Is it OK to get married with Cousin?
By cheongyc
@cheongyc (5072)
February 4, 2007 12:55pm CST
Recently i heard i from my friend that, his friend is going to marry his cousin sister soon. I was shocked to know about that. Because, to me, cousin is sharing some blood line and it should be prohibited due to the possibilities of having genetically defect offsprings. This made me recall, I had even heard about marriage between niece and uncle. To me, this is crazy, but it's for real. I am not sure the culture of other races and in other countries. Should this be stopped? Coz it's a tragedy to have a baby mentally retarded or other genetical defect sympton, due to the marriage of close relative. What do you think? Should it be banned by law?
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17 responses
@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
It is actually prohibited by the church and law here in our country, however there are still cases where this things hapend, and yoiu are right there is a great risk of having genetical defect on those who marry their next of kin, to the 3rd degree.
This also goes to show that Love got no boundaries really.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
7 Mar 07
I think it's good to prohibit that in law. But prohibiting is not enough, people should be educated to have the awareness and sense that it's not right to marry with cousin. It's just too risky to do it, and it's really tragic to give birth to a genetically retarded baby.
Thanks for your response :)
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@keep_onwatch (2680)
• India
31 Mar 08
Yeah i think it shud b banned, coz we sure have blood lines with our cousins and its just not so right...Its just like you have cousin brother or sister to keep it that way, we cannot break nature, some relationships need that kind of respect n dignity to maintain itself....
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
2 Apr 08
It's both wrong in the norm of most society/culture, but also wrong biologically/genetically. Because it violates the natural rules and having very high risk, so our ancestors set rules to prohibit marriage between close relatives. But unfortunately, some people still have such practice because their culture/norm allows it. Hope they will realize the risk one day and stop doing it. Thanks for your response!
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 08
Thanks for your view. But I think most of the Mylotter won't agree with you.
In some culture, it's totally right to marry with cousin. But in view the genetic compatibility, a baby born between cousin parent with have certain deficiancy and it's tragedic.

@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
2 Apr 08
I think it's the possibility that matters. If the closer the relationship between the marrying couple, the higher the chances to get babies with genetic deficiency. Awareness is the key to avoid such practice I think. Why we want to marry our cousins while there are so many options out there, right?

@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
9 May 08
i agree with you. this was pretty insane. i also have a cousin in the same situation like this but i think they were not married. they were just living in one roof. at first they were like some famous actors and actress, just denying about that issue and telling us that it's not true. they just tell us that they were close and we don't believe that. we're not that stupid to believe in those kind of lies. but after years have passed, they finally admitted it and they live under one roof until today, but they don't have any child yet. i think my aunt was really that stupid, tolerating that kind of thing even though it is against the law in our country 

