I don't believe in God!
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
January 29, 2007 10:47pm CST
I don't believe in your Christian god or your Jewish god. I do not believe in the god of Islam or follow in the teachings of the Buddha. I am not a Hindu or a Pagan. Please help this lonely sinner. Convince me to join you on the path to wisdom and enlightenment that you have chosen. Please do not do this by quoting dogma or with passion. Convince me with the pure light of reason and I will join you in your beliefs.
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128 responses
@shooie (4984)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Sounds like you have heard it all. I can't convince you which way to go. I do believe in God. The God I serve is not one to be shoved down anyones throat. Many people have asked me how do I know He really is. I can only say I feel Him in my heart. Call me ignorant and foolish. But I see it this way I'll find out when I die.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
30 Jan 07
If I had heard it all I wouldn't be here looking for answers. I that I could feel god in my heart but I can't so I must seek him with my mind. I am truly looking for answers that I can believe in.
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@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
30 Jan 07
My best advice to you is to research it. Only then will you know what is right for you. I would not want you to join me just because I say the magic words. I would want you to join me because in your heart you feel it is right.
I believe you have all the tools needed available to you. This isn't an easy choice and it's not something to be taken lightly. It can be something powerful in your life if you allow it to be. I wouldn't want you to take the easy road because you will learn nothing from it.
I wish you much luck in your journey. I hope you find the answers you are seeking.
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@goldenboy20 (555)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
Fool is a person who doesnt believe in God. Just try to read the bible especially in psalms 14:1 and you can see that even the person who has many knowledge and famous, if he will not believe in a true and only God, he can be cosider as fool

@jackie_mmm (886)
• Philippines
30 Jan 07
I came to a point when I believed there was no god. But then reality came crashing down on me. I had no one to turn to in the most critical times of my life. Nobody would save me and my loved ones from life itself. I found myself praying fervently to God, hoping he wouldn't take away everything I had at that time. I'm still praying because I can't do the living alone. I would have been crazy thinking about everything bad that had happened to me if I didn't come back to him. I don't believe in any church doctrines, though. I accepted his existence because he can do whatever it is beyond my control. He is there to ease my worries, and patiently waits until I can completely accept the realities of life. God is the only hope and comfort I've got when everything doesn't seem to go my way. I'm thankful for whatever he's given me. I don't ask for more because most things are as normal as they are.
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@yvonitz_marian (117)
• Philippines
30 Jan 07
don't be like that...God is really good..there is God if you do believe that God exists
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@CallMeDaddy (535)
• United States
30 Jan 07
The Bible is here to guide us. The biggest misconception is that the people in church are hypocrites. This may be true because noone is perfect. However we'll go to the club knowing that they are all hypocrites there. In addition the Bible is against fornication which bothers us because we would like to be sixually free (won't let me write the real word). However having sixual relations out of wedlock puts us at risk. Basically the point I'm making is the Bible makes your life easier. If you follow it you will began to understand God while improving your life. As you get to know God you can ask him personally to reveal the truth to you and I guarantee you your life will make a change for the better and you will know the truth.

@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
30 Jan 07
I don't entirely get what you are saying. There are many people who read the Bible and still do not follow Christ. Your example of fornication carries no real weight to the discussion. Don't get me wrong but the poster question is about real answers to his question. Anyone can say that their religious book provides the answer and the truth. As I belief in Christ too my anwer lies not in swinging my bible towards someone but in my behaviour towards my fellow man.
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@naiina (135)
• China
30 Jan 07
well i ve strong believe in my God ...i always think that wot ever is happeing to me is just from Allah n He never do wrong wid me for the time being it seems that wot ever is happening is not good but in long run i realize that it was good that at that time it happened like that...n dont u think of the seeds which grow into a tall tree..n i m muslim n we ve a holy book Quran n u know in quran there r many things which r proven by scientist today n they r still working n discovering that in every verse of Quran their is some hidden meaning...like it is said in Quran 1400 years ago that there r lots of other glaxies like urs n the scientists r proving it today...loook there r many other things az well n if u ve some other questions in ur mind u can ask any imam sabib of mosque near u n u can clear ur points...
