If humans evolved from monkey's
By jinuxnet
@jinuxnet (675)
10 responses
@Xeedar (255)
• Italy
2 Feb 07
I'll try to explain in short words.
We didn't evolve from monkeys and apes as we know them now.
Simply, we had common ancestors.
Primates started evolving from "Purgatorius Jainei" a little insectivore mammal, just after the extinction of dinosaurs.
In million years, from Purgatorius a lot of different species were born, everyone of these has fallen a different evolution scale, different speciations. Those speciations, in the time have brought to mankind, to chimpanzees, orangs, etc...
@g_aileen09 (1354)
• Philippines
3 Feb 07
Good argument my friend. Actually, I don't want to convince the topic starter or even myself that we really came from monkeys. I have only responded to a thought arising from the imaginative mind of our fellow here. What I have posted in my response is only a rationalization on the non-extinction of apes if indeed it was true that human species came from them. Who would want monkeys to be their ancestors anyway? ... :)
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@dareformore (794)
• Pakistan
1 Feb 07
Humans are not evolced from monkey they are humans from the start and they will remain till the end.If this is not true than Monkeys should nor be here and humans must have taken another form.Don't u think?
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
15 Feb 07
From my understanding... if we did evolve from the ape... it was a specific specie of apes which evolved into humans. No relation to the remaining apes on Earth.
Even so... I am not fully convince that we did indeed evolve from apes... but anyone who has seen drawings of the early men... would have to accept that they do look like half ape... half human.
And yes... I agree with you... those drawings don't mean anything as they have been draw by modern man. But we have recovered many bones of those early cave men to give us a fairly good idea of what they looked like.

@Xeedar (255)
• Italy
16 Feb 07
The real Nebraska Man fact...guess from which website?
And about Ota Benga...it is just a little part of the story of the cruelty of modern men, treating as exhibition things what they feel "strange"...
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@Xeedar (255)
• Italy
16 Feb 07
Always with those things on Nebraska man....and we always have to tell the same things about it.
Nebraska man was an error, and as soon as his discoverer noticed of the error, he excused and clarified everyithing about it.
The "famous" painting you creationists always talk about, was just a picture made by an illustrator, based on his immagination of the nebraska man, nothing related with science, just concept art.
But you all always use it to attack evolution theory...poor bases to attack it, isn't it?
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@ag_abscruzmd (2283)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Hi! From what I know, some species have stayed where they were regionally (usually the colder areas), and some have moved on to other places. The ones that have moved on became adapted to their new place (usually with a hotter climate). They changed accordingly, or have adapted (e.g. lost some of their body hairs). In time, they changed and looked different from where they have evolved from. Thus, the species has changed but has the same genus/class.
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
16 Feb 07
I can remember this from my school days but I may not be quite correct. A butterfly called "Biston Batularia" has a colour that could easily camouflage them in their environment. They did not have the ability to change colours like some lizards.
But in one area a coal plant was opened and the environment turned black with soot. Strangely after some generations the butterflies acquired a blackish colour and could camouflage themselves. They became a new species called "Biston Batularia Carbularia".
So the earlier species did not vanish. But a new species was born. This is how evolution worked for billions of years.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Well if you look around closely you will see not all of us evolved all that much. So it stands to reason that some would not evolve at all. *smile*
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@bosing143c (564)
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
that simply means that evolution is a hoax... a theory that cannot hold water and the words of the Great Intelligent Designer is a solid evidence when He said, "let us make man in our own likeness and image..."