Children who talk back or whines ARGHHH

October 9, 2006 5:06pm CST
help! How do you stop a 8 years old from talking back at you? and if she does not gets her way, she goes into this whinning mode that really trips me up. Any suggestions? Thanks
6 responses
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
11 Oct 06
I'm still trying to figure out how to get my 2-year-old to stop doing things like this. Not that it's a common problem with her or anything.
@AndreaM76 (1164)
• United States
11 Oct 06
I'm thinking it comes with the age. My son will be 8 in jan and he is at this stage too. He thinks he should have all say so on everything. It only gets more fun from here.
@chalmette69 (3007)
• United States
11 Oct 06
Mine is 10 and she does the same thing, I usually take her favorite things away, I don't usually send her to her room, because all her favorite things are in there, what kind of punishment would that be, She loves to play outside, I punish her from that alot. That seems to work.
@ilse72 (1450)
• United States
10 Oct 06
Start simple to see if that works, for example for whining, "Timeout...go to your room until you can speak to me like an 8 year old, not like a whiny 2 year old." and for a smart mouth, "Timeout...go to your room until you can speak to me with respect." If you must walk her to her room, do so, with the instructions not to come out until she can behave and act properly.
@istanto (8548)
• Indonesia
10 Oct 06
give more love to her
@polly44 (15)
• United States
11 Oct 06
If she does not respond to going to her room and the behavior continues start taking way things she enjoys. Such as tv, or going to friends, and if she plays sports or other activities don't let her untill she changes her behavior. Tell her she has to act her age or she will be at home doing NOTHING.