Joining the Ban Wagon
By emeraldisle
@emeraldisle (13139)
United States
February 3, 2007 1:32pm CST
After seeing many, many posts and discussions about smoking and how so many want to ban them I decided maybe it's time I joined the ban wagon. They argue that we should ban smoking due to how it could be hazardous to smokers as well as those around them. So I decided if that is the case then we should ban other things for the same reason. Why should my health be effected due to what others do or because of what others want? So below are a few things I have found that can be just as dangerous to our health but are allowed to be used by people or are in all aspects of our lives. Each one is listed with some of the health risks and links to at least one page with information on it:
Perfumes, Fragrances, and scents: can cause repertory problems, nervous system damage, headaches and a multitude of other problems due to the chemicals used in them:
Fluoride: Fluoride itself is a poison, can cause crippling skeletal fluorosis, can cause death
Cars: In particular their exhaust can cause cancer, repertory problems, viral asthma, death
Cell Phones: Causing cancer, lethargic behavior, MS and Alzheimer
All of these are particularly harmful to kids who are not developed yet. So shouldn't we also remove these things from our society until they can find a way to make them safe for all to use? What else do you know of that causes health risks that most people don't seem to worry about?
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26 responses
@minerc (1373)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I agree totally, People get on the ban wagon with smoking because that is all you here about in the news. I don't think I have ever heard in the news, about perfumes,and flouride etc. I am one who suffers from the perfumes and no one seemed to be concerned about it. But see I also smoke, I don't smoke around people who don't smoke unless I am in the open air. I don't smoke in food places, or other's homes or cars. I respect that for people. Everyone is so quick to gang up on the smoker's when they sit back and do damage to themselves or other's with the things they wear, and use. Thanks for this post. I don't like that I smoke it is a habit, that is very hard to break. I think instead of jumping on ban wagon's we need cure the addictions. Help people to break these habit's and addictions.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I have to love spell check, it changed all my respiratory to repertory. Ugh I was nice and did spell check and it did that to me :(
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
3 Feb 07
LOL this is a great post with a great insight that people usually don't think about. I know I never really thought about it in these terms. My husband smokes and, even though, I hate it...I have to say that banning smoking from some places pushes the envelope to me. I understand not smoking in movie theaters and restaurants, but there are some places that are a bit silly. When I had our daughter, my husband had to go outside--of course--to smoke, but that wasn't good enough...he had to go out the hospital, down the sidewalk and across the street to the "designated" smoking area! LOL I think that's a bit much! Of course, people shouldn't smoke at the doorway so the smoke doesn't go straight in the hospital and get on sick people walking in, but come on...1/2 mile away??? LOL
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Oh wow that is a ways. I know one hospital near us their employess are not allowed to smoke within a 2 mile radius of the hospital property on or off duty. One woman had to quit there because she lived two blocks from the hospital and they said she wouldn't be allowed to smoke at all then even in her own home if she wanted to keep her job.
I know here in Florida the law states there is no smoking within a 1000 feet of any public school property. Now that sounds all nice and dandy but like one elemetary school near me shares their entrance with a grocery store and many others have houses right across the street from them. So far I haven't seen any cops enforce that law in situations like that but who knows what might happen.
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
4 Feb 07
LOL! Hahaha.
I agree, but some people do not think that way.
I am glad that some can!! :D
I knew about the Perfumes/Fragrances, cars, and the cell phones.
But, I did not know about Fluoride.
I thought that Fluoride was good for you. Well, not YOU...your teeth.
I use to get Fluoride in school, is that the same thing??
Many people do not worry about the things like this. :)
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I knew that is was bad, but I didn't think it would kill you! WOW, it is bad. :| I am glad that I don't get it from school anymore. But, I still get in my toothpaste, and I think our water. :) Ekk...
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Yes it is the same Fluoride that you get in school and in all your toothepastes, water, etc. Just so you know if a child eats a half a tube of toothepaste it can kill them due to the Fluoride. That's why we are always told not to swallow while brushing our teeth. Scary thought huh?
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Finding toothepaste without Fluoride is possible. There are some that have it but they are more expensive too. Usually I just use baking soda. It might not taste the best but you know it really cleans the teeth and makes them nice and bright. When I just used that as a kid I never had a cavity. It wasn't until I had to use fluoride toothepaste that I got them.

