan 07
u make more and more new friends
and get involve in them
as a result, u will be geting company as well as
u will start forgeting him.
similar is the case with me
but i like one girl
but i dint talk to her a single time
bcoz i feel that whether i hurt her emotions
dont think of him
its a part of life
only focus on ur dreams and on ur work
@shundiggs (183)
• Nigeria
30 Jan 07
You know what i'll advise u do. Get anoda guy and give him your all. i have had a gal going on about me in much the same manner and it really makes her look cheap. since its just two weeks u can try and work things out if not look for someone eslse fast. try the rebound thingy . Remmember you always have Jesus to cling to.