Do you ever get the center of your chest?

@juls2me2 (2150)
United States
October 11, 2006 12:50am CST
Just all of a sudden? How long did it take to go away? Did you go to a Dr?
8 responses
@dalehman (11)
• United States
21 Oct 06
I also get those pains, except they have gotten worse and now when I get them the pain goes to my teeth and sometimes my ears. I have an appointment Tuesday with a cardiologists. I'll let you know what he says. The pains started 7 years ago and then kind of went away and now they are back, worse then I remember.
@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
24 Oct 06
Please let me know what the Doc says, I'd be interested. Everything I'm reading says to go to the doctors for an evaluation of the heart.
@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I'm glad you went to the doctors. All the symptoms you're having though sound so close to heart attack symptoms like what my Mother-in-law experiences before she has a heart attack or arteries are clogged and she needs surgery. She too has the hiatel hernea and she won't even try to eat a big meal any more because of the pains that result from doing so. I pray they findout what's really causing the pain and help you get relief. Keep in touch about it okay.
• United States
5 Nov 06
So I went to the Cardiologists and he told me that he didn't think it was my heart but he would do a stress test on my heart just to make sure, and I had the stress test done and everything came back ok with that test. Everyone is telling me that the pains are probably from anxiety attacks or a hiatel hernia. I have read up on anxiety attacks and from what I read I don't think that is it, because those can last hours or even days. I am thinking maybe the Hiatel hernia, because I get indigestion from everything including water. I have been trying to keep track of what I do and eat during the day to see if that goes with any of the symptoms for the H Hernia. One of the problems is eating large meals and then having the pain later that night, and I know two of the very very bad pains were the days when I had a large dinner. So I guess I will have to spend some more money and have some more tests done.
• United States
11 Oct 06
I used to get pain in my chest all of a sudden. I found out that I was having panic attacks. I haven't had one in a while though. The happened when I was a teenager im 22 now.
@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
11 Oct 06
Were you under heavy stress when the Panic attack happened? Did you take anything to help the pain go away or just hang in there through it?
• United States
11 Oct 06
I was despressed during that time to very badly so the Dr. put me on Paxil which helped but they never gave me anything for the panic attacks. The Paxil did help alot yea I was under stress but it was more from having to go and do something on my own or go out of the house. Are you experiencing panic attacks?
@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
11 Oct 06
I can't call it a panic attack, because I'm not stressed. I did think maybe it was gas or indigestion, but it comes on when there was nothing to cause indigestion. Just a sharp pain in the center of my chest. So painful that if I move it gets worse, but I can move if I have to just with severe chest pain. It'll last for about a minute or so. I try to take an aspirin if I feel it starting and that seems to help it subside. It's happened about 5 times within the last 3 months. I'll have to get checked out.
• Nigeria
5 Jan 07
yea i do get that sometimes it feels as though there is something in there biting me
@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Now that's a description I haven't heard before, but you a way it does feel like a biting feeling. Does that pain last very long or go away shortly? Thanks for sharing.
@dsunny (999)
• India
5 Jan 07
nope ive never had such a pain..its better for u go and consult a doctor as soon as possible..
@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
14 Feb 07
It can be muscle spasms or it can be a spasm of the esophogus. That is the pain I get from my chest that I feel right through to my back. After several years of this I finally figured out if it was the esophogus spasming, then I should open it up. So I chug some water and it eases up. Next time it happens try that. But like others said, it could be panic attacks, or muscle spasms. I had mine checked by a cardiologist who said there is nothing wrong... probably fibromyalgia related. Good luck.
@serenetee (380)
• Singapore
19 Dec 06
I got it for a few months before I decided to see a cardiologist last year. I'd done several tests to ascertain the cause. First, it was ECG, with electrodes connected to chest to do a preliminary test. Next was a threadmill test whereby my heartbeat and blood pressure were monitored. With everything normal, a cardiography examination was done whereby ultrasonic waves was used to detect any defects in the heart. Lastly, I had to bring home a holter monitoring machine to record my heartbeat over 24 hours. Luckily, everything was normal. I suggest you go for a thorough test to have a peace of mind.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I always get pain in the center of my chest. Ihave gone to the dr. and he told me it was panic attacks, so what i do is I sit still and breath in and out calmly until it fades. I also drink some water.
@emmet18 (1114)
• Romania
17 Dec 06
I also have the same problem but it hasn't to do with my heart but with my stomac. Some water with sugar do the job.