SVU and Children
By emeraldisle
@emeraldisle (13139)
United States
February 2, 2007 1:15pm CST
Law and Order Special Victims Unit deals with cases that are filled with cases that deal with abuse, rape and often time murder. Do you let your child watch it? If so at what age do you think it's acceptable for them to?
My niece will watch it but not all the time, she's 12 by the way. In some ways I think it helps her to realize that when we tell her not to trust people on the internet, tell her let us know where she's going, or why we tell her not to do some things, that we aren't just being paranoid. She sees the show and knows that it can happen to anyone. That we aren't just being over protective. We talk with her and help her understand things. We discuss ways that things could have been prevents, what the person should have done in that situation and how she can keep herself safe.
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21 responses
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Even though I don't watch Law and Order, you raise a good issue.
I do let my teens watch certain shows on TV to help them know what is out there.
Some examples are Dateline's To Catch a Predator and 20/20.
Dateline is a great show to educate my kids on the dangers of supplying too much information online. It helps my daughter to understand why she shouldn't post certain pictures on myspace or even have them taken for that matter!!! My daughter has learned internet security from me, but this re-enforces my teaching to her.
20/20 has some great shows about so many different issues out there in the world.
My daughter sat and watched an episode about email scams. How doctors, politicians, and many other fell for the scams because they fell to greed or hope. This also teaches her in the future to think about something and realize it is a scam to get your money.
I think certain shows are very good at showing them the world and educating them to know what is out there. I can not shelter my kids forever from I would rather them learn in some ways what to expect before leaving the nest. It's a tough world out there!!!! I just hope to teach them enough to survive it!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Very good points. There are many shows out there that can help with this. My neice also likes CSI which can have similar issues in it. It helps though because it gives us a way to show her examples of what can happen. As you pointed out about internet security, that is a big one.
I agree, we can't keep them in a bubble. If we don't educate them about the dangers they will find out the hard way once they leave home. I don't want that to happen to her. I'd rather have her aware and know how best to handle herself then to end up with a lot of problems on her hands.
@signum (545)
• Australia
3 Feb 07
I think it may depend on the child. Some children are more mature at 12 than others....this goes for any age really.
I adore all Law and Orders, especially SVU and it helps me deal with things that have happened in my past etc. I'm not a mother, so i am not sure if I would allow my child to watch it. In Australia, they screen it 8.30 pm and later, so it would depend on the child's bedtime too and what time it was being aired.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Oh I agree you have to go by their maturity level as well. I know some twenty year olds who are more immature then 8 year olds and vise versa.
The new shows here are on at 10pm Eastern time but re-runs are shown at all times including 5 and 6pm. So usually she watchs the re-runs which works out better because then we usually have an idea of what the episode will be about.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Thanks. It does come in handy. Now and then one might be one we didn't see but the older ones we have seen most of. It makes it easier at times to know what it is she'll be watching.

@dreamsncharms (1340)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I don't feel that is a children's show. It is for adults. Graphic violence and adult scenes and things like that. I love the show but my child will not be anyplace near my TV.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
And that is your choice as a parent. I don't have a problem with that.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I don't know if you can set an age on something like this, but should determine if she's mature enough for this adult content. I think that each child will be ready for this show at different times. I think that if you use it as an educational tool that it's a good resource... though I also know that sometimes the show gets very graphic and just as you should judge the age of the child on an individual basis, you should also take each show on an individual basis and if you think that one show is too much or over the line then you need to shut it off.
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Also when I first read the headline for this discussion I thought it said, "SUVs and Children" and when I started reading I was like, "What does Law & Order have to do with SUVs?" I always have to stop and think of the order when I talk about the show too!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Very good point. Some kids can handle it earlier then others. That is so true. I also agree with some episodes you would have to shut off. You have to take each one as it happens.
I know what you mean about the SUV and SVU, I do that a lot too. You don't want to know how many times I looked it over before hitting submit.
@tasmac2001 (41)
• Australia
3 Feb 07
I love watching Law & Order SVU & Criminal Intent...I have 3 children..12, 9, & 8 and they all watch it with me. They ask lots of questions too! I think it's good that they take interest in these types of shows because unlike soaps & cartoons they are watching something realistic, something that teaches them and won't rot their brains. Sure, the show can get a bit squeemish, at times...but at least it isn't fantasy crap! It makes my children more aware of the dangers that are out in the real world from the comfort and safety of their living room!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I agree with you. It allows them to find out more about the world and the dangers that can be in it. I think so long as an adult is there to monitor it and make sure that they understand things it can be a valuable tool.
@bethmt (419)
• United States
30 Mar 07
I love watching SVU and a couple of years ago when my youngest son was 13 he wanted to start watching it too. We always watch it together now(my hubby is usually asleep by then and my oldest son is usually out with friends) and I feel like it's a good way for him to learn about issues on violence. He and I have had some good discussions about certain episodes; it's actually been a part of a good bonding experience for us.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
30 Mar 07
That's great to hear that you had that time together. I agree I think it can make a big difference in showing kids that we aren't just being paranoid parents. It can be scary for them but if they don't know or aren't aware they are far more at risk.
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I'm sure I'll get flamed but my kids watch the show with me. They are 6, 5 and 4. They watch all sorts of stuff with me. Usually it is my son because he will sneak in while I'm trying to watch and will ask me a million questions. If it is a really graphic one I will usually send him out of the room but he seems very interested in "catching the bad guy".
