Do you think Communism is BETTER than Capitalisme?
By cheongyc
@cheongyc (5072)
February 4, 2007 9:15am CST
I am sure most of us today are loaded by a loan, be it a house loan or a car loan or credit-card loan. And most of us are having a fixed income, to pay the never-ending loan. We had suffered a lot due to the burden of our financial needs, the situation are even worse when there is a economy downturn, company downsizing, massive lay-off and high inflation rate. Even if we are not having any loan, some of us may need to worry about daily expense and become the main income generator of a household. That's why nowadays we are seeing growing numbers of working parents and neglected children, which subsequently causing more social issue. Besides, under the capitalisme manifest, almost everything could be bought with money. And the society are tempted to put MONEY in the first prority and defy the importance of other value. Besides, another phenomena observed is, rich people always become more rich, and poor people become poorer. Once a capitalisme society reach it's end of evolution, there are only two group of majorities ie very rich people and very poor people.
So, do you think capitalisme is good enough? Does it make most of us suffer? Is another goverment type is better?
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9 responses
@Citizen_Stuart (2016)
3 May 08
Communism is better than capitalism (and even the mixed economies that we actually live in) in only one way. It's better at killing people.
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
4 May 08
Well, I feel that you could be misunderstanding communism or do not look at it entirely. In fact the ideology is very good. But as always, implementation by human causes deviation and abuse of power. Originally the socialism society structure is beneficial to the grass root people. It solves many financial plagues that we see today. Capitalism is doing the killing also, in an indirect way. It promotes society development towards two extremes of wealthiness and poverty. This is very obvious in Japanese society today. If you read about "M society". It's true even though you are unaware of it. No offense, just to shed some light on the overall picture.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
4 May 08
Thanks for the more in-depth sharing. It's informative and useful for us to establish common understanding. In fact, my discussion is created base on my dissatisfaction of the financial pressure on the grass root. Because most of the society are moving towards two extremes of wealthiness and poverty. The rich become more rich and the poor become poorer. Do you think the social capitalist government could take care of the poor people? Most of the time, the rich people are less than 10% of the society but they control 90% of the wealth.
@Citizen_Stuart (2016)
4 May 08
We should probably be using these terms more precisely.
Strictly speaking, communism is the state of affairs where a group of people hold property in common. Most communist societies are primitive tribes - the only successful examples of successful communist groups in a modern society that I'm aware of would be religious and hippy communes. It's a system that only works on a small scale, but as long as people are happy with the set-up and are free to leave, good luck to them.
Socialism is where the State owns the means of production and distribution - very socialist economies are generally referred to as "communism". Strictly speaking this is incorrect, but it's a term I've used myself.
Capitalism is the state of society where people are free to own property (including their labour) and are free to trade it without interference from the government. No pure capitalist society currently exists, as far as I know. I hope this is a situation that will change, because laissez-faire capitalism is the most efficient and morally-correct economic system that has yet been devised.
What we have in the West is mixed economies (also knowns as social democratic) where private business is allowed, and people are generally able to own property, but the government reserves the right to interfere if it thinks what it's doing is for the greater good. This tends to cause more problems than it solves, because it's not possible for a small group of people (the government and civil service) to make decisions that have a direct effect on millions of people that they don't even know, and take every possible consequence of their actions into account. Economies are just too large and complex to run from the centre. Not that that stops governments from trying.

@williamjisir (22819)
• China
30 Apr 08
Morning cheongyc. I find that both of the two different social systems may vary based on the advantages and disadvantages. And it is not easy to tell which is a better social system, but I have to say that I am used to our social system being brought up in my dear country. As to some of the corruption issue, I think that it exists in any society so long as he has an evil mind in the head. But I am glad that our social system is advancing towards a better one, which can be seen from the great development of economy. I am very happy that people's living standard has been improved a great deal since the 1980s. This great progress can be seen in many respects. Thanks for your discussion.
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
1 May 08
Hi williamjisir, thanks for sharing your opinion, from the other perspective. I think that many of the Mylot responders have some prejudice on the communism ideology due to the deviation in its implementation. I still think that it's a very good system, provided it's not abused by the leaders. I believe any of the political system can bring advantage, and as you said, disadvantages as well. And I also believe that communism is a good system. At least we do not need to suffer the financial pressure as I describe earlier.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 07
Communism is too idealistic. Man, by nature is selfish(not all) so I think it is difficult to practise communism. Let say every individual wants to possess his own property. He's reluctant to surrender all his property. Unfair policy do exist in communism. For further information you can refer to the book that written by an Americal Chinese author. It's about 3 women of different generation under communist ruling. The biography is true story about author herself, her mother and her grandmother. They suffered a lot in the communism regime. If you are interested pls email me or I'll find out for you. I'm sorry that I forgot both the author and the title of the book coz I read it many years ago.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 07
As usual, something very good turn evil, due to human nature. The deviation happen out of human greed. In fact the socialisme or communism are ideal in building a resource balance society, but it failed most of the time in the history. But capitalisme has it's draw back too. So, that's why i am thinking is there a better form of government or it's hopeless for human to build an utopian society, coz by nature, human is partially evil.
