Is the war on Iraq Justified
By Booker_t79
@Booker_t79 (200)
United States
January 31, 2007 1:44pm CST
we invaded IRAQ to overthrow saddam and find and destroy the weapons of mass destruction (which by way we havent found yet in more than 3 years). Was it the right move logically not patriotically? Isnt it true that we are only after the resources that country has to offer and that is OIL. Is it right to send children who are aging between 18 and 25 into war which is not at all justifiable? why arent any son of all the politician and senators etc are joining the army? or do they think that only people with less privilidges should join army and then die for no reason?
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52 responses
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
1 Feb 07
This is a hard question for me to answer. My husband is a Marine and he is currently in Iraq. Is this war justified? I don't think it's a clear Yes or No answer. But I do know that we have to end what we started. It would be wrong to completely pull out all the troops now as the country is still in disarray. My husband joined the Marines by choice. He's very proud to be a Marine. It's hard for him to be apart from his loved ones like this but this was a sacrifice he had to make.
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@tgibson (29)
• United States
1 Feb 07
My prayers are with you and your husband. You don't know how much I admire you both. I am so grateful to all the soldiers and their families who are sacrificing for our freedom. Our nation is a great nation because of all of those who have been willing to make such sacrifices in our history. Your husband is part of that great legacy. God bless you both. And thanks.
@Irishchick22 (270)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I definetly think the war is justified, and we are not sending children over there to fight, believe me i think it's horrible and sad when i hear about a 18 year old getting killed but no one made them join the military and when they did join they knew what they were getting into and they know war is always a possibilty.
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@rick615 (413)
• United States
1 Feb 07
My dear Poomba,
Your question is full of inaccurate assumptions, so it is a bit hard to answer. The decision to go in was flawed, at best, but in truth, it was justified. What is not justified is that the UN let Saddam break a treaty he signed on 17 occasions with no reprocussions. The US had a right to go in after the first transgression.
The problem comes from the fact that Mr. Bush has misshandled the initial invasion and nearly every major step along the way. He had lots of help from his advisors, but the responsibility is his. This was not a war for oil as you say, that is just a smokescreen for the uninformed. I do believe it does have to do with strategic positioning and that has more to do with a base of operations to move against Iran and/or defend Israel. Let the country and world debate the oil issue; there is a deeper agenda in place.
As far as the army, as someone else pointed out, we have a volunteer army. It is not just 18 - 25 y/o's going and those that do, signed up for the job. They are true patriots. And there are several senators and congressmen with sons in the war. Stop making statements that are factually incorrect.
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@minerc (1373)
• United States
31 Jan 07
The War on Iraq, first off How many more people in America have to die with planes before someone can see if it is Justified or not, the reason for this war wasn't just to overthrow Saddam, destroy the weapons of mass destruction, It is a war on terrorism, you know the people who come over and hijack our planes and use them to kill us. We still get these threats why would it be over. The Soldiers that are over there are of all ages, and Thank God for them, they are defending our Country, while we sit over here and wonder if it is Justified. There are so many terrorist if they could get there hands on the weapons would destroy us, when this happens are we going to be asking the question Why did bush allow this to happen to us? or We have military Why weren't they sent over to the terrorist to Destroy them first?

@minerc (1373)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I am Sorry for the children that die because of this, but honestly we arent the ones who started this war, I have heard Iraq children go up to our soldiers and have bombs on them and kill our soldiers, along with pregnant women. It is what happens in war, Don't blame America, blame the terrorist in the country's, if they would do something about them then America wouldnt have to.
@kolkatarc (92)
• India
1 Feb 07
who is the terrorist???
it is the US who created the Taliban, attacked free and indpendent countries all over the world, was responsible for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killed countless men, women, childrenin their so called war to protect "Democracy" and is solely responsible for global warming and environmental degradation. The US had no business being in Iraq! Are the the policemen?
@vinod_sailes (214)
• India
1 Feb 07
kolkatarc ! Sitting in the comfort of a safehouse in Kolkata, it is easy for anyone to pose qustions as you did "Bush vs. Laden" - who is the terrorist ?
May be you got some brainwaves on Hiroshima etc, the Taliban and what not, merely to connote on the present situation that the terrorists have brought the world in to.