@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
4 Feb 07
The food we eat has so many things in it that is killing us ,all the peticides they use are very harmful ..I saw a guy driving a tractor one time using pesticides, be rushed to the hospital because he took his mask off...its all scary ,I am a smoker ,I am ok with them banning it in public places (I don't like the smell myself) because it can be offensive problem is the government wants to take control of everyday life ,just like telling us we can't spank our kids ,what next ...soon enough ...
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Soon enough they will hit something that others do not like and they will fight back but until then they will slowly take on right after another.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I heard about the fluoride, I read a book about toxins in our foods and there they warned specifically about fluoride. And to think when I was little they fed us fluoride tablets in school. Scary stuff.
I heard of videogames causing seizures. Growth hormones in meat and milk causing weight problems and premature puberty. And aren't a lot of people allergic to peanuts? Let's ban peanuts then, I certainly can live without peanuts.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
And peanut oil is used in many things and they have to put warnings on them because of it.
Oh I know and try finding a toothpaste without fluoride in it? It's not easy believe me. I usually end up just using baking soda.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
3 Feb 07
How about cleaning products with dangerous fumes?? My coworker went on a cleaning binge at work the other day, and I had several coughing fits before it was over. Bleh.
The most caustic environment I can think of is my local casino. Because old ladies smoke, drink, and then wear a whole bottle of perfume because they think it will cover up the smoke and booze smells. It doesn't, it just creates this toxic cloud that assaults you as soon as you walk in.
As far as I'm concerned, people can smoke if they want. I simply don't take my child places where people will be smoking. I avoid them myself when possible, but I'm willing to risk it once in a while if I really want to go somewhere.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Try a bingo hall. Tons and tons of perfumes and then add to it the scents from the bingo markers, it's over powering and that's in the non-smoking section. They actually have seperate rooms at the ones around here. The smoking section at least has air handlers to help get rid of smoke and other scents so it's actually better, go figure.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I like your way of thinking!!!!
OK, here are some....
Coffee and caffeine in general: stunts growth in those that are still growing, causes insomnia, heartburn, upset stomach, mood swings, irregular heartbeats, and increased headaches when caffeine starts to wear off.
Elimination of caffeine would cause many things to be taken off the shelf.
Here are just to name some...
Excedrin Tension and Migraine Headache formula
hot chocolate
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@rsmith512 (1561)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Great addition also!
That is true, but then what about all the things that would be taken away.
That would be good, but at the same time there would be a lot of MAD people!!
LOL Great! :)
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Thanks I'm glad you like the thoughts on this one :)
Actually all Exedrin has caffiene in it, not just the tension or migraine. It's also in many migraine perscription medications.
I know it can do a lot of things to hurt the body but so many love it so. Including me!! I love my coffee and my soda pop not to mention caffiene even if it can do things to harm me.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Ouch $7 a pack? Well maybe Florida isn't so bad since I buy mine for $1.50 a pack. I agree though take away the caffiene and them's fighting words :)
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Feb 07
I certainly agree with you about this. About three weeks ago I started a discussion about how cars were most dangerous than smoking and it was as though i had commited heressy. In truth, it is about agenda setting, some things are allowed to be discussed and challenged, others are sacred cows and we must never question them. My whole point is that we will only question and ban things that dont threaten the extention of capitalism, we dare not challenge car drivers, try it see how upset they get. They often start their response by telling you that you are mad for even asking the question. Ridicule is their only weapon, they know that it is smoking now, car driving tommorow? this scares the crap out of them, you are brave for raising the issue, the minus ratings fairy may well be paying you a visit, but you get a big plus from me, blessed be
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Oh I know what you mean I've had a couple people make comments about how neccessary cars are and how other things improve life for everyone. Whether it's improved life or not is a big debate in my book.
So far the fairy hasn't hit me yet but if it does I'll manage. If some are that petty so be it. I'll survive. Thanks I'm really glad you enjoyed this discussion :)
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
4 Feb 07
Wow! I wonder what will happen to our everyday living when we start banning things with a harmful content no matter how small. From where I come from, we should start banning fruits and vegetables because they have pesticides residues which can not be taken off with just normal washing. We have to ban all junkfoods and instant noodles and the like that contains monosodium glutamate which is toxic. We have to ban all cold and cough tablets that contain phynelprophanolamine hydrochloride, unfortunately most of them do.
We have to ban chlorinated water. Chrlorine is mostly used in filtration and recycling water systems. We have to ban most lighting systems that emits uv rays, we must ban using computer monitors they radiate rays that are harmful to the eye no matter how low the frequency is. I can go on an on and on and on......