I heard of the book, and i think it's nice to read. Just that didn't have a chance.
Thanks for your response.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
5 Feb 07
As history has shown, communism is a failure. Pretty much every country that used it is now leaving it behind as it caused famine, oppression, and political collapse.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 07
Most of communism is a failure. It's due to human own fault. The idea is good but there is room for deviation when come to implementation. Capitalisme might look good, but seeing all these side-effect as i had mentioned, don't you think we need to come a hybrid type or revolutionary new goevernment?
Thanks for the response btw :)
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 07
You are right. There is no absolute kind of government type nowadays. Most of them are the result of hybrid or combination of several basic type and are struggling to achieve a balance or utopian level for the good of the people. But i still think that the capitalisme is having the dominancy over the other genre and a lot of nations in the world are still suffering the above-mentioned side-effect of capitalisme. Capitalisme is siding the rich and is not benificiary to the middle class and the poor. I had read a book about M-type society where the rich are gaining dominance, elimination of middle class and the growing percentage of poverty, leading to the increase of proportion of poor communitites. As a result, we are facing the financial dilemma of what we face nowadays.
@coslenchip (101)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Actually, the "Capitalism" that is practiced in most of the world is a hybrid. How many governments have some sort of welfare? How many governments have tax laws set up to tax wealthy people more? How many governments provide non-militaristic services? These are all forms of communism, i.e give money to the government and the government spends it on what is "best for everyone". You are correct that this is not ideal. As "capitalism" as you know it strays closer and closer to socialism, the average standard of living will contibue to decline.

@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
Perhaps... Another government if you can strike a better balance of capitalism and communism, That is why there is what we call cooperative form of business, where capitalism is suppose to be defeated by the common and equal share of capital to form and run a business, where the owners patronize their own business. I do not know if you have this kind in your place, but if only the poor would understand that collectively they can be stronger than struggle to each his own. Collective efforts, synergy and strong leadership like communism may be a better way.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
12 Feb 07
Yeah, that's right. I think a combination of what we have currently could possbily giving us better choice. It's that something like coops, which run the business and share the profit equally among all members. I think we have that, but not really common. In fact the awareness and financial intelligence among our society here is still very poor. I think the knowledge shold be cultivated in order to resist the government and tychoon exploitation on us.
Thanks for your response :)
@MakeItCount (350)
• India
12 Feb 07
The problem with communism is that it kills the sprit of individual enterprise. And without individual enterprise, with no one to take responsiblity for getting things done or rather everyone being collectively responsible nothing gets done. Capitalism, on the other hand does not kill off the spirit of compassion and social conciousness in people (though it may blunt it a little). I favour capitalism
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
12 Feb 07
Very well said! I think both of these ideology has their own strong and weak points. However, most of us are being victims of capitalisme as well, without much awareness about it. You can read the book of M-type Society, then you will know what i mean.
Thanks for your response.
@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
10 Feb 07
The only thing that would work for the people is Capitalism with an iron communistic fist. So that would lead us to socialism. Which is what a capitalisitc state really ends up being. Ther needs to be a combination of the three for it to work with so many diverse people in the owrld today.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
11 Feb 07 really got a broader view on this. I too, think that a hybrid of government type might be helping us today. And i also agree that, different way of social structure will suit different communities in the world. Thanks for sharing your point of view, it's well-said.
@hopefoo (1145)
• Malaysia
8 Feb 07
Communism works well, in theory. For communism to be able to work, everyone in this world will have to be docile and be contented with that they're getting regardless of what they do. If everyone in this world were free of greed, then it would work. Capitalism on the other hand, allows a little more equity than communism. To me, it doesn't matter because both will not work in this modern era when everyone just wants more.
@DreamIsDestiny (204)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Capitalism is ideal, but only because within communism, there is more consequence for corruption within the government. I think communism is a very good thing on paper. But in practice, I don't think it works very well.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
4 Feb 07
What you said is true. Most of the time, rules are made to be broken LOL. Just like religion, there are a lot of good and benelovent teaching within, but had been deviated by fanatics and extremists. So, just like what you said, i believe the concept of socialism and communism is really a good idea where the property and wealth of the nations are shared and we no longer see economical discriminations and financial crisis. But, as always, it's the human who screw up everyting and made the good become evil.
Thanks for your response :)