How the human race can survive in the next one hundred years?

@cristi20 (2139)
February 3, 2007 1:33pm CST
Due to drastic climate changes and human influence in over 90% of the activities the more and more changes and presumptions of being worried are fully justified.Can we still do something to help the earth from the next disasters?It is becoming obvious for each country that climate change has a terrific impact in the most minor case.Winters are becoming a memory,the anual temperature is rising with 4 degrees-please express your opinions and share your thoughts on this actions that we must put a hand to our future race survival.Thank you and may God bless you all.
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3 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Feb 07
There's much truth to global warming, but it's also being used as a mask.. I think there is human influence, but also fluctuations of weather too.. Everyone around here can't believe we're having a "wind chill" - we have two or three wind chills every winter! People reflect what they're told.. What I think is up, but moving slowly, is the judgement of God. Yes, there's greed, so there is too much mass production and pollution of both air and land.. and water.. but man has much more grievous sins than these. But the dark forces (those 1/3 fallen angels working now for 6000 years / as compared to a person's short lifetime) don't want any recognition of that. The new testament calls the fallen angels, "gods of the air" (like airwaves!). One of the things they constantly put forth is a focus on business and industry (and the US) as the great evils of mankind. We can expect one of the next crises to be some breakdown and loss of lots of jobs.. Satan of course weaves true threads (truths) with untrue threads (untruths). This is why his weavings are so convincing. Without the threads of truth, his tapestries would fall apart! So there'struth to global warming, but this is being used as a mask.. to erase from many people's consciousness any idea of "God's jugement" or the dire results, upon all man's wayward ways.
@blanksolid (1631)
• Spain
3 Feb 07
I hope that the human race is able to survive in the one hundred years through the new technology so we would have better technology than now, have a nice day on mylot and happy earnings also.
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@perugu (5279)
• India
4 Feb 07
hi,the increase in temperatures and global warming is all due to pollution created by human only.deforestation,air pollution due to vehicals emissions,,irregular usage of plastic,industrial first we have to concentrate on reducing the negative effects.otherwise we have to face the bad experiences on future generations.