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@mvrajan (18)
• India
31 Jan 07
what u r saying is true. but one question
Is god u r possesion or ur servant
Why r u saying my god?,This is egoistic
If u r egoistic Then u r devil.
u r possesing god by saying my.
Then god is secondary for u only u r important not god.
There is only one god not many.
If u r saying My god and u r god Then u have missed the truth.
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@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
30 Jan 07
It is tempting to respond with a one word question, Why? but that would be unfair to you and not in the spirit of why I posted this in the first place. A little background as to how I got to this place in my life. I was in Phuket, Thailand on December 26th 2004 and I lost friends and family on that day. If I dare to see the hand of god in that I would have to fear him for the rest of my life. This is why I am seeking a rational belief system I can bring to the centre of my life. I hope that makes some kind of sense.
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@IloveJesus (175)
• United States
30 Jan 07
You should not be looking for someone to "convince" you to believe in God. That is a personal choice for you to make alone. If you want answers about life then get them from the Bible. The Bible was written by God through man and it explains everything. God created the heavens and the earth and the trees and the plants and the animals. God created man in His image. Faith pleases God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The Bible tells us that it takes faith to please God and that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. It is by faith that you are saved. You must believe that God exists. It takes faith to believe that.
Jesus Christ said "I am the truth and the light."
You must seek answers for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
For those of you that think God makes people sick and kills people, here is what the Bible says about that: "The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy." The enemy is the devil. The Bible also tells us that the devil is the god of this world.
The one and only true God lives on the inside of each of every one of us. It is up to us to acknowlege Him and accept Him.
I pray that you find the truth for yourself and that you make the right decision for you. The only help that anyone can really give you is to give you direction on where to find information to make an informed decision. It is ultimately up to you. I think you have received plenty of direction. I pray that God will reveal Himself to you so that you can experience His love. You have to open your heart. You cannot make spiritual things conform to any logic. If you are looking for logical answers I can't help you. The Bible tells us how all things were created.
God bless you.
@nuffsed (1271)
30 Jan 07
You are not alone Chiang_Mai_boy. I prefer to live a good life as best as I am able. This gives me a peace of mind that I have not given cause for someone to have reason to speak or act against me. I can sleep at night with a clear concience.
I don't believe in organised religion, churches, and Biblical quotations of what is and is not acceptable. I have no belief that any supreme being would address one small section of humanity and talk of the chosen ones, whilst ignoring the rest of the civilisations on the globe.
So I content myself that if some superior being is going to judge me come the end of my days, that being will see that I have done my best, for as long as I have been aware of the need for humanitarian values. I can do no more. I respect and adhere to the Desiderata and the Ten Commandments. I am not aware of any further need for fine tuning the rules.
@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
30 Jan 07
well I will try to convince you here are a few questions that maybe you can answer 1.do you see the air 2.do you see the wind 3.do you not belive in God because you not not see him. answer to these questions 1.no you do not see air you know that there is air because we can breathe it 2. you do not see the wind you know it is there because the leaves on the tree is moving and there are things blowing around when there is a storm approching 3. LIke the air and the wind God is with us but we can't see him. all you have to do is believe in him and love him he will protect you he walks beside of you and he will be there when you are ready to start believing in him.I pray that this helps you
@cuhkiz (568)
• Philippines
30 Jan 07
your really a lonely sinner but i know you'll redeem yourself in time, Maybe right now you don't believe in god coz you haven't get a miracle. I can't force, push or keep on convinving you, i dont care either if what i responded on your discussion is even convincing on your part. Im not that too religious kind of person but i do believe in god. I know how to pray and at troubled times, it is him im asking for help. You don't have to be a tough god believer or why fake it?? if you can't thats just fine coz your being true to yourself. But in the end my friend...when there is no one left for you to talk with, you'll ask him up and learn how to talk with him.
