Thanks you, myLotters!
By Thomas73
@Thomas73 (1467)
February 2, 2007 4:41am CST
Yes. Thank you for your open-mindedness as large as a mouse's @rsehole that made my rate drop from 9 to 7 in less than 24 hours. Thank you for rating my discussion negatively because you just don't like them. Thank you for hating me that much because I try to show you aspects of life that you'd never have imagined and that you simply reject because they don't fit your ideas of this world. Thank you for loving so much a god, creation of a sick collective mind, that incites you to destroy all those who don't believe in him. Thank you for being so blind that you don't even try to consider any other views than yours.
Wandering in a vast forest at night, I have only a faint light to guide me. A stranger appears and says to me: "My friend, you should blow out your candle in order to find your way more clearly." This stranger is a god-fearing myLottian.
(Adapted from Diderot)
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66 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
2 Feb 07
Well I can honestly say, it wasn't from me. I don't give negatives unless they are some jerk copying other's posts or giving a 3 word answer. Besides, I enjoy your diffrent views. Shame on those that may have rated you with a neg just because they don't agree with your point.
Those Jerks should read the rules of how to rate, you don't give a neg, for disagreeing.
There Thomas, now watch mine drop too, LOL.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
3 Feb 07
Well Thomas isn't that funny, your rating droped further and I dropped as well? LOL
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I don't understand your rating drop of 2 points. I agree with your topics being interesting and far from the everyday drivel that makes up so many topics. It is always good to see the other side of the mountain. Don't give up the ship for the sake of a few closed minded posters.
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Well Thomas73. One thing is for SURE. If you are wrong about this you will defiantly be on one of those in hell. It seems you are so convinced or you just don't care, either way the outcome for you is the same.
Personally, it won't hurt me to believe and it just might help. Assuming you are one of the who will equally give as much credence to another's opinion being possible as they give to your opinion.
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
2 Feb 07
Some self-righteous Bible-thumpers didn't like my little rant about how we mentally affect our children for life by telling them that the notion of a god is an established truth. An outright lie, basically.
They just ganged up on me and I'm lucky that this is only the Internet. In real life, I'd be now looking for a river to clean up this tar and feathers from my skin. Or I'd be hanging from the nearest tree just outside of town! ;)
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@RAMONES (537)
• Belgium
2 Feb 07
Ooops Thomas, first time I see you here on MyLot, and to be honest : you don't look and sound very well...
I hope things turn out for the best for you et je vous assure que pitié est quelque chose qu'on ne demande pas. C'est donnée à ceux qui ont le droit.
And while you are adapting : l'Enfer, c'est MyLot.
Guess who...
@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
3 Feb 07
French literature is so rich that you can find a relevant quote for everything ;)
Vacant, Ramones was referring to my avatar, good old 19th century French poet Charles Baudelaire -- and NOT Adolf Eichmann as someone once said! -- who indeed didn't look and sound very well at all.
To the others, I have to apologise to have included everyone in my rant. But, of course, you know that you weren't concerned and that my wrath was targetted at those conservative, bible-thumping tw@ts. Incidentally, my rating has now dropped to '5'...
Thanks for the support of the good people of myLot -- you know who you are!
And a big "FVCK YOV!" to the others...
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
2 Feb 07
Hear Hear! Like the phrase I have used in my profile..... "Fear not a child afraid of the dark but a man afraid of the light"
Heaven forbid if we were all to agree on absolutely everything; this would be one hell of a boring site if that were the case. We could spend hours posting in topic after topic telling each other how much we all like the colour green or something stupid like that.
Open your hearts and your minds people and you might just learn something new!
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@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
2 Feb 07
I feel that - they should at least leave a response to let you know why they disagree - We are all here to learn!!
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Its happened to me and i know my posts have been thoughtful and not just one sentance long. I tried to fill them with stuff we can all use. I didnt undertand but i do think in time it will go up again. Dont worry about it. Just post and enjoy. The more upbeat the post the more people will be interested in reading it mate.
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@maverickden (274)
• India
3 Feb 07
well i do not know what to say my frined..
its true that people do not want to see anyone else rated higher then themselves..
could be cause someone did not get any ratings and was geleous of your rating..
well do not fell disheartened.. just continue hte good work..
there will be like minded people like us who would do justice to a good discussions and posts..
thats all part and parcel of the game thats called myLot..
boy that as a beautiful line.. i am so goodddd...
jokes apart there is justice at mylot just be patient..
@Garameo (902)
• Germany
2 Feb 07
hell thomas73. i did not do that. i try a negative rate if the people are not really answering on my discussions. for example i have asked for your expierences and you would answer that you like dogs too. but all others i rate with +.
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Wow tough break. Well I cannot remember if I have ever responded to any of your discussions, but I have NEVER rated anyway negatively except for months ago when people would copy and post some generic phrase over and over again tyhroughout their threads. You can earn it back if you want it. Sorry to hear things have sucked for you on Mylot lately.
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@MrsAdvice (623)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Thomas, as far as I know I have never rated you one way or the other. I rate people for participating in a discussion as long as they are actually participating and not just putting any old thing that has nothing to do with the conversation. I don't even minus those people, I report them. I only minus people who are rude, offensive, and downright nasty about their opinion. If you have an opinion and you state it fairly and with respect for others opinions, I see nothing wrong with that but judging from this discussion and how you have lumped me in with everyone else and you are berating us rather we had anything to do with it or not I don't think you are capable of being fair and it is most likely your attitude that is getting you the negative ratings. So, you don't believe in God, are you reading the whole discussion and considering others opinions before you reply or are you just rushing right in to shout out your opinion without even considering if anyone else may be right? Perhaps you are just as "open-minded" as you are accusing us to be? You may not have noticed our numbers can increase and decrease dramatically in a day's time, according to the alert we received that explained how they work.
