Have you ever got the sack from a job?
By Evacuee
@Evacuee (1147)
January 31, 2007 5:01am CST
Have you ever had the sack?
Did you like the job at the time?
I will not embarrass you by asking why you got the sack unless you want to tell us.
I have never had the sack in 45 years of work and I worked for many companies. Perhaps I was lucky.
Jobs when I was working were easier to find I think, to what they are today and they call it redundancy now.
So how did you get on?
Was it a good thing that you left that company?
Did you find that you were better off eventually or did you get bitter about it?
Lets have your opinion.
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39 responses
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
31 Jan 07
I have never been fired. But I have been laid off. The insurance company that I was working for packed up and moved back to Texas. I was able to find another job working for another insurance company. Nobody likes losing their jobs no matter what the reason was. The older you get, the harder it is to find work. Not everyone likes retail and that is about all that is left after you hit 50.
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@Evacuee (1147)
31 Jan 07
I'm glad you got suited with another job Spiritwolf. Theres nothing like being unemployed I can well imagine but I have never been there.
As you say the retail trade like B&Q and Tesco have a fair amount of older people working on the tills etc.
(PS...I love the photos of the Huskies in your profile. My niece has an Akita, a similar dog I believe. A beautiful animal and so friendly.)
Thanks for posting.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
I was sacked on my second job, a cashier in a small textile shop located close to fruit market so it always smells bad there. It was run by a family and they were always there picking on the employees, saying they smell bad, too short or too fat, lazy or stupid. I can tolerate lazy and stupid because we really have to stay on top of things at work and keep up to date, but other comments really upset me. They commented on my footwear (shoes with socks) and once the boss wanted me to massage her neck while I have to do my job. So one day I made a mistake and they used it to sack me. I don't mind, since I got the severance pay enough to find another job. A coworker left the company too and she told me that they need four people to do what she and I used to do yet they never finished daily reports.
I guess tall people wearing perfumes don't fit in that kind of shop settings anyway..

@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
I had 8 jobs so far and now I have my own business.
Out of these 8 jobs, that job at the shop paid the least. I wonder why I bothered applying there in the first place LOL
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
thanks for wishing me luck. enjoy your retirement
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
31 Jan 07
My girlfriend and I thought it would be so much fun to work at the ice cream shop in town when we were 15.
We thought that we could meet boys and flirt etc. Well to our suprize a new health regulation required that we wear a very heavy very ugly hair net with a little white hat. NOT the fashion statement that we wanted to make.
Too embarassed, naive, and vain to wear out hairnets and little caps that we got caught without them and we were fired. Oh Vanity!!!!
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
31 Jan 07
No, I've never got "the sack", but the last job I had the computer got stolen and they said they were not getting another one so they told me don't bother to come in. I've worked since the day I left school and I have always been asked to come and work for the person, but the last 2 years i can even get an interview. I think because I have not got a "certificate" of any kind. Which I dont think I need a piece of paper to tell me what I can do and that I'm a bloody hard worker
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@Evacuee (1147)
31 Jan 07
Well I agree with you Calais and it was a bit rough of that company just to tell you 'not to come back', After all it wasn't your fault a computer was missing so you should not have to bear the brunt. They should get better security.
I know you said that you do not need a piece of paper to tell you you're good at what you do but really how about taking a computer course or something similar and prove to THEM you are as good as you are? After all most companies ask for a CV to back up your talents.
Just a suggestion....thanks for posting.

@jlmcknit (92)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Yes, I have been. I have Psoriasis and was terminated due to it. Of course the paperwork says I was let go during my probation period, but the only thing that everyone complained about was the shedding of my skin all over. I was assigned a chair to sit in, paper was put all over the floor around my desk. I also had to wait until I left the building for lunch to go to the restroom. All of this was done to me after I brought them a note from a physician advising that Psoriasis is not contagious. I even got a letter of recommendation during my 3 month probation from a lady that I help during that time, so you can see that it was not my job performance that caused them to let me go.
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@joey_matthews (8354)
31 Jan 07
I've never been sacked.
