i need some advice
By godsangel
@godsangel (105)
United States
February 1, 2007 9:59am CST
well let me give you a bit of background first i am 46 years old 6 months preg with quads. i finally had to stop working at the home care service. my hubby just found out he has fibromyalgia so he had to go on disabilty. so needless to say things are very tight. i found a house cleaning job to do and i went and did it. it took me 2 days to clean this house but when i got done i was only gonna charge her for a day and a half cause i am a bit slow nowadays. she had a fit and said i should had done it in a day omg this house was a mess but anyway she only paid me for 1 day ok i didnt fight i just left i deposited her check and it bounced. by this time i am really pissed i called and screamed at her and she said i was wrong!! now she wont pay me at all so tell me am i wrong? what should i do?
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26 responses
@dancinthrulife (75)
• United States
1 Feb 07
First of all, if you are 6 months pregnant with quads, you are an extremely high risk pregnancy and shouldn't be cleaning houses. Fibromyalgia is a treatable condition, there are medications and therapy available, you're husband needs to get some treatment. And with or without treatment, there are lots of jobs you can do perfectly well with fibromyalgia, my best friend, mom and SIL all suffer from it and all are gainfully employed.
When you are in business, you need to tell people up front how much your services are going to cost. Most housecleaners charge a flat rate, I personally would never pay hourly for that, that would just encourage them to work slowly in my opinion. Screaming at her is very unprofessional, and a sure way to never see a penny. If you had called her and nicely explained the check bounced, you may have had better luck. In the future, for this or any other work you do, have a cash only policy, checks are just asking for trouble. Also, give an accurate quote for your work up front and avoid screaming at clients.
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@bonbon50 (659)
• United States
1 Feb 07
There is very little effective treatment for fibromyalgia, as doctors are still not even sure that the disease can be contributed to. A person can experience more symptoms than others, at more extremes. I know, because I have it. On my worst days, which will run for months at a time, I can sit crying because I need to go to the store for milk and just getting dressed, in and out of the car, and carrying a gallon of milk can be daunting and painful! I can't get out of bed or a chair unless I can push, pull or hoist myself somehow, and even that is with pain and difficulty. (I am 49.)
Since the word 'fibromyalgia' was first used to describe a condition in 1980, many doctors are still not sure what tests to run to even diagnosis it properly. Therefore, many people who have been deemed to have fibromyalsia often suffer more from arthritis and the like. People who suffer depression are also falsly diagnosed with fibromyalgia. So, I would suspect your best friend and mother were either misdiagnosed or don't have it to the extreme.
@hopeandgrace427 (173)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Very good advice dancinthrulife! Even though the woman was wrong for giving her a bounced check, your response also let her know that she had a part in her demise. Hopefully she will learn from what she did. Yelling at people gets you no where. And her husband should be out there looking for a job. Her situtation with quads is more of a reason to stay at home than his condition. My advice would be to sue her and take her to court.
@bonbon50 (659)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Unbelievably ignorant; fibromyalsia is very disabling. Are you a doctor? What makes you qualified to tell someone to 'get a job'? This woman is expecting quads, money is tight and she got ripped off and you don't think YOU would be upset enough to yell at someone who screwed you over? Let me guess, your life experience is something like this: 16 years old, living at home, never worked, doesn't do chores around the house, can't even name two symptoms of fibromyalsia.....

@ohioblondie24 (371)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Well definately dont work for her anymore, she sounds like a hateful person. I am not sure what you could do about it though, other than suing her. Find something else, someone who will actually pay you for your work.
@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
1 Feb 07
You should not be on your feet cleaning at all. You ARE a high risk pregnancy on top of a high risk pregnncy! Seriously youre doctor should have put you on bed rest by now. And if that woman thinks you can clean a house in 1 day being pregnant 4 times over at once, she is out of her mind
@xXmeganxX (4420)
1 Feb 07
hi there you should go and seek legal help about this! do you mean the cheque bounced as in came back fake or it wouldn't cash in? maybe go to the citizens advice bureau and they will advise and try to help you on what to do next!
