storage growth sets a fast pace

February 3, 2007 12:09pm CST
a decade ago a 500 megabyte photo collection was something toboast about.Nowadays it is more likely be a collection measured in the gigabytes.But as our appetite for storage continues to grow thankfully so does the capacity of our hard drive!.So today we have an ammount of space in which we can store dozen and dozen of file!. and you what hard disk you have!are you a fanatic of hard disk? comment
2 responses
• India
12 Feb 07
yes as the technology is going fast, the storage space of the computer is also increasing
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• Italy
12 Feb 07
yes sure. i don't know when but an hard disk of 1 terabit will be put in sell!!!
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• India
13 Feb 07
well i would say a hard disk of much more capicity will surely hit the market very soon, what to you say?
• Australia
6 Feb 07
i no back in 1993 dad brought our first computer, the hardrive was only 88mb, then in 1997 dad broght anoyher computer and it only had 1.6gb and just last year we brought another computer and it now has 120gb