I have however been let go unfairly due to the hotel i worked at was "meant" to be closing down. instead the "male" manager took on more "female" waitress.
Mmm.. i still find ^ that annoying.
Oh well..
@joey_matthews (8354)
1 Feb 07
Nah not really.
They took on horrible people. ones who couldn't do the job and i mean i meanly did all the work while they chatted each other up. silly place =)
Lol.. anyways i have a wife! =)
P.s thanks
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
1 Feb 07
No i can honestly say i have never been sacked i resigned my first job of seven years nursing when i married then a bus driver until i sold my buisness,and the current ones a house wife/mother i could always quit but then life would be boring and i`m my own boss with my childcare so no no sackings for me
@rakinitin (685)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
Yes, last year. I was Assistant Manager for a new store in town and was fired with no reason 2 days before my benefits were to take affect. Their loss not mine. The store has struggled in many ways since my dismissal but not me. I have gone on to prosper and excel in all areas of my life while their world has not changed. I come out the winner.
@raj_74 (48)
• India
1 Feb 07
to be frank i got sacked from my first job, it was like i was working as a marketing manager. with hard work and numbers to prove my efficiency i had secured the job. a few months later the management got an another guy experienced perhaps, who perhaps had the subject knowledge but not the practical working knowledge of it. we were working in coordination.
in a discussion we both had privately he asked me if i had any knowledge of good openings anywhere else, to which i replied yes and that i too was looking for greener pastures.
this topic of me planning to leave out got carried immediately to the top management and in a week or so, i was sacked along with my support team.
it went on that the guy who carried the message too was fired in the coming months for incompitence.
it was frustrating and sad as i had given everything and that i had not even thought of any alternatives.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I got fired after 10 years of working at this particular job. They also told me not to apply for unemployment money as they would disapprove it. That made me mad so I complained to the company headquarters where I new quite a few of the directors. The whole situation was investigated with one of the "big boys" personally flying down to check it out. They found that I had not done anything wrong and I was offered my job back. I declined I had no wish to work for a company who could unjustly fire someone. They did tell me it was from jealousy and the person involved had been reprimanded but they did give me a great letter of recommendation.
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@Evacuee (1147)
1 Feb 07
Well I think you are well shot of them 'Whiteheather' it would have been to no advantage for you to stay on because you might have been looked upon as a trouble maker even though you were only looking up for your rights.
Sorry about the letter of recommendation but I feel sure you got over that.
Thanks for your input.
@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I have never been fired but I have had the unfortunate luck of working for companies that seem to shut down completely.
It's rather embarrassing when I fill in an application and have to state that almost all of my previous employers are no longer in business. Kinda makes it hard to prove I once worked there.
I have also walked out on one job and quit a few because they were horrible to work for.
My last job I was laid off from because they got new owners and downsized. I was the low girl on the list and got laid off along with 35 other people. That was hard because I really enjoyed that job and thought I would be there forever.
I do believe everything happens for a reason and that has helped me stay positive. I'm not a stay-at-home mom and I love it. My son is a little older now and doesn't really need me as much but I like being here when he does or if he needs a ride or for me to pick him up from school. I do not want to go back to work for someone else again. I plan to find a way to stay home this year and by next year, make it happen.
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@Evacuee (1147)
31 Jan 07
Hi Heaven
I have know people who got laid off owing to the fact that the company had been taken over. Sad really but if you are last on I suppose you expect to be first off!
I feel sure you will find a way to work for yourself at home one day.
Keep smiling.
back stabbers
change to succeed
cleaning cars
family life
getting put off
golden handshake
happy days
hard worker
industrial injury
job suitable
laid off
lay offs
little acorns
sack no job
sack older generation
sack umemployed
take over
@cowboys33 (421)
• Australia
1 Feb 07
i cant get sacked from my work because the boss said to me wash my car and my wifes car and i said alright. after i cleaned it, the 2 cars i cleaned were scratched all over because the thing i used to clean it was a scourer. didnt no y i was fired
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@angelkisses29 (3)
• Australia
1 Feb 07
i regrettably was sacked last week due to the drought up here. I along with 39 other people were sacked by a company that was apparently facing hardship, when infact they make 74million per year.
i was on workcover at hte time so i am now still getting apid but not by the employer. My workcover agency is infact paying me each week.