@gm240359 (43)
• India
30 Jan 07
Hey, God's creation is not going to stop, if you don't believe in God. Energy is indestructable, only conversion of energy is possible. Then what's that supreme energy, wherefrom all the energy originate and whereto all the energy assimilate. You can feel His existance and then only you can start believing. And how can you feel that? You can feel through BEAUTY of Nature, WONDER of Nature & VASTNESS of nature. How do you attain Him - through "Karma", ie., selfless, passionless work - that's the easiest way than "Jyan" (knowledge), "Tapasya" (sacrifial meditation), or "Bhakti" (devotion). Come to India as a tourist for a month and, god willing, you may start feeling and understanding the God (the supreme energy).
@danjenkins (646)
• United States
31 Jan 07
The concept of being a sinner is incongruent with the statement that you do not believe in God .. so, make up your mind .. which is it? Are you a sinner? Or, do you not believe in God? One or the other. Otherwise, you are just playing games and can't be taken seriously.
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
You are an intelligent man Mr Jenkinss, precisely as you stated. If you dont belive in God , you are not a sinner. Then if you said you are a sinner, you have a God who laid out that law to become a sin
For the sake of chiang mai boy I belived confused in understanding. "For what you are seeking God". Is it because you commit a sin . But you dont believe in God , then sin to you is non existent. You can commit it every day, why do you care.
All the more, I wish you to find him in your heart Chiang Mai boi and God bless you
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I feel sorry for you because you are missing out on the greatest joy there is!
Why don't you want to believe in God? Is it because you are comfortable living in your sins? You don't want to change the way you live even though it is hurting you?
God is very real and one day you will see God face to face.
Pray that He will speak to your heart. Read the Bible and let Him speak to you thru His Word.
God bless you.
30 Jan 07
you call yourelf a sinner, why is this ? if you dont have any religious beliefs then who are you sinning against is it your own concience i wonder. I don't believe you need convincing to go anyway other than the path you choose yourself and what does it matter if you have no beliefs if your happy with your life then live it to the best of your ability, hurt no one and you'll be travelling this road of life for a very long time i'm sure tc xx happy travelling
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@siddhardh (44)
• India
30 Jan 07
If u dont belive in god let go, dont worry about it. dont consider any religion nor culture. U have u r life and u start exploring. i dont know any thing about u so i can t tell u any thing. But God has notting to do with a religion "God is U" If u belive in u r self u belicve in god. God is notting but the power in u and around u. If u want belive in god start knowing about u. I am sorry i may not help u, coz i can show u a path u r the one who should wal in it.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
30 Jan 07
After much searching, I found this and would like to share with you and everyone else who reads and reflects. The four guiding principles for me are:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned.
This is no invention of mine, or synthesis of the formal religions and philosophers I have tried to read and understand. I try to adopt these and weave them into the fabric of my life. (it is not easy.. and often I break down and my actions or thoughts fail when tested against the principles).
These principles form the Rotary's 4 way test. I have adopted them, even as I am not a Rotarian.
Is this something you would consider as a simple, non-dogmatic life statement?
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@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
30 Jan 07
You are the only person that can make that choice - Really - I do not have a problem who do not believe in God when they have done their research and read a lot. But if you do not believe in God because of what someone else told you - Than you are just a follower. I am not saying you are - I am just speaking in general. I like talking to people who do not believe in God - But I like talking and learning from everyone!
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@rujalshah (24)
• India
30 Jan 07
Why do u do not belive in god? Is there any thing wrong in ur life that u do nat belive in god? Is there is Such incident that take ur belive from god ? If, yes than let me take u to the point that god is a belief for some & truth for some one. What so ever? For me all reilgion r the same. I belive in all religion as such each religion teach us a different thin, Parsi religion teach us to help other people, while jain teach us to not be rude on the Aminals, as per my belief there is no god, God means religion and religion mean to be good with all the people wether it is friend or a enemy.
As per Saying "God is everywhere" even in human beings. so love all the people and u will love the god
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@sikabayan (144)
• Indonesia
30 Jan 07
firts you must believe to heaven and hell
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