By lols189
@lols189 (4742)
February 3, 2007 9:19pm CST
i have been with my boyfriend for 3 yrs this yr an not sure what to do? i love him loads an we have been living 2gether all this time. all of a sudden he has turned against me an also being very violent towards me. he said he is moving out and will c me once a week. am very down about this i dont know what to do. i have never been left to live on my own before an am quite freaked out by the thought of living alone as am only 19. can anyone give me any advice please? thanks people
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42 responses

@circuscat (76)
• Australia
4 Feb 07
Oh honey I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you. I know your thinking your better off without him and you should break up with him, however life doesn't work that way.
I agree you should break up with him. Honestly your 19 you don't have to settle for somebody who wants to be violent towards you and treats you like trash. It's more than likely he's cheating on you or is interested in somebody else. You should hang with your friends and family. FInd some really supportive people who will help you in this time.
You don't have to live on your own. Have you thought about share housing? I know some people can be a drag but sometimes you can find some really nice people.
I hope this works out for you.
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@TheCatzMeow1 (579)
• United States
5 Feb 07
From my experiences in life, a man usually starts acting differently out of the blue due to something they're dealing with or hiding. You're young and have opportunity ahead of you. If he doesn't want to be with you full time, then you don't need him. Especially if he's getting violent. I wish you the best of luck.
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@MissGia (955)
• United States
4 Feb 07
sorry to hear that. I know if my boyfriend told me he was moving out and only would see me once a week i'd leave if he couldnt give me a viable excuse why. You need to ask why hes treating you like this...if he cant come up with anything its time you both move on.
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@Lush_heidi (994)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Sweetie, you need to sit him down and ask him to tell you whats caused his desire to move out? And why only visit once a week. I would tell him your not a doormat and if there is someone else, he needs to leave you alone and move on. I know your young, but perhaps you can get a friend to move in with you,and help you thru the process. It worries me that he is being violent towards you- you dont deserve this, and you do deserve to get to the bottom of this and find out whats going on with him. Just keep in mind you deserve happiness! Hang in there !
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@saralee1 (1983)
• United States
4 Feb 07
If I were in your situation, because of your age, I'd just goto Job Corps, (which is actually what I did) get started on my career path, and forget about guys til the right one popped up. I mean, you can only do so much at 19. and, living alone can be both boring, and frusterating.
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@whattobegood000 (1179)
• China
4 Feb 07
i am sorrow i can give advice to this matters ,i simplely say leave him and find a new friend for you it is better
you can get 50 dollars just by get a friends start my friend showed me a proof,i personelly dont have idea but he showed me welcome sign up
@bmjut247 (171)
• Philippines
4 Feb 07
first, find out why he's acting as such. maybe he has found a new partner or something. i'm not concluding this but there's a high probability (men tend to become more aggressive and tend to blame their partners when leaving a relationship). but he may have another reason. try to find out more.
if you are living alone, try to invite a friend over until you are able to stand being alone. this helps you to become dis-sensitized of your boyfriend's absence.
if you have other things to do, keep yourself busy for a while. after having something to be busy about, try to retrospect of everything that has happened. think, and then act.
@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
I know it's scarey to face living alone, but you can't be dependant on a guy who doesn't treat you right. I can't believe this bit about him coming once a week. To me, it sounds like maybe he has another woman in his life. I'd tell him not to bother with his once a week visits, and just make a clean break.
Are you in a city where you could look at a univerity or college for a roomate? Can you move back home for a bit?
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@kiran_raj (112)
• India
4 Feb 07
well...first try & figure out the reason behing his sudden change in behaviour, if it's cauz he lost interest in u or found someone else????? if it's either of the above, then I guess u should really move on with life cauz ur way too young & there is much more to be explored... so jus cheer-up & keep :-)...take care!!!
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@joey_matthews (8354)
4 Feb 07
Could it be due to him needing space?
