women should not preach
By haqueen
@haqueen (236)
United States
January 31, 2007 2:49am CST
i thought pple read the bible ..but pple seems to read wat they want how do u get in to a church and litsen to the preaching of a woman... god forbid...it is written that women should keep quit in the church and litsen and not say a word ..if they need to talk they will talk when they get to their home when there husbans give them the chase to do so
this goes out to all women preaching in the world ..,doing miracle and having the holygost on u is just a normal gift like praying4 the poor and they get healed but that does not garrantee u that they will get to heaven ..no they wount unless the bible and the word f god is mistaken..
..but surprisingly the pple they preach to will get derived ..but for them women that r preaching the just havin a good job that will end rite here on earth sorry for them
pliz do u agree ..if u do so tell all ur women preacher to quit preaching be4 judgement begins
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32 responses
@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
31 Jan 07
Okay if you state that something like that is in the Bible quote chapter and verse. Without chapter and verse (not everyone has a full Bible in their head you know) you cannot begin a discussion in my honest opinion.
And that women don't get to heaven because they preach is rubbish because we all have been forgiven by Jesus.
4 people like this
@beaniefanatic13 (5076)
• Grand Junction, Colorado
1 Feb 07
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not parrish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
This is they way to heaven, regardless. You believe this verse and then this is your "ticket", so to speak, to heaven.
@kabella50 (309)
• United States
31 Jan 07
oh please the bible scriptures were decided upon by a bunch of old men who were so intimidated by the power and love the Christ showed for Mary Magdalene that they added the scriptures sgainst women to the book while leaving out any scriptures pertaining to any good we women did beside bear them.God said it is not good for man to be alone,and it's not, for just look at the middle east,if women had some say in those countries do you think all that fighting would be going n ?no,no.The bible also said mary was Jesus' favorite ,so you know the church's were against that.In fact the catholic church hates women so much they won't allow their priests to marry .They'd rather them act like in roman times and use little boys.The Da Vinci code was very interesting.
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@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
This is the most sexist, degrading discussion that I have read on here yet! We aren't in the days of this 'bible'...we are women of the 21st century, and we have the right to do alot of things. We can vote, we can run for government, and GOD FORBID we actually go out and get positions as CEO's of large industries. So maybe you should quit preaching before judgement day or it will end right here on earth. Sorry for you!
@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
Oh...and as an afterthought...I have yet to meet a man with enough balls to tell me when I can and cannot speak...for if I meet him, his balls are mine.
@babydolphin (536)
• Australia
1 Feb 07
Well, in Catholic, we dont have a woman priest. Anyways, preaching, why should it be limited to only man? The bible that said that woman should keep quiet etc2 it is in the old age, so it was the era before Christ. In Matthew 28 : 19 God says "Going therefore, teach ye all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost". Notice that God didnt say that ALL OF US have to go and spread his salvation, baptizing people in Trinity, however He did not say that only MAN can do this job, while the WOMAN cannot do this job. So, woman and man has the same right to preach according to Catholic. However, this is only my point of view from Catholic, I dont know what other religion or belief said about this :)
@babydolphin (536)
• Australia
1 Feb 07
Sorry I meant to say that Notice God SAYS that ALL OF US have to go and spread his salvation instead before I wrote that Notice God DIDNT SAY.. sorry for the mistake
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Feb 07
*bursts out laughing*
Sorry. This just sounds like one of those classic "Lost within translation" things to me..where people take one or two little lines in a book to twist it to fit their views.
Have you noticed how weird the English language is?
The word "Preach" can be taken two ways, if you look it up in the dictionary..One: To harp and shove your own views down another's throat. Or two: Speaking someplace about your particular religion, helpfully, and politely.
Girls can be kinda nasty and shove their own opinions down another's throats..but guys seem to be more guilty of this as far as I've seen.
But you must remember, the Bible was changed a million times over by scribes, rulers of the times..doctors, all because something threatened them. Sometimes it wasn't even their fault that things were changed! Languages don't always directly translate neatly into eachother you know. Like we may have only TWO words for air..another one could have six!
So, I'd reccomend you do some more digging into the past before you start posting some sexist views on this site. We've plenty of predjudice and hatred going around, you don't need to add some too, alright? I'm not judging you or anything..I'm just saying..and I think the previous posters on here'll agree with me.
Oh, and don't talk to me about judgement. I'm soo tired of people harping about the end of the world..people's souls are their own business..so leave it at that.
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
1 Feb 07
Well is that so ... then why do i see in the television show JOAN The ARC is also trying to give a preach trying to tell the teachings of god ? is it really against the teachings , i not very sure
@hiddenheartin (300)
• India
1 Feb 07
See we r in the days of New Testment we are not under the Law We are under the Grace.. we are christians means a free people free fromour bondage.. dont u think God will keep quite if it wrong for a womon to preach..IN god's sight all are equal. when we are small our mother teaches and our School teachers teaches us.in da same manner we are kids in Gods presense and the woman is a teacher who teaches us the word of God.. so i don't think u r right....