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Don't forget we should ban the sun too, it causes skin cancer and premature aging. Let alone tanning beds.
@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
4 Feb 07
i totally agree but i think them trying to ban smoking is an easy target. because there are probably alot more people wearing perfumes and such then there are smokers. (but im no expert lol)
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
It is an easy target and it's really easy for others to use it as a scape goat. If they blame it they don't have to see the other problems.
@merkava (1225)
• Philippines
4 Feb 07
Uhhmmm, smoking has benefits? I'm pretty sure there's not! Do my research about it? I did a thesis about it just a few months ago about teenage smokers. I interviewed the health department and even oncologists and pulmonologists. I just recently called the FDA. I asked them if smoking has any positive benefits, they just laughed and asked me who told me that?! They said that people who say that smoking has benefits are most obviously smokers themselves. It's like asking a terrorist if killing civilians is a good thing, of course they'll reply in a positive manner just to cover up.
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@saralee1 (1983)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Ok, this is the funniest thing I have read on mylot, Thank you so much! I was starting to think that the world was going insaine with the imaginary smoking issues being the cause to everyones misery from the black Plague, to the war in Iraq. It's the smokers fault! blame them! raise their taxes! It is a literal witch hunt ofthe 21st century! thank you so much for defendingthis issue, and oh yeah, BTW, Microwaves it is rumored on Myspace is now known to be the cause of cancer, so we get to throw those out too!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
It is a witchhunt, that is a very good term. I'm glad you enjoyed the posts.
I saw some things about microwaves as well. Some of it is more with the older models but it wouldn't surprise me with the new ones either. It's putting out radiation to cook that should tell us something.
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Wow, what an interesting post and TONS of information! And although I know they will never ban most of these things, I definitely agree with you about the perfume thing. I feel sick and can't breathe when people wear heavy perfume or burn scented candles-- I get downright asthmatic from the candles! I used to have an evil officemate who would douse herself in perfume before coming to work in our shared office. She knew it made me sick and she didn't care-- and there was nothing I could do about it!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Oh I feel for you with the perfume. I know how that is and some people just don't care. They figure it's just perfume what harm can it really do? It can do a lot.
You should see my dad back when they used to the incense at church. That would just about send him out to the car. He couldn't breath and it would give him a major headache. It was very strong back then but thankfully they usually only did it on major holidays.
@DancinWolf (4)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I started to responde to this, then I stopped. You sound like the majority of the population that wants to sit and cry about life.
One thing I will say...I'm tired of my rights being taken away! It only started with bans on smokers...Keep that in mind!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
OH you'll have fun in that discussion. We did. It was a hoot. I went back earlier to post some in spots. Had to, it was too much fun.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Heheh they wouldn't want me in office. I'd irritate too many of them by not listening to them.
@vekyengineer (1079)
• India
4 Feb 07
It is so hard to join in this team. I dont want to quit the habbit of smoking. But after my marriage surely i will stop it.
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
4 Feb 07
Yes I do agree with you..Smoking is hazardous to ones health. Even if you are not smoking you are still affected when you inhale the smoke coming out from somebody smoking...It also affects pregnancy for the women who smoke when they're pregnant.Their child can get all the nicotine they're inhaling...Smoking can make your lips blacker or darker which is not nice to look at and also your teeth will be yellowish... It is also contributing in the air we breath in and it is poison.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 Feb 07
You really needed to read the full post. This is more about the fact that if you are going to ban that then you should also ban all the others.
Also smoking does not make your lips black. I have never had that one, heard of it, or seen anyone have that problem.
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@randyequal (439)
• China
4 Feb 07
Yes, you are right. From what you see and what you listed above, I think it is not fair to ban smoking while people allow other kind things or activties which are harmful to human body. I am a smoker, but I did not smoke in public. I think banning smoking in public may be reasonable, but banning smoking completely is absolutely ridiculous.
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@manmaxman (850)
• India
4 Feb 07
yes dear i m with u about this Ban Wagon becoz my frds and all around me are smokers and affect is all to me going to be
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@DancinWolf (4)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I started to responde to this, then I stopped. You sound like the majority of the population that wants to sit and cry about life.
One thing I will say...I'm tired of my rights being taken away! It only started with bans on smokers...Keep that in mind!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I suggest you re-read the post and realize that is what I'm saying. I'm tired of all the ban smoking. That if you want to ban smoking then you should also want to ban this other stuff for the same reasons.
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