Either way don't stand for it. when he gets violent tell someone, honestly this will be better for you in the long you. he probably needs help and until he gets it uno he might get worse.
I've had friends who've dated guys with short tempers and one changed so much i barely new her. (she took every he did and her parents didn't care)
@angeljanel24 (92)
• Philippines
4 Feb 07
first, u need to know why is he acting like that towards u..u need to know the real reason why and probably have a heart to heart talk to him about that. if it doesn't work out, move on girl.. you're too young and many things is waiting for u. just look it optimistically.
all things that's happening to us are for a reason...that's for sure. goodluck!
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@sneezeklenex (344)
• United States
4 Feb 07
I think I would just let him go because he evidently didn't care for you like you did him. I know living on your own may be a little scary at first, but you will learn to treasure every minute of it. I am married, and there are times I wish I was living on my own. Hang in there sweetie! You deserve someone who will respect you not abuse you. I know it may not seem like it at first but you'll begin to realize that you needed to get rid of him. Lots of love being sent your way!
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@melissacus (441)
• United States
4 Feb 07
eee. if he's becoming violent and setting rules for you, he doesn't sound like he's worth what you're feeling over him. of course i know how it is to love somebody who sometimes doesn't deserve it. i think you need to try to talk to him about why he's suddenly acting this way towards you. if he keeps it up, you need to think about yourself and what you want.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
5 Feb 07
yes. melissacus is right. try to sit down and talk to him. you have the right to ask him why he's acting strange towards you. and if he doesn't want to, then let him go. he doesn't deserve your love and attention.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Feb 07
Hi Lols
I know I am a bit late with this one and I do hope things are sorted, but you need to find out what is causing this, do not let him of with being Violent towards you. That is bad and I think you know this to. If he wants to move out then fine let him. It is not that bad living alone. You are a young Girl and I say you deserve better. If things are not sorted, then I suggest, as hard as they may be, that you turn the Tables, tell him to move out then, that it is fine by you. The reason I am saying this, for 21 Years my Ex Husband, mentally abused me when he threatened to move out I begged him not to, which he knew I would and took pleasure in it. I could now kick myself for letting it all happen and for letting it make me Ill. Well after 21 Years I was not scared of him anymore and I told him go. He did and guess what? He phoned and asked why I have not begged him to come back, I told him I didn't want him back, all I wanted back is myself and my Self Respect. So you see, it took me 2 Years to find myself but I did.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Feb 07
hi people thanks for your input on my dolly's discussion, she has now sorted her life out with her boyfriend and she has read all of your responses and all have been rated so she says, she thanks all of you for your help and will respond back to you all when she has some spare time. thanks a bunch peeps, luv megan x
ps - by the way, she said can she not have any more responses now as all is doing well, thanks. :)
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@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
4 Feb 07
That is a young age to be out on your own but if you have the will power you can do it. I was 15 when I was on my own for the first time and it was the scariest time ever. I made sure that my days were full of work and spending time with my friends, then I would not go home until I was so exhausted that I would just fall asleep. You will see that in time you will be just fine and you may decide that you even like being alone. If your boyfriend has started getting violent with you then this is a good thing for you as it could be worse if you were to stay with him. Keep your head up and tell yourself everyday that you can do this and that you will make it through the day by yourself.
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@tomkerrj (165)
• United States
4 Feb 07
you are young and glad you found out he is volilent before you went any further so let him go as it normally means he found another girl to share time with on the side as he still wants something from you once a week. but let him go and cool off, you will see more as time passes if he still loves you then he will be back begging. but if yall shaerd the bills you would have to find a roommate to help wioth the bills. and if you do find one then he will have to nut up and be a man and grow up.
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@dmajkc (196)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Sounds like he has a new girlfriend and is looking for a way out of the relationship. It's probably easier for him to walk away from you when you are mad and your relationship isn't going well.
Let him go.. I know you love him but you deserve someone in your life that appreciates you, loves you, and will not be abusive to you.
Good luck!! :) You will be fine
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