@talisman (1300)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Who cares how people rate you? It's not going to hurt you. You can either believe in what you're saying or believe in saying anything to please someone. Personally, I'd rather believe in what I'm saying. Trying to please people by being someone you're not is a waste of time and a waste of life.
@The_Eagle_1 (1121)
• Australia
3 Mar 07
The pretty colours on the screen theory works Tom, but only if one is self-confident enough to let the opinions of wankers slide of like "water off a ducks back"!! Laugh and the world laughs with you! There appears to be a heap of down rating going on as you are probably aware of now and we all seem to be posting sufficient and to the most relevant comments, so as you have suggested, just ignore the emphasis connected with the "star ratings" and keep posting your challenging and interesting discussions! Perseverance is the key!! lol... and a pinch of salt goes a long way too!!
@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
3 Mar 07
I thank you, Eagle, along with all those who responded here with kind words, and to whom I didn't always have time to answer. Everyone's support is greatly appreciated and I even started another discussion about it.
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Yeah, I wonder if people are going to give me a - because I said I liked Pepsi better than Coke... ;-)
But I wonder how much he's being punished for his views...I've seen some other people say their star ratings go down recently, and some people's point totals have gone down by 20 or 30... wonder if part of this is just Mylot cleaning out discussions and responses it doesn't consider quality (along with the positive and negative markings that go along with those)? Just an idea...
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I thought that I had answered this discussion already, but I guess I haven't. Since you posted this, the same thing has happened to me. I was really upset at first, but it is at the point now where I just don't care about it. As I told you in another post, we all know who the TRUE 9's and 10's are on myLot, and it's what we know and what our friends think of us that counts. Press on, and don't let the negative, closed-minded idiots ruin your myLot experience.
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@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
yes I heard people do that here. I rate answers negative but very rare because my question is only general like food, astrology, movie etc. nothing about religion or politics.
I just startedabout 2 days ago I think and I don't know if negative ratings can reduce your payment. What if they are just envious people? Didn't MyLot consider each rating first?
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
3 Feb 07
yep. some people are just envious. i think one can send a private message to the moderators so you can clear things up with them. it's not nice to be treated bad by others just because you are just being you.
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@stibigirl (291)
• United States
3 Mar 07
As I was reading through this discussion I could not help but feel a kindrid spirit had started this discussion. I am proud to have you amongst my friends here on mylot and I am constantly looking for your posts to see what you have to say.
There will always be ignorant naive people who will try to put you down because you have the gift of skepticism. I call it a gift because my parents gave it to me, they told me that the world and the people in it would try to get me to look at everything in a conformed way, and that if I really wanted to I could see life this way. But they also showed me that I had another way that would show me, until the end of my days, the wonderment and true beauty that exists on this physical plane.
I feel sorry for people who either out of jealously or ignorance choose to try and hurt someone because they do not believe the same. Actions like these hold no spiritual evolution or higher thought invloved, they are based on years and years of being conformed, for lack of a better description, they are shoved head first into a box and the lid is shut. Sorry religious peoples of the world, but your religion keeps you ignorant of spirituality. (and thats not all religious people, but it is most of you)
Don't worry about you rating here on mylot, with the religious zealots that I read posting on here it is not hard to say that fundamentalism in every religion is everywhere, even among this small population of mylotians. Our kind is not only going to be downrated, we will have to stick together in todays changing world, most of the reasons why people don't like us don't stem from our views, its mostly because we are right in our arguments, and that makes people mad (mostly because they have no good argument).
Go Ahead, you know I don't care.....Rate ME!!
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
3 Feb 07
Fine illustration, but I really do not give negative marking, but there may be few who gave you some sort of negative marking. Anyway I'll just suggest you not to focus on rating that much as it may go up or go down, but try to post more posts like this one which has a great artistic value. It is really wonderful to read a post like this one for the excellent use of simple English Language.
@justreal (2364)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
Sorry to hear that. There are bumpy roads everywhere, in life and in here, but one thing that yo must not do, is never give up. Never let anyone her put you down. If you are falling now, you will get back up better. Keep up your good job my friend.
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@vicky1 (240)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I don't do that. To me not everyone is going to like what I say. I think you have to open minded here and just accept the fact that everyone here is not going to think the same. I also think when someone post about something that you can't check the negative because they don't agree with whatthey write. But as sad as it is unless you agree with them or you are on thir friend list they do that.
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
3 Feb 07
I feel your pain. I was so excited to hit 100 posts to see my rating - and it was a 4 !! I write thought out responses to every post ... so the only conclusion I can make is that I irked soempeople by not agreeing with them, and they rated me poorly. I don't pull punches to to make friends, so I guess I won't do it to make a rating either.
@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I can tell you that I , for one, rated you positive. Even though I didn't believe all of what you say, You say it very eloquently and this is your opinion. I think people take advantage of that rating button and don't think. It's not a tool to show you AGREE or's a tool to rate people's post in that "did they make sense?" "was the discussion on an interesting topic?" "was it something other than nonsense?"
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@Ricgav_30 (71)
• Philippines
3 Feb 07
Well...hi, I'm just a fews old here and has been posting to just a couple of discussions yet. But I would say it's just a crazy thing to just rate a person negatively immediately without telling him your view of his opinion and not listening to why he stands for that. Well, everybody has his own views of life...but I think we must have this respect thing and just say what you feel and not tell anybody that his wrong.
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