@shinobi (389)
• Philippines
15 Feb 07
Maybe you should read further for there are women who helped St. Paul in Preaching...It's in Romans 16:1 Phebe is a servant in the Church which is at Cenchrea. If you look up at the greek translation, "diakonos" or servant meaning deacon, minister, servant. One thing more, Priscilla and Aquila are both co-workers of St. Paul...Rom 16:3 If you have any questions try this site: www.truthcaster.com
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
I am a Christian following the doctrines or teachings of the Christian religion laid down in the Holy Bible and it is true that women are forbidden to preach in the church and so I do not preach even if I could, and I might even be a better preacher than the men around.
I am an author and a translator of the Word of God from Greek to English and this is my problem. Some say that I should not translate because I am a woman, but some say it's not prohibited because it's just translation and that's not teaching. I have started a topic on this and those who want to participate may pls open my Profile and go to such topic.
1 Feb 07
man woman or child all have the right to preach, who has the right to take that from them, I certainly do not. What do you think women were put on this earth for just to breed children for the males who need then to carry on the race? Equal rights society is what we are supposed to live in here and while I appreciate not all races have this belief the time will come one day when all the women of this earth will stand up and be counted. If were given a talent we should use it, are you saying we shouldnt have female teachers in schools, doctors etc or is it ok for them to treat us when were sick or educate us , and as for going to heaven has anyone come back to earth to tell us they've been there. tc happy posting
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
1 Feb 07
1. What religion are you talking about?
2. Do you even have a clue as to what religion is all about?
3. Did you know that female ministers and preachers draw more of a crowd and are considered more comforting in the time of need?
As far as "when judgement begins", without knowing exaclty what religion you are talking about, that could be tomorrow or ten thousand years from now.
Where is it written that women "should keep quit in church and litsen" (those are your spelling errors, not mine)?
Do some reading and educate yourself. To me it sounds like someone beat you with a stick and forced these backwards thoughts into your head.
@shawn2008 (296)
• United States
1 Feb 07
its all about the politically correct crap. watch i bet we get frowns from all the girls for posting here.i have nothing against a woman preacher... just how they becam preachers...dum pilitics in EVERYTHING!
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
1 Feb 07
Is it right for women to preach? What is wrong about it? Is it biblical? These, and other, questions are asked when the subject of "women preachers" is discussed. Surely these questions are valid and deserve to be answered. Who is qualified to authoritatively answer this very important matter? The answer rests with the One who alone is omniscient, and with Him whose Word shall never pass away. It is He who ordered all things from the beginning, and looked upon them and saw "It was good." It is this One who gave the mandate to "preach the Word," in and out of season, with all authority. Supreme authority is held by the Author, who is God, and the Bible, which is His inspired Word to mankind.
Preaching the Gospel is the public proclamation of the Word and will of God. Throughout the ages God has employed righteous men to tell the "Good News." Early in earth's history, when all flesh was corrupt and violence filled the earth. God commissioned Noah to make known His will to the earth's inhabitants. Later the prophets suffered themselves to be used as mortal instruments to publicly, and privately, reveal heavenly things to their fellowmen. Isaiah, charged by the Lord's fire, responded with the cry, "Here am I, send me." God answered him thus, "Go, and tell" (Isa. 6:7-9). Preaching is God's way to inform the masses of people of blessings upon the righteous, and pending doom upon the ungodly (Isa. 3:10, 11). John the Baptist came preaching, "repent ye; for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" (Matt. 3:2). Heaven's greatest message was committed to men who God used to reveal His will to people who sat in darkness. Prophecies were gloriously fulfilled when Jesus Christ preached the Gospel to the poor, and deliverance to the captives, healed the brokenhearted, recovered the sight of the blind, and set at liberty the bruised ones (Luke 4:17-21). At the conclusion of our Lord's earthly ministry He charged His disciples to, "go — tell all nations. Do it in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Teach them to observe all I have commanded. Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" (Matt. 28:18-20). The Apostle Paul preached by divine appointment (Acts 9:15, I Cor. 9:16). During his missionary journeys he ordained elders in every church (Acts 14:23). Timothy was commanded by Paul to commit that which he had received to other faithful men, who in turn would teach others. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans and impressed them with the fact that salvation is by faith in the Lord Jesus. How shall they call upon the Lord if faith is not present? Faith cometh by hearing. How shall they hear without a preacher? How shall they preach except they be sent? How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things (Rom. 10:13-18). The foregoing observations are made to impress the mind of the reader with God's divinely ordered procedures as executed by His able servants of the past.