Your assessment of the world affairs by merely spilling facts that have become history most haphzardly withsout a closely monitored analysis of the chain of events is quite characteristic of people going by the media coverage and making a bonfire of it for gossip during leisure hours.
Your vague denunciation of US action on the plea that it was motivated with an eye on the oil resources, could come in for severe criticism mostly due to the fact that, had the US action ever been deliberately done for getting hold over the oil resources, then they could have kept the whole of Kuwait, after it was vacated of the invaders under orders of Saddam. As such, your contention that US has been after the oil is without any base or reason.
Regarding your allegation of inducting children of the age of 18-25 years on the warfront, which age do you suggest for recruitment for military action - at a ripe old age of 50 to 60 years ?
Regarding your equating the American President with Ladan, it is too light-headed a reasoning as you are mistakenly under the impression that the terrorist network is breaking the backbone of the world powers. On the contrary, it is due to the stiff resistance by Bush Administration's intense propaganda and the result of the thrust by US and allied soldiers (even those who have laid down their lives for the world) that the terrorists are kept at bay as of now, else they could have menacingly got even the very nuclear tags in their hands. When a handful of terrorists could have enacted a hijack attempt on IC 814 and taken the plane to Afghanistan (to finally get their demands acceded to by Indian BJP government) could not the terrorists' network have not worked out a better naivete to threaten the world with a nuclear catastrophe ? Well, you seem to depend on mere conjuctions !
You got the above words of yours to chew after the entire situation has become history. Had you known all this earlier, could you not have warned the world and the powers that are doing the work out before they embarked on a massive scale to wipe out terrorism ?

@ox3100 (8)
• United States
1 Feb 07
The war on Iraq, Well hey lets look at thing logically. 1 we gave them an utimatume and told them i fthey dont do this then we will do this on this date. So we told them we were comming after them so they had time to move all the wmd to were ever they wanted to. 2 most of the counteries against the war were against it because they were illegaly trading with them. one of the first casualties of the war was a tank taken out by a Frenche missile developed after the embargos were set up. Guess that explains fances opjections. 3 the UN atomic committe said he had them. 4 they found around 500 lb of Mustard gass artillry shells. but they cant be fired form the weapin they were disigned for because they were dammaged but all you need is a blasting cap to breach the out side of the gas container and the next mile to mile and ahalf is goint to be covered it gas. 5 weather you think we sould be there or not is regardless we are there the question is now should we leave the job undone and let everything we have fought for be invane or do we stay and win. 6 the kids of politicians arent in the military because they chose not to. just like the people who are in it chose to be in it. these people are not dumb or less prilidged they know perfectly well the risks involved.
@hellboi (661)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
it is not justifiable, the primary reason they launched this military campaign is to destroy the alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMD) hidden in Iraqi sites mapped out by US satellites. until now, the US cannot show the world how extensive these WMD that they alleged Iraq has. so they hanged Saddam in an effort to divert the issue that the Iraqi people were jubilant that they are freed. well i think what the Iraqis really want is for the US to leave their land for good.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
1 Feb 07
The US did not hang Saddam. The Iraqi people did. They are the ones who tried him and then hanged him. The US did not have anything to do with he trial and sentencing. The man was found guilty by his people for the heinious crimes he commited.
@aniket2007 (120)
• India
1 Feb 07
Yes, it can be justified. We are trying to get rid of people who feel it is right to blow up civilians who are not the ones making decisions that they might disagree with. These are the same people that blow up college students sitting in cafes in Israel. If these people targeted military only, it would be a bit different, but they don't. I think GWB is doing the right thing by staying the course and trying everything he can to finish the job. I feel bad that we are losing soldiers, but unfortunately it happens.
@lovely0583 (57)
• United States
1 Feb 07
before the war to iraq is really justied but now, it's just a political and a some what economical thing. Some people in high power have some agenda behind the wars in Iraq, possibly to have control on the Oil Industry in that country.
@vinod_sailes (214)
• India
1 Feb 07
Your notion of oil-eye will get cleared if you read my reply at above.
@dbeast (1495)
• India
1 Feb 07
i totally agree with you.the war is not justified at all.inspite of all the protests why did they have to go into many innocent children were killed?how many young soldiers whose wives and children are hopefully waiting for them to return might just turn into a dream to see their loved one?when we think of it and the pain and suffering that the young soldiers have and are going through it angers me so much.why should they suffer in the first place?and what is still oging to happen?there hasnt been a solution as yet.the president wants to send it 20,000 more troops.i think this is insane and i am against it and i am sure most of you are.but there is nothing we can do about it,we are just specators of this lunacy by a few persons drunk with power.
