Double standards for men and women when it comes to raising kids

United States
February 3, 2007 12:50am CST
Society as a whole views a women as a supreme care giver.As single father who has raised three kids because their mother just truned out to not a a maternal bone it their body.She owes about 30k in child support which I am less worried about then her inabilitty to keep from making a mess of kids lives. Government agency bend over backwards to scream about her rights. What really annoys me though the same agency gave me havoc,when applying for medicare for my deaf son/and two daughters that have high risk illnesses. I once was told to get used to fighting the sterotype.Women suffer in the work place while men suffer in the home when it comes to society. I worked while single parenting .Both males and females equally capable to both arenas if they have the desire to put effort and passion in it.
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