What 3 books would you take to a desert island?

February 2, 2007 2:26pm CST
If you had to be stranded on a desert island for a year, and you could only take 3 books with you (for whatever reason), what would they be? Mine would probably be: 1. "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt, 2. "Gaudy Night" by Dorothy L Sayers, and 3. "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. 1 and 2 are both mysteries (of a sort) and I really love fiction like that. Also, both of them are set in universities, and I'm a university student! All three books are really well-written and I have read each one several times. "Good Omens" is really funny, "The Secret History" dark and challenging, and "Gaudy Night" is very poetic, so I think they'd make a good combination. What sort of books would you take with you? I was wondering how many people would take the Bible, the Qu'ran, the Torah or another religious or spiritual work. Or, would people prefer to take 3 films instead (plus something to watch them on)? :)
4 responses
@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
Good Omens!! Great book. I just picked it up at the thrift store and read it last month :) hmm.. only 3... 1) Dreamcatcher by Stephen King (or maybe It) 2) One Door Away From Heaven by Dean Koontz (or From the corner of his eye) and.. 3) My Book of Shadows... it's my wicca notebook... don't go much of anywhere with out it...
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Thats a tough one. I can think of one off the bat, but the other 2 would be difficult...okay, here goes 1. Imagica by Clive Barker 2. The Green Mile by Stephen King 3. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
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2 Feb 07
To my shame, I haven't read any of those, and nos. 2-3 have been on my "to read" list forever. What's the first one about? Oh, and what did you think of the films of 2 and 3? Thanks for responding! :)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Imagica is very hard to describe..it's almost a fantasy type novel with elements of horror...lots of strange characters and a portal to another dimension...very strange but incredible in it's depth. The Green Mile is probably the best movie adaptation of any of Stephen Kings novels and To Kill A Mockinhbird is one of my all-time fave movies...gets me every time...such a powerful, yet restrained performance by Gregory Peck
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@miryam (6505)
• Italy
2 Feb 07
m no easy Bibble one fo S, King and My photo album
2 Feb 07
Those are interesting choices, thank you for responding. I take it you are a Christian?
@astroo13 (963)
• India
2 Feb 07
My 3 books would be The good soldier Svejk- Jaroslaw Hasek The devils - Fyodor Dostoevsky Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
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2 Feb 07
Goodness, weighty reads! I have never heard of the first one, could you tell me a little about it?