12 years old sounds like a reasonable age to me. I probably would have watched that show at 12 and my parents wouldn't have stopped me. They pretty much let me watch what I wanted.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I think that is fine if they want to. My parents have a fit that we let her watch it, saying she's too young. My parents were and still are a bit over protective in that area. Some parents are which is their right of course but I don't think there is anything wrong with it.
@cplpacesgirl (754)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I love Law and Order: SVU. It's one of my all time favorite shows. I don't have any children so I really don't have to worry about that right now. But if I did, I would probably wait until they are 12 to let them watch the show. I agree with you, I think that it can show them just how dangerous internet can be. And so many other things too! I would make sure to really explain things to my child and let them ask questions. It could be a very good learning tool. I know that my aunt let my cousin (a girl) watch a movie that dealt with rape and assault. Afterwards they had a long talk and my aunt enrolled both of them in a self defense class. It was a mother daughter bonding time that they both still talk about today. I think that was a great way to handle it.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I think your aunt was very wise to do that. It can make a big difference for a young girl to know such things. If they are prepared they can at least attempt to avoid situations that can leave them vulnerable. Kudos to her.
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Unfortuately Emerald, it is my opinion that by the time a sweet child is 12, they have already learned about all that is going on in the underground world; and it is appropriate for them to watch this kind of programming with an adult/parent/grandparent/uncle/aunt/etc. there with them to explain any of the un-truths or partial truths their peers have told them. When I was 12 I thought I could get pregnant if a boy rubbed his uppper torso and his lower torso against mine. Needless to say, I did not make the best dance partner!~Donna
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Very true. My neice has been watching off and on for about a year or so but before it was even more limited. Usually reruns that we knew what the episode was about. Where we knew it would be one to point out things to her. Heheh I bet you weren't much of a dance partner but at least you tried to keep safe :) I think we all have that misconception at one time or another as kids. Amazing the things friends will tell you.
@marissa8103 (15)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Yes I watch SVU and yes my children watch it with me. My 10 year old sits down and watchs. I think that she started watching at 9 years old. And she is very precautious about everything she does and yes I think that SVU has helped her see things in someone elses perspective other that my and her fathers.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I think my neice was between 10 and 11 when she first started watching a couple. Usually the one at 10pm is too late for her but the reruns on USA she would catch. I agree getting another's perspective can make a differnce. That way they know we aren't just pulling their leg with such stories.
@solmari (123)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I think that what your doing is mostly what the show is intended for, to create awareness of the danger thats out there in the streets and in internet, i think the age in which they are able to comprehend what they see is as good as any for thier own safety.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
That is a good point. I hadn't really thought of the show being designed for that but you are right it could be. It does do that I think as well.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
3 Feb 07
Law and Order Special Victims Unit is a fantastic show, yes I do let my child watch this show i believe that it is great for my children to watch this and I recommend them watching this at around 11 years of age. I do think that it is good for my children to watch so that they are aware of what kind of people are in this world of ours today. I think that you are doing a really great job of helping your niece and I do the same as you.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I think you are as well. There are many dangers in this world and the more they know how to prepare against them the better off they will be.
@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I love to watch the show it is very intersting ...but I can't with a 2 yr.old ,it is way to graphic for her ..
what you are doing with the 12 yr old is great ,just keep talking with her about the rights and wrongs and that is the best thing to do ...good job
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
I haven't let my kids watch it because it's such a graphic show, however, I probably wouldn't put up much of a fuss if my twelve year old watched it. She's mature enough to handle it and I think you're right, it would help her to learn the way life can be sometimes.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I agree it can be graphic at times so we try to monitor it and talk with her about things. Overall she handles it very well though and I've noticed she is more understanding of her mother and I when we tell her to be careful doing things.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I feel that SVU should be age appropriate to only those children who are 14 and the show deals with a great many mature subjects that shouldn't be a part of a childrens viewing schedule. This is why it is scheduled to come on as late as it does so that most children are in bed and thus not coming in conflct with parents' viewing and the need to keep programming that is appropriate for youger family members.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Thing is it is shown at times when kids can watch it. No not the new ones but the re-runs. They are shown during the day time, at dinner time, at the time they are home and able to turn the channel themselves. I'd rather watch it with her that way I am able to explian things or turn it off if it is one that is too graphic.
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
2 Feb 07
i think that maybe its a good idea to let children watch it because it can show them how to take care of themselves in situations like that and to realize when they are being abused. i know it can get very graphic, but its better to raise a child who can understand things like this as opposed to a child who is ignorant and naive and can easily fall into these sorts of traps.
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@ILANEDRI (1921)
• Israel
3 Feb 07
I think that this type of TV shows needs to be watch with an aduldt.
Every time that there is an unpropiate part, the adule person will switch a channel.
I think that the age of 14 is a good age for kids to watch.
The kids in our days knows everything, and there is almost no need to teach them.
Everything they are learning is from school.
So, I think that in some cases this show can be useful to teach them about life, and the world that were living in.
@dawn5679 (266)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I have 6 all together 3 are mine and 3 are my stepkids! My 2 older stepkids are 13 and 14 and they watch it however I dont allow my 9 yr old stepdaughter or my 9 5 and 1 yr old daughters to watch it. Thats just too much for a little kids brain to handle.
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