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@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
2 Feb 07
First of all, maybe it wasn't a good idea to scream at her. You have her check, don't you have an option to keep on trying to cash it? She'll end up with the fees won't she? Can't you report her to the cops? I'm so sorry everything seems to be bad for you right now, I am sure things can only get better. Find out if there are any help you can get since you will be having quads.
@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
2 Feb 07
You should just try to get a job cashiering or answering phones. I wish you luck!
@mnksmommy (301)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I would take her check directly to the prosecuting attorney--if your state has a hot check law. I gotta say that I would hound her just like a debt collector. You earned that money and she needs to fork it over. It is really sad that people out there take advantage of others this way. I am sorry this happened to you.
@anup12 (4177)
• India
2 Feb 07
I think you are taking up a big risk by accepting jobs like that in the first palce.You should know that being pregnant 6 months you are risking yourself and your child and you should not work for her anymore that's it.Try to find a legal advice from some good person.
@fiyahcreation (2140)
• United States
2 Feb 07
It's so sad that mothers hae to deal with this, I think there should be more mothers' rights
@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
Just a quick little bit of advice for you when the babies come. I know it is kinda off topic..but speaking of money being tight...you may just be happy to hear this. If you call Pampers, Huggies and such (do a internet seach for parents of multiples) they will provide you with a ton of really great free stuff for the babbies. Most times you just have to show proof of birth. My friend had twins and Pampers shipped her 4 BIG boxes of Newborn Diapers and wipes and such... Same goes for other companies as well. Hope this helps! I also hope that everything is ok with your husband! Hang in there :D
@not4me (1711)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Well, first - it's standard that a house-cleaning job gets done in less than a day. If you thought it would have taken longer you should have been up front about it. We have cleaners come in once a week and I would fire them if it took too long, so she is right in that regard. If you can't handle a job then don't do it or expect troubles like this.
Regarding the bounced check, it sounds like you need to take her to small claims court. Regardless of how long it took you you should still have been paid unless she signed a contract saying you will take so many hours to complete the job.
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
2 Feb 07
You most definitely need to demand to be paid for the full time you worked. That is BS. You need the money. It's not like you are sitting in luxury. Demand your money. Good luck!
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
1 Feb 07
First of all Congratulations on quads at 46 Well Done I hope all goes well for you all :)
With you Cleaning question I think you shouldn't have called and yelled at her that would have just made the situation worse but in your condition I can understand why you would have... Do you work through a company? if so maybe get them to contact her... Otherwise speak to her Nicely about the situation and work something out...
And Lastly I don't think it is very adviseable that you are even working at this stage in pregnancy with quads you are putting yourself and babies in jeppardy, Go and speak to somebody who may be able to help you out finacially or social services or something. What are you going to do once you have the babies? you will need help!
I wish you the Best of Luck with Everything :)
@dragontester (570)
• Switzerland
1 Feb 07
She sounds to be a very rude and impolite person. Dont work for her anymore. And from now on make sure you cross check for whom you work and what is their behavior.
@oldtime_cowboy (5)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Take the check and the insufficent funds letter from the bank and go straight to the DA's office and file it. Because if she does it to you she will do it to others or has already. You did the women a good job , treated her fairly on the price , then she screws you by only paying 1 day, then to top it off the check is bad. No mercy is called for here.
@eddypranata (59)
• Indonesia
1 Feb 07
all of you do , you was get work from people not your family , if she said you was wrong , you are wrong at this time.. and at this time , she can judge you everything she think she is right.. so.. work with someone isn't the way to get success way.. u must have an idea to build your own work , don't be afraid about your life..
@shawn2008 (296)
• United States
1 Feb 07
well thats easy! take her to coart! from what you say here you will totally win. she sounds like a real "female dog" too. i feel bad for ya .
@Lush_heidi (994)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Big Hugs to you and I am so sorry your going thru this. Never work for this lady again. I suggest maybe typing up a contract to be signed before the work, in that they agree to the fee you state, and that if the chck bounces they are to pay NSF fees and legal fess if any. That way you have a paper trail that can stand up in court, and you can make your own contracts~!Let me know if I can help you in anyway!
Thats so sad she took advantage of you!More gentle Hugs!