@vinod_sailes (214)
• India
1 Feb 07
I have replied to your dilemma at above. Anyway, regarding escalation of war, my topic will soon hit the web under "Can de-escalation of war warrant peace in Iraq ?".
Otherwise, the issues have been cleared at
@tgibson (29)
• United States
1 Feb 07
The war was justified. The actual justification for war was not just wmd as many think - it was a list of reasons which included overthrow Sadam because he continued to violate many sanctions imposed after the Gulf War, correct human rights violations, wmd, and more. These justifications are what led members of Congress (republicans and democrats alike) to vote to go to war. To say that the Bush administration misled us is wrong and absurd because there is no such evidence. To disapprove of how we have handled the war - now that's a different story.
@vinod_sailes (214)
• India
1 Feb 07
Precisely so. War against terrorism could hav ended with the ouster of Taliban from Afghanistan and had Saddam cooperated in wiping out terrorism.
At the time of war in Afghanistan, the world was truly divided with Islamic nations more on the fence, due to which the airlifting of soldiers an Taliban took place, in the process Ladan and Omar got the chance to escape. Otherwise, had tight leash been maintained over Taliban's airlifting across to other places (Pakistan?), we are not really sure as to which all nations helped Taliban escape bullets, the terrorists could have been at the receiving end today and war itself could have ended.
Regarding Saddam, had he cooperated with US, there would have been no doubt about WMDs and the war could have been avoided. In which case, the present rogue Iran could have been made to drink US soup. Due to the recklessness and haughty attitude of Saddam (RIP), US had to ally forces against him and oust him as well, in the process letting Iran make hay under the terrorists sun.
@simran2095 (148)
• India
1 Feb 07
According to me the war on iraq was an inhuman act done by USA. George bush says that Osama Bin Laden is deadly terriorist but according to me George bush is more dangerous than Laden. He destroyed Afgansitan then Iraq for his own selfish reasons & now the next in the line is Korea & Iran.
I want to say one thing that please for god's sake stop all this bullshit. The entire world knows that why America is doing all this. They envaded Iraq for OIL but they try to hide this fact by saying that Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction.
In nutshell, I want to say that Iraq war was an injustified, inhuman act done by USA & his allies.
@merkava (1225)
• Philippines
1 Feb 07
It's just pure mis-use of power. The president was very good at manipulating the public... he's telling us it's not their fault and points the most convenient person to blame. Iraq is a sovereign nation. No one needed to meddle in their affairs though harsh their laws may seem. Now, if it's confirmed that they took part on the terrorists attacks and really had WOMD then the international community had to take action. Unfortunately, every intel which was given to the public were lies, you can even ask the soldiers there in the front who are fighting the "terrorists" and "oppressors" of Iraq and the US soldiers will tell you first hand it wasn't worth it. Nothing was found. It was a waste of resources, time and lives. But I think the govt was after the natural resources.
@cfrdjlilbrat (248)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Whether you support the war or not, regardless of your political ideals, support your military. They are there for you, are you there for them?
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
1 Feb 07
At this point right now to me it Im sick and tired of it and I think and I hope they will bring our men home and out of that god forsaken place.
@ashwinee77 (784)
• India
1 Feb 07
I think this war is not justified becouse it is only signle sided war.
@randyequal (439)
• China
1 Feb 07
I have the same thoughts with you that we shouldn't invade Iraq. Although our army found and destroy the destructive weapons in Iraq. Also, we brought lots destruction to Iraq because of war...
@kkmahesh (2)
• India
1 Feb 07
It is the return of imperialism and western hegemony in general and the desire to dominate the world by USA and some of its perverted leaders like George Bush that is principally responsible for the carnage in Iraq and the world at large should condemn such unilateral actions in the strongest possible terms and see to it that in future such crime against humanity is not repeated
@akshaybhasin88 (95)
• India
1 Feb 07
i personally feel that the war on iraq by the us is not at all fair.its just a powerful man's greed which has done so much loss to iraq.i feel its all being done to take over the oil reserves of iraq