I was heartbroken to hear thati had been sacked and i absolutely loved my job. Im finding it a bit hard to cope at the moment but as they say there's always hope
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@Evacuee (1147)
1 Feb 07
I wish you well 'angelkisses'.
We have been hearing of the drought in your part of the world on our TV and it must be hard. But look up, be as cheerful as possible and I feel sure that things will come together again.
That 74million they have they are saving for when one of the directors retire or leave so they can be paid a 5 or 10 million quid golden handshake!
Good luck....
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Well, over the yrs. I have had the pleasure to work a lot of different jobs. Some of them have been a pleasure to work for, while others served their purpose for the time being. A few of these companies actually I would not recommend to anyone to ever consider working for them, but I know someone has got to do it. I just think some of them need to be a little more Open when accepting someone with a Health issue.
I have worked for Burger King on and off for many yrs. Some of the experiences are Very positive, and others it is just that some of the Bosses were ill prepared, and let their position go to their heads, where I ended up leaving them. I feel they are a Good Company, just depends on who the person in charge is.
But I did get let go from 2 jobs within a 3 month time frame. The first one was working for Circle K. I was robbed, and I would have filed for Crime Victims, etc. but then they let me go for saying I had too much $$ in my drawer, so I never took time to fight it. That was only a yr. ago this last November. And then last February I was let go from a job I only had for 7 weeks working for Fry's Electronics as a Cashier. It was due to Health issues with me being Insulin Diabetic, and they felt I could not do the job at hand. I was a little distraught with this one, and feel they need to learn to work with people with Health issues more.
Well, I now have a wonderful job I really enjoy that I have had for almost 7 months now as a Dispatcher for a Cab Company and I help dispatch Cabs to people. It is a Fun rewarding job, and I like the people I work with. So for me, this was a God send.
@Evacuee (1147)
31 Jan 07
Firstly KrauseHome I loved the music on your profile. I had to listen to it all the way through!
I think here in the UK we probably have a more tolerant view to health issues in the workplace and I do not see any reason for you being fired for yours.
And as I've said in a previous reply to this thread...as one door closes another door opens so Im glad this worked in your case.
Good luck...
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I have never got the sack from a job and hopefully never will since I like my job very much. I almost lost a job at a bank years ago as I left that company and went to another one. Shortly after I left the one company, they started laying people off or forcing them to move to another state and work at their offices there. I left just in time otherwise I would have lost a job.
@cplpacesgirl (754)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I've never been fired but I have quit many jobs. I had trouble keeping jobs when I was in high school. Mostly I had scheduling problems because I was in so many extra curricular activities. I should have tried to stick with the jobs, but I didn't. I actually just quit another job last week. I'd been working there for a year and they started to screw me over. I found another job willing to give me better hours and better pay, so I moved jobs. It was the best choice for me.
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@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I had fun being fired. I was supposed to be promoted to overnight supervisor but instead a new GUY with no experience came in to run the show. I was upset because the NEW guy was rude an obnoxious. When I approached the store manager about this man's attitude, I was told I needed to accept that the NEW guy was in charge. Which, I did, but was fired for insubordination. The NEW guy had no clue what he was doing but since he was in charge, I had to do what he said. LMAO My boss was so annoyed he fired me. My overnight crew gave the NEW guy a really hard time and filed an official complaint with the corporate office But it gets better the NEW guy quit the day after I was fired. My boss called me the next day and wanted to know why I had not shown up for work, he was upset and said I misunderstood him. . I politely told him, maybe you misunderstood me. You can KMA!
@babydolphin (536)
• Australia
1 Feb 07
Hm not exactly been a sack in my cases. I was working on a contract for three months, and when the contract ends, they did not extend it or make me a permanent, while I know the job that Im doing is still available. So technically it wasnt a sack because its in the contract, but I feel as if Ive been sacked and the company dont want me anymore. But I think it is a good thing that I left, because now Ive found a better job and better possibilities of making it into permanency. :)