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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
10 May 08
This is really astonishing to me. Your aunt could be too soft-hearted to tear them apart. But if the cousin-couple is not planning to have kid, then it's "ok" for them to continue with this relationship. But it's not healthy and I can feel their pressure in sustaining it. Further more, as you mentioned, it's against the law in your country! Love is blind, but it's not everything and shouldn't be a burden to ourselves and to the others. Then it's not blessed. Thanks for your response rhane7315!
@liquorice (3887)
9 May 08
While it's forbidden to marry your first cousin in most US states it is permitted in the UK and in most European countries, although I shouldn't think it's a very common practice overall.
However, in some communities it is commonplace. For example, I was reading an article that said that 55% of British Pakistanis are married to their first cousins as they believe that the shared family background leads to stronger relationships. The same article spoke of the increased risks of "recessive genetic disorders" from this practice.
I know that one of my anscestors married her first cousin about 90 years ago (makes our family tree look a bit confusing!) and their son was born with some health problems (don't know the details). It doesn't seem like a very sensible thing to do given the risk of these consequences, but I'm sure it's also often a case of not being able to help who you fall in love with.
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
10 May 08
Hi liquorice, thanks for the interesting sharing in the practice you observed in Europe and the unique case in your family tree. I understand that by enforcing a law which prohibit the marriage with first cousin is somehow limiting the freedom, but if it's proven that it has the risk of having "recessive genetic disorders" then I think it should be done in such a way to prevent more unfortunate tragedies to happen. Love is blind, but awareness is important to be cultivated so that it could be avoided if possible.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
28 Mar 08
Yes, I agree with you. It's wrong and against to the norm of most of the society in this world. Besides, laws are made to prohibit of such close-relative-marriage. It's having very high risk of having babies with genetic defect as well. May be our ancestors just know about it and thus setting rules to prevent such unfortunate event to happen. Thanks for your response subha12.
@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
29 Mar 08
In Norway it is not common at all for 1st cousins to marry. TThere are some debate about it though due to the chances of having kids with birth defects. There are some ethnic groups here where they do marry their 1st cousins quite often. I think it is important to be aware of the dangers and do some more research on it. I do not think it is a good thing myself - especially if it goes on in generation after generation, but I am not sure I think it needs to be prohibited by law.
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@operationcwal (188)
• Malaysia
25 Apr 07
Right to the point,it is not OK to get married with cousin as God disallow it.By the way, why get yourself into such troublesome situation?There is not only a tree in a jungle!
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
27 Mar 08
Hello dear chenogyc. In old China there used to be many such cases as to get married between cousins, which is no good at all as the blood line is so close, but it is great that it is prohibited and more and more people get to know about the bad effects that this kind of marriage or relationship would bring about. Thanks.
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
28 Mar 08
What you said is right. Chinese ancient culture allow marriage between cousins. But the cousins to be married should have different surname. Those having same surname is not allowed as well. Today, we know that it's inappropriate to marry with cousins, regardless of same or different surname, because genetically, they are still very close in blood line and is having high risk of getting defect offsprings. Therefore, most of the countries had prohibited the marriage between cousins. But it funny though, the marriage between homosexual are legallized in some Europe countries. LoL.
@alexigne (903)
• Philippines
28 Mar 08
When your going to look at the bible.. it does not define cousin marriage as right or wrong although it does firmly prohibit XXX and marriage between other relatives.
That was on Leviticus18:6-18.
In our culture when you heard that your cousin had an affair with his/her cousin.. You will judge them easily because it is too immoral...
When they continue that cousin relationship.. WE will say that karma is just around and when thing happen like they don't bless a child...
We react as "that is karma"Even though how deep the relationship especially you are belong to first cousin that was extremely unacceptable..
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
28 Mar 08
Thanks for sharing your point of view regarding the marriage between cousins. Now I have a little insight of the bible’s view on such subject. I think it’s not right to marry cousin (not only 1st cousin) for most of culture in the world. Not only the culture is not allowing it, but also risky genetically. It will be very unfortunate if an child was born with genetical defect due to marriage with close relative. It’s also a pity for the child as well. But in ancient time, it’s normal for such practice for the Chinese. But they no longer practice nowadays.
@azahari33 (221)
• Malaysia
28 Mar 08
I'm not sure about this but someone once told me that marrying your cousin, especially a first cousin exposes you to the risk of your child having leukemia. You'll have to confirm it with a doctor. But I'm quite sure there are some medical reasons why you shouldn't marry a first cousin.
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
28 Mar 08
That's right. The main reason of prohibiting marriage between close relatives is to reduce the risk of having such disease. Sometimes, it's very sad to have abortion because the doctor will advise to drop the baby with genetic defect. Therefore, marriage with cousins should really be avoided. I think it's not allowed in law as well. Thanks for your response azahari33!
@tharson123 (63)
• Canada
29 Mar 08
NOOOOO, it not good to marry your cousin because it can cuase genetic problems!
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 08
What you said is righ. But somewhere in this world, such practise is still allowed. It depends on the culture and norm of that place. Awareness should be cultivated among them in order to prevent unfortunate event like having babies with genetic defect.
@craftwave (1338)
• United States
4 Feb 07
How close of a cousin is he marrying? In the states you are not allowed to marry first cousins and I believe also you are not allowed to marry second cousins. After that the risks of genetic defects harmful to a baby go way down.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Well, its still legal in around 11 states to marry your cousin. I think its really weird, and I dont see why anyone would want to do it anyways, but too each his own, if they cant find anyone marriable that isn't their cousin, w/e.
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 07
LoL. But strange things do keep happening around the world. And, it's not easy for us to judge the love relationship. I know in some of the places, it's the wish of their parents instead of the marrying couple's will to get together. I know it's kinda ridiculous, but it's true.
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@kaplya (1578)
• India
7 Mar 07
if u ask scientifically then of course it's wrong!! but as far as i know there r many culture and communities in which it is allowed to marry ur cousin by tradition. i m from north india and in my part it is considered unacceptable but i have heard that there r some cultures within india too who doesn't mind such weddings.
i think one should not prefer to marry to someone who shares the same genes or some parts of the genes.
in my opinion it's more upto society to change things about such relationships than the government.
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@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
7 Mar 07
That is right, such doing is opposing the natural rules. That's why we are seeing the tragic consequences of babies who suffer genetical defect being born due to marriage with kin. Besides, what is most surprising to me, in Ancient Egypt, in order to avoid the throne falling into other nations, the Prince marry with his sister. (From same family, so no intervention from foreign forces). Scarry huh?
Thanks for your response :)
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