What's in a Marriage?
By n2boating
@n2boating (8)
United States
February 2, 2007 12:35pm CST
I've been reading some posts and have been surprised by some of the things I've heard people tolerating in their marriage. For instance, one person's spouse routinly called them a B*&^$.
I can't even begin to imagine that. However, it made me wonder why my marriage of 13 years has been so good. My husband and I do not name call. Although once I called him an A-s-s. Granted I yell, he's quiet, but we always end us discussing the issue at hand until things are okay again.
I've heard that people say Trust is the foundation, or Love or a number of other things. So I wondered..what's the foundation of my marriage. What makes it so good?
Respect. We respect eachother deeply. You can't love someone or trust someone without first having that. At least in my eye's.
Chris does not pass gas or burp in front of me. There are times when it's an accident, but that's rare. I do not do it around him either.
He always holds the door open. He starts my car on cold frosty mornings.
In point..he still treats me today like he did when we were dating.
I found myself wondering if he did pass gas or burp in front of me, would I still find him sexy? Probably not.
We respect eachothers private bathroom time. I wish my children did the same!
He knows that on Saturday's when he's home from work, I'll easily sleep until 11 or 12. He gets the kids breakfast and keeps them with him so I can accomplish this.
And I do the same for him when I see that he needs some time to himself.
He cleans up the dogs messes and he knows that when the kids start throwing up I will too..so he's right there with us.
He doesn't hesitate to ask what I would like him to pick up for dinner if he know's I've had a rough day. He can tell just by talking to me on the phone AND he always calls, even when he doesn't feel like running out to get something.
My love for him has grown stronger and stronger through the years. We've had some bad times. We lost a child. But we made it through it. We never hesitate to talk to eachother..and we spend alot of time talking sometimes.
I believe the respect is why. I still look at him in the same awe I did when I first met him. He never ceases to amaze me with his inner strength and gentleness.
I believe that if he burped, passed gas, called me names or stopped treating me like a lady, then I would lost interest in him, emotionally and physically. If I did those same things, I know he would no longer look at me the way he still does. I wouldn't blame him.
So, that's why I believe that Respect is the foundation of any relationship. Even those with friends, family memembers and the dreaded in-laws.
Marriage is work, it's just a decision as to what it is you choose to work on.
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