Have you ever been blamed for something you never did?
@cockadoodledoo (337)
January 30, 2007 2:10am CST
I have and it was one of the worst things that has ever happened in my life:) The place that I was employed at for almost 10 years was broken into and a safe was cut open and the contents were stolen. 3 months later, 2 detectives came into my work in front of all the customers and took me away in a police car. I was questioned and released on bail. I had a morgage and other costs and had to sell my house to cover legal fees and day to day living expenses. By the time it went to court 2 years later, I was expecting my first child and the stress caused me to be admitted to hospital. It went to trial by magistrate 3 months after my son was born and if found guilty, I would spend the next 10 years in jail. I never did this crime and had no idea why the family I worked for would blame me for it. I denied all charges and the trial lasted 3 days. Judgement day came 4 weeks later and during those 4 weeks, my lawyer hired a private investigator. It was found that the family that I had worked for had taken out a bank over draft only weeks before the crime had taken place. They were in a major amount of debt and went bankrupt the week for the judgement. It was found that my boss had done the crime himself and wanted to claim it on insurance as a way of getting out of debt by saying there was $20,000 in cash in the safe.
I ended up sueing this family and he went to Jail for fraud for 2 years. He had only been out of jail for 2 days when the truck he was driving crashed and he was killed instantly. They were the most stressful 3 years of my entire life.
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20 responses
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
30 Jan 07
There is a lady at my children's school that doesn't like me. I am not sure why, but it doesn't really bother me. One morning a friend and I were waiting for another friend to come along. We didn't realise this ladies car was around the corner at the time, but after we caught up with this friend we went home. About lunchtime, I had a lady knock on the door. I didn't know this lady and she said you have something of mine and I want it back. I asked what was that and she said she wanted this other ladies car badge back. Then two other ladies that I know from school came from around the corner of my house and started abusing me. At first I was shocked, but then I was really annoyed. I told them who we were waiting for that morning and that I hadn't gone near her car. My husband was home at the time so he got the lady to show where the badge was taken. The funny thing is, if you have a badge stolen from your car there would usually be scratches. Well, there was no scratches and to top it off, they had recently polished the area. If it really had happened they wouldn't have polished the car. They were telling me that I had 7 days to give it back, so I replied by saying well you had better go get it because I haven't got it. The arguement kept going and going and finally I had enough and told them to get the police to fingerprint the car because I hadn't touch it. They shut up after this and left. I couldn't believe they were saying this. I personally believe they took the badge off themselves because if it happened that morning, they would have come around straight after, besides, polishing the car in that spot, well I think that says everything.
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@cockadoodledoo (337)
• Australia
30 Jan 07
Far out, what did they hope to achieve?? I had this lady come to my house last year. She is the sister of a mother at my sons school. She wanted me to return a mobile phone that her sister had lost. I was like huh. She said that because I was the person that walked behind her sister, i mustve picked it up when she dropped it on the way home. I asked her what proof she had, where were the wittness and then told her to get lost.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
30 Jan 07
I would not accuse anyone of anything without the proof. I can't believe some people. Just because you were walking behind someone doesn't mean you noticed them drop something. You would think if you dropped a mobile phone that you would notice it.
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@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Here's one for you.
When I was little I went to an in-home babysitter with a bunch of other kids. One day someone decided to write all over the bathroom wall in black crayon. They wrote Josh Josh Josh (the name of one of the other kids) over and over. The next morning, the woman in charge made us all take handwriting tests and decided my handwriting was closest to the crayon writing. Since she was just so sure I had done it, she made me try to clean it up. I still have nightmares about trying to scrub that crayon off. To this day, I still don't know who did it, but I'm sure she still thinks it was me.
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@andak2007 (3229)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
it never happened to me but there are times when something like someone looses his/her phone or valuable things and then the owner asks me if i have seen it..then when i say i never saw it which is the truth, i still feel guilty and somehow thinks that the owner thinks of me as one of the suspect even if i havent done anything wrong...but what you have experienced was terrible, all that for the money?absurd.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
All the time, everywhere I worked, you won't believe what they did. But you still have the chane to make it even by suing the person. In my case, I just walked away and left because I didn't have the money to sue them.
Well life goes on, now you can move on with the knowledge and experience you will know what to do if it happens again.
@rakesh_07 (684)
• India
31 Jan 07
yes, most of the people get blamed for not having done that mistake...... it always happens in school with me......
we sit 3 in a bench obviously with our friends......and i prefer the middle so that u can talk with both without any problem.... but i advice u not to sit like that.... bcos u get into trouble quite often.... in the classes wen the person on ur left talks to the person on ur right the teacher always punishes me....ie the person in the middle....
and i would hv been listening to the class seriously....that time.. so all these hppns during school life... and u hv to experience all these.......
@Shujakhan (192)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
i many times blamed for that thing that i have not done.but in that my mistake is was also there so that i took resposibility of that that i have not done.
@Island_Geko (3759)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
Growing up is a "hierarchy" family there were a distinction between the the favorite and the other children...I was the "least favorite" child and my brother was the favorite and what he did wrong I got blamed for and it sucked but as I got older I became stronger and he became weaker and unable to defend for himself...today he is a messed up 30 year with the feeling that the world owes him for everything and for me I take the world one day at a time and life is great. Parents sure can screw up their kids if the do it right!!
