What do you do to stay awake?

February 1, 2007 7:19pm CST
As a student, I tend to do a lot of my studying after midnight, desperately trying to finish essays or learn things for tests. Since I live in student housing, I can't play loud music or have the radio on full at this time. Unfortunately, this leaves me with a problem - falling asleep! I need ways of staying awake - I've tried ProPlus but I'm worried it's dangerous, and I don't like the taste of black coffee. Does anyone have any ideas?
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4 responses
• United States
2 Feb 07
When I was a student, I kept myself awake by studying with another person. Nothing else would keep me awake but this -- believe me, I had tried everything. I was very competitive as a student so I would usually invite another competitive friend of mine over to study with me (only one person; group study didn't work for me because we tend to just tell stories). Because of this, it felt like I was on an adrenaline high the entire night (only two hours of sleep at the most -- and no mental block)!. There was this feeling that if I fell asleep, my friend would get a higher score on the test than me!
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• United States
2 Feb 07
I don't take any stimulants but before, I tried coffee, pills, energy drink, sweets.. I told you, everything! Nothing seemed to work! I just discovered that my stimulant is the person next to me who's my potential competitor. Competition kept me at the edge. Hope my experience would work well with you! Oh, and by the way, thanks for choosing my response as the best one! Good luck!
2 Feb 07
That's a really good idea. You didn't use any additional stimulants to help you? How did you feel the next day? Two hours sleep isn't much at all!
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Feb 07
go but some nodoz at a gas station and crush it up and put it in a 1 litre bottle of mountain dew, that should do the trick
2 Feb 07
I like in the UK and I'm not really sure what nodoz is/are - I know that mountain dew's a sort of soda though. Could you explain to me what "nodoz" is?
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Feb 07
its a brand of caffiene pill, they are generaly for truckers who need to stay awake for long drives. if you crush a caffiene pill and put it into a big bottle of high caffiene drink (mountain dew) sip on that through the night and it should keep you up, works great for me.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Why drink coffee black? Put some cream or milk in it. That works for me. I dont know what else to suggest to you.
2 Feb 07
I thought black coffee was meant to work better, although I'm not sure why. Doesn't espresso contain the most caffeine?
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• India
3 Feb 07
Just ahve a good sleep cause anything which u read never goes in the brains :D believe in me i am an IITian it means Indian Institute Of Technology so i say have a good sleep and enjoy yer time instead of studying cause this makes yer brain get out of pressure as Indian subjects are Gigantically difficult than europeans so believe in yerself and work hard but just one hour before exams start studying real hard u wud study the quantity which u havent studied for 1year in 1 hr due to Pressure yer brain stars to worl extremely hard but the basic shud be strong always . Hope this helps u if someone feels i am foolish then try it and u wud thank me :D