have prayed for long nd there seem to be no answer
By efewise
@efewise (38)
12 responses
@hannarose27 (514)
• United States
3 Feb 07
Don't give up on god. I'm not sure where you are from but you should listen to a Garth Brooks song" unanswered prayers". The man upstairs has a plan and sometimes it is to break you down to your lowest point so that you can build yourself back up and not forget the little things that some people do. When the time is right he'll be there to help you.
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@harxian (671)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
no you should not its not right to give up on God maybe his just trying to test your faith on how faith are in him if your are doing this just for yourself or for the others maybe he did not answer your prayers yet because there something you can personally do as it says help yourself and God will do the rest so dont give up on him, giving up on him its just like giving your self to the hell trust him he will answer all your prayers but in time
@mcrowl (1050)
• New Zealand
4 Feb 07
It very much depends on what you're praying for, and whether the answers you think you should get are the right ones - in God's eyes. Since he understands us and the world and everything else far better than we do, it's unlikely he'll give us things that aren't in the long run good for us.
Prayer is a bit of a two-edged sword: we can pray for some things and never receive and answer; on other occasions it seems God wants us to keep praying in spite on not getting an answer.
Prayer takes some experience and wisdom, but it's not a thing to give up on. Would you give up on talking to your own father just because he didn't give you everything you wanted?
@FFAgirl_16 (98)
• United States
9 Feb 07
"God wants us to keep praying in spite of not getting an answer"
That makes God seem very cruel, to want to just watch us beg and give no indication that He is listening. Yeah, I'd give up on my own father if he never said a thing back to me, never seemed to look at me, and in no other way acknowldged that I was talking to him. I really would.
@monica1216 (509)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I have had that experience also and have wondered that same thought. Prayers truly are answered in God's time though not in ours and on our schedule.
Have faith that things will work out as they should.
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@monica1216 (509)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I know it is not a joke. I am sorry that you are going through something difficult right now. Have faith that nothing can stay the same forever and things WILL improve with time and effort.
God will NOT forsake you. You must put that out of your mind and continue to trust in God and try to move forward.
I wish you peace.
@efewise (38)
• Nigeria
7 Feb 07
i understand faith at gods timing but it seems i am running out of time, it seems all around me all is dark ,and its telling on my walk with god all that mattered to me soulwinning,bible study and all seem not to matter any more........I JUST WANNA GET OUT OF THIS
@efewise (38)
• Nigeria
7 Feb 07
i understand faith at gods timing but it seems i am running out of time, it seems all around me all is dark ,and its telling on my walk with god all that mattered to me soulwinning,bible study and all seem not to matter any more........I JUST WANNA GET OUT OF THIS.....THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME FOR REAL...(ALL THIS IS NOT JOKE)

@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
I'm not a priest or minister but from the limited knowledge that I have of God, He will not answer your prayers by giving you what you ask for unless it is His will. He gives you what He gives you for His own reasons, and you need to accept that you may not be ready for what you are asking for.
@uncutbox (14)
• United States
6 Feb 07
It's possible that God has answered you in a way you weren't expecting. We often pray to God and ask Him to do somehting in a certain way (heal someone, give us some money, have someone talk to us). We have to be careful not to tell God what to do. We can ask him for what we think we want, but that might not be what is actually the best for us or someone else involved. The answer he gives isn't always, "hey, here you go, this is what you wanted." It seems like that is the only time we think God answered our prayers. But the reality is he may have answered by saying no or not now.
@FFAgirl_16 (98)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Why bother at all? In the Christian faith, God already knows what you're thankful for, what you're sorry for, and what you want, because apparently God is 100% omniscient. So it shouldn't matter whether you pray or not.
@jeraldanmarie (472)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
Never ever give up on GOD. He all love us, just to share. there was this prayer request that I have prayed for almost 12 years in my life, I almost gave up then why so long that God did not answer my prayer, well last year he answer me and now I understand why it took me so many years before he answer that prayer. first because he wants me to feel or undergo all those pain for me to be strong in life,2nd it was only last year the perfect time for him to give my request and lastly because of his plans, for me to have an advocacy and make it my lifes direction today.
you see god answers all our prayers according to his will and he answers us what is best for us.
BE strong do not loose hope.....
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@2timothy (794)
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
Prayer is not mainly a matter of asking God for something but a matter of coming before God in fellowship to be infused with God's heart and mind. The more we come to God, the more we know His desire and will and thus know how and what to pray. The more we come to God, the more we know who our God is and the more faith is infused into us (cf. Heb. 11:6).
The word "seem to" in your question is commendable, it shows that God is already answering but may not yet be full y manifested. In experience, God usually answers first in faith that it is done before He answers in fulfillment and often not as we expected it to be. We need to spend more time to hear Him and let Him heal our deaf hear so that we may hear His answer whether it is a yes, no, or wait according to what we need and not according to what we want as He knows what is best for us. Persevere in prayer (Rom. 12:12, Col. 4:2).
@ag_abscruzmd (2283)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I used to ask God before about things that I needed or things that I wanted to happen to my life. Most of the time, I didn't get what I had prayed for. Now I'm 39 years old and looking back, I have come to realize that if I had been given the things I had prayed for before, perhaps I wouldn't be the same person I turned out to be right now. I'm not saying that I'm very happy, but I can say that I'm more content with what I have now as compared to the other people I know. You see, sometimes things aren't meant to be or aren't meant for us. Why don't you start counting your blessings? I am advising you this because I don't want you to fall into depression, which might lead you to desperation. Hey, you're not the only one feeling this way! Cheer up!
@skylord (33)
• Sri Lanka
4 Feb 07
Well I would say not to give up on god. N you should read the bible more. Its shows tat you lack of knowledge. God is a person who knows wot we need and wot we dnt need. N he answers our prayers only on the right time and only if need it. N sometimes if your prayers havent being answered that doesnt me God says no. He might say wait for the right moment. But In time you will realize. If God wish is the first motive in your life. Than you will always know that if he says no or yes or wait by the incident.
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@shivani234 (37)
7 Feb 07
Dear Friend,
Do not let difficulties turn you away from God.Believe in God and you will see miracles in your life.If God is not answering your prayer it could be because either it is not the right time or he is testing your trust and faith in HIM.If you believe and stand firm in faith, the difficult times will soon disappear and you will be rewarded twice of what you had earlier.Remember, if things are not working the way you want, its only becuase God wants you to take a different direction and has better plans for you.So do not be disappointed and continue praying.