@raine_eph (78)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
Well yes..sometimes but i hope i can still handle it coz its so hard- you know what i mean right -..well if u dont do it stand for it and if yes try to be humble ok..
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
I really feel for you. What a traumatic experience. I have a story very similar to yours, but not nearly as dramatic, however with many similarities. I was also working for a FAMILY business and had been there for about four-and-ahalf years when the oldest son (about four years younger than me)called me into his office and fired me saying there was money missing from sales and I was blamed. Detectives visited my house, but no action was taken against me. One of the detectives rang my mother some six months later and told her, the boss, a trusted friend of the family, had been arrested and charged.
I was about 23 at the time and it was a shocking experience. This business also went broke.
@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Yes and it wasn't dandy. I was 19 and working in a casino in Reno and I was an arcade attendant. Everything was weird that day. I was supposed to pick up my keys from the supervisor but they weren't there. The day shift attendant said the keys are in the counter but it wasn't there and I didn't have the need for it. It was a busy weekend and when I went home, I didn't have any keys to turn in. Anyway, no one works graveyard and the next day I came to work I was taken in an interrogation room. You know, the type with the 2 sided mirror. I was asked a lot of questions... like did I keep the keys, did I ever steal from work? I answered honestly but was too scared to come back the next day so I didn't go back. I found out that some machines were broken into during the graveyard shift and like $4,000 was taken out of the machines, in quarters... oh well, they have so many cameras everywhere, I'm sure they know it's not me.
@listen2me (511)
• United States
31 Jan 07
yes, i was 18 and i bought an amp (car audio equipment) from this guy. while i was at work, he came into the parking lot w/ his music on blasting. and i asked him what he had int the trunk. (the kind of equipment). he showed me and tol me he was selling the amp because he wanted a new one, so i said how much? anyway i pushed a few more baskets in the store while he unhooket it, i paid him for it and that was it. the next day i went to the audio store to get it hooked up in my car before work. so im sitting in the waiting room waiting on them too finish, and two cops walk in, they talk to the guy behind the counter and then walk up to me. they say stand up and put your hands behind your back. immeadately im like for what? they wouldnt answer me. so after i was cuffed. another guy walks out of the back smiling saying we got 2 of them back. and was holding the amp i brought in to get installed in my car. the cops then told me the amp you just brought in was stolen from this store. since i didn't know the guy i bought it from they assumed i was liying. so I GOT THE CHARGE.
@Ren_rocks (87)
• India
31 Jan 07
Well yes, I was been blamed when I was in school by my friends. My best friend was speading rumors abt me saying tht I was trying to bad mouth and tht I was back biting one of my class mates.
@casper20 (1463)
• India
31 Jan 07
i think that everybody have gone through such a phase in their lives.but i don't thinlk that your experience is normal.that is something which i hope nobody should go through.thank god that your lawyer was so efficient,that he thought of such a possibility and saved you.
@cuhkiz (568)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
That was a very aweful experienced you had. But im still glad that reading your discussion, you passed through it and end up yourself innocent. I'm so much pissed to those people who passes out their responsible on such mistakes they're too chicken out to face and give it to someone whose much well innocent. Others did the same thing to cover up their mistake and i pity those person who suffers more because of being blamed to a mistake he/she never did. Good for your boss! he went to jail and had a bad record himself.
@fedge098 (1330)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
whoa! you've had a heavy case under your belt. as for me, a simple office mistake by my boss have been blamed onto me. As if i did myself, which i am not responsible of. we were supposed to set up a meeting and my boss instructed me to do this and that, which i immediately did. i e-mailed the people concerned and they all agreed to the scheduled meeting. one day before the meeting my boss moved the time of meeting by an hour, saying people will be late as usual and the meeting will also start late. i, as instructed, e-mailed the same set of people including my boss's boss. later she e-mailed me saying i should be aware that we are setting appointments with people, busy people. and i should be very careful in setting meetings with them or else i will create conflicts. i felt so bad for the things i did, knowing that i only followed instructions... shouldn't my boss be the one to be blamed? =(
@mkeanel01 (974)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
yes i have been blame once for just doing nothing.. when my dads wallet was gone(its not gone at all,it was just misplaced) i was even hit for that blame.. he approach my room and then hit me thrice telling me that im the one who stole it from him..he blame me for that..i said no i didnt do it but he keeps hitting me.then he stops,,then a day after someone knock out the door and return my dad's wallet it was been dropped by my dad from some place..my dad didnt apologies to me for what he done..so i hate my dad until now..
@mridula123 (734)
• India
31 Jan 07
hmmm...its pretty awful to have faced this for about 3 years of your life, especially when you were most needed by your family!..i think i've been blamed sometimes for things i havent done, but those are all very silly things,things that i dont even remember. Well..all happened well atleast. Try to gear up and am sure, you wont be having any more troubles!
@Wastedoneternity (52)
• United States
31 Jan 07
This happens to me ALL the time actually. Mostly girls who are dating my guy friends jump on me about sleeping/chasing/wanting their man. They call me some really messed up things and it sucks because I would NEVER do something like taking a girls bf. That happened to me and I know what it feels like. I would never want to put anyone through that.