We now come to the second division of subject matter relative to the topic under consideration, namely, the God-ordained status of the woman. As noted earlier, God has ordered all things to be done decently and in order, and is. not the author of confusion. Points of order which govern a person's participation in promoting the Lord's Kingdom on earth must also come under this consideration. In this light the disapproval of a woman preaching the Gospel of Christ must be viewed. The Apostle Paul, by the inspiration of God, very clearly declares that a woman should not take the prominent responsibility of preaching the Word, but rather, in subjection and humility fulfil! her obligation to God in sobriety. To properly understand why a woman is forbidden to undertake the profound responsibility of preaching the Word, it is necessary to be acquainted with God's established order of authority, as vested in man and woman, respectively, and how each one should submissively accept and yield to His decrees. The Genesis account of creation firmly reveals God as Supreme Authority, who after each act of creation stated, "It is good." Finally, after the creation of Adam and Eve, He again approved His entire work with this same pronouncement, "It is good." This "good order" sets forth that, "The head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and head of Christ is God" (I Cor. 11:3). Today we confidently believe that this divine order endures, and God's blessings are upon the faithful. To further clarify the foregoing thoughts, the following observations are offered.
Among all the created beasts of the field, and fowls of the air, there was not one creature found who was a help meet for Adam. God took a rib of Adam, and made a woman, who met Adam's need. Eve was not an entity apart from Adam. She was not created of the dust of the ground, as was Adam. Eve subsisted as a created being divinely related to Adam, and made to stand as a help to him. Is it not true that if she had been created from the dust of the ground, that then she would have stood as a person equal to Adam in all respects, and not subject to him in any way? By the same token, it is true that because she was, as Adam said, "Bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh," that this demands subjection to her husband, as well as it is true that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they shall be one flesh. After Adam and Eve transgressed God's Law, in the Garden of Eden, God decreed that Eve's desire would be to her husband, and he should rule over her (Gen. 3:16). The Apostle Paul told the Corinthians that the man is not of the woman; but, the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man (I Cor. 11:8, 9). Other scriptural references are heavily relied on because each one substantiates this divine order as established by virtue of creation (Eph. 5:22-31: I Cor. 11:3; Col. 3:18).
The conclusion of this matter stands on the pedestal of God's order as briefly outlined in the foregoing words. It must be concluded that the preaching of the Gospel of Christ is divinely ordered, and must be faithfully accepted, and engaged in, by those who are called of God, and sanctioned by the Church of God, which is the Body of Christ. No one must dare to appoint himself to this responsible work. How is it consistent that the foot of the body would act independently of the head and other body members? Order? No! Confusion! Christ the Head: the Church the Body, Christians, the members of the Body. God the Father of all, who is above all (Eph. 4:1-16). The Apostle Paul's Epistles to Timothy and Titus very specifically set forth the spiritual qualifications of these men (not women) who are called to minister the Eternal Word of Tmth (1 Tim. 3:1-15; Titus 1:5-9).
The preaching of the Word involves more than only proclaiming to the public the Word of the Lord. The faithful minister of the Word must be a shepherd and pastor to the flock of God. He is willing to take the oversight thereof (I Peter 5:2). This will require counseling in different matters. At the proper time authoritative rebuke will be in order (.II Tim. 4:2,). Official functions such as administering baptism, officiating marriages, etc., are in the realm of the minister's work. In the face of this highly responsible calling, is it meet to suppose that women ought to engage in this work which carries such heavy demands and responsibilities? Rather, it is reasonable to understand that God would require that such heavy responsibility must be undertaken by men, who are held accountable to God to charitably assume their God-given role as head of the woman.
The Apostle Paul's order which forbids the preaching of the Gospel of Christ by a woman stands consistently against the background of the role that God has ordained for women. The Holy Word of God again and again reveals that this order was observed effectively. Many examples are seen of how godly women of old lived in subjection to their husbands and were blessed of God (I Peter 3:1-12).
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Women have just as much a right to preach as men do the bible does not say women have to sit and be quiet unless given permission to speak that is not right.The bible is written by man mostly.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Oh please. I'm sick and tired of people using the bible, which was rewritten over and over and over again by man, so women would not speak up in church, so women would keep quiet in all public affairs, against women. Women have every right to preach, just like they have every right to to work high level corporate jobs, and choose to work while the husband stays home. Woman can do anything, the bible is just rubbish.
@whizkids (1)
• United States
1 Feb 07
You know... I think that it's ok for a woman to preach. It is in the Bible tho, that a woman is supposed to submit to a man, and a man is supposed to submit to God. I don't necessarily think that it's wrong for a woman to preach. I think it's acceptable because when you look at Christianity as a whole, the whole purpose of the New Testament teachings is to get out and spread the word to the lost. If a woman is doing that, then she is doing God's work, correct? So, what could be wrong about that?