Do you think there should be a prince of persia movie?
By vega83
@vega83 (6342)
February 4, 2007 1:30pm CST
yes, i know, i know, i've initiated this same topic for other games, but everytime i start one we all get stuck on who should play the lead, but for the prince, i have the perfect actor.
Now, i'm sure most of you might have heard of the indian actor john abraham, i say he's perfect because he looks so much like the prince, i wouldn't say he's a great actor but maybe with good direction, he could be the perfect choice for it.
i'm also uploading his picture, so that people who don't know him can also see for themselves and then decide.
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14 responses
@Dumpertaker (1187)
2 Apr 07
Oh dear, it looks like I am going to be the minority with my opinion, but I thought I'd give my two cents.
As much as it would be interesting to see a movie based on the game Prince of Persia (I play the games a lot on my PS2 and hope to get the PSP ones soon..and have been playing the games since they were released all those years ago...) I do not think this is a very good idea. Before you heckle me and burn me at the stake let me explain my reasoning on my thoughts...
Sadly, for the most part movies based on games are total and utter garbage. Sure, there are a few gems out there (and each person's opinions on which ones they differ..for me one of the gems has to be Resident Evil) but for the most part they are utter garbage...sad but true.
Mind you if this was to happen maybe this would be one of the few gems out there...
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@chiquitita (1226)
• Indonesia
2 Apr 07
I agree with your point, nice one and very well said! Most of game based movies are garbage. Resident evil and tomb raider are the proves. I am a big fan of Tomb Raider games, but I dont like the movies. Prince of Persia is in different setting, and story. I think it worths the hope :)
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
2 Apr 07
That's alright dumpertaker, everyone's allowed to have their own opinions, in fact if you've seen some of my responses in other discussions like these, I've also said the same things that people take great games and make crap movies out of them, the only one I remotely liked was silent hill, because they didn't stray too far away from the game.
This is just more of a wonderment, so you don't think there should be one, but if there is a movie then who do you think should play the prince.
Because whether we like it or not, I strongly feel that this game will be made into a movie, it's just too good, and at least this way we can suggest our opinions on the actor or something, just for fun.
@Dumpertaker (1187)
4 Apr 07
Cheers for understanding my view Vega!
You have a valid point when you say that it is most likely that they will make a movie based on this game due to it's popularity, and as I had said previously, this could well be one of the few rare gems that are actually really good movies.
As for who could play him? Hmmm, that's a toughie really, and if it were to happen it will probably go one of two ways...
1)It goes down the cheaply made junk movie route, and they will enlist someone who nobody has heard of, the movie will sink into the mists of bad movie history (maybe)
2)If gets the mega Hollywood treatment and they will use some a-list movie star (like a tanned Johnny Depp) and it will just look wrong.
I have seen pictures of the person you had suggested (the name escapes me now) and he looks really good for the part, and I think he would be the way forward.
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@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Make a helluva movie. Who's John Abraham?
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@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I saw it after I posted. How's his english?
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
5 Feb 07
it's not that bad, he does have that little bit of an indian accent, but hey, if the movie is made, it will be less talking and more action, and plus those things can be taken care of, actors adopt different accents for many roles, he's not that good of an actor, but he does do well in some roles.
He looks perfect though
@chiquitita (1226)
• Indonesia
1 Apr 07
I agree with princeofrdm, Orlando Bloom will be perfect! John Abraham is cool, but he needs to correct his accent. I dont care who will play the role, I am just waiting for the movie lol. Sure it'll be an awesome and of course expensive movie. Monica Belucci has her voice for Kaileena, I bet she would be perfect to star Kaileena as well.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
1 Apr 07
Well that is true, he will have to work hard at his accent, that seems to be the only hurdle though, that and the fact that he'll have to improve his acting skills a bit.
I still don't like the idea of Orlando Bloom as the prince, but I think Monica Belucci would definitely be good as kaileena.
@stutiaquarian (394)
• India
2 Apr 07
it should be
and may be john is the best option for it
or may be hrithik would also do
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@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
2 Apr 07
Hhhmmm...hands down, Oded Fehr. He's the man in the Mummy movies with all the tatoos on his face and the name was Ardeth Bey. his younger years. I don't know about now since he's older, but he's from Israel and Israel and Iran are it's -close- enough.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
7 Apr 07
hmmm..... not really sure which one that is, but I think I remember him, but you're right he could be a little too old to play the prince, if the prince was the king that would've been different, but..... since he's the prince, I think it definitely has to be someone younger.
@soniccastle (61)
• India
7 Feb 07
Hey John Abraham is perfect he has to work out a little more (only a pinch) to get that hard toned perfect warrior of Our prince. And who says storyline of the sands of time is not good it is amazing i think u did not play it don't miss it as a hardcore fan of the pop. Its damn good and it clears many doubts which arise in warrior within and the two thrones.
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@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
7 Feb 07
that's not what i meant.
i have played the sands of time and loved it just as much as you can,
i apologize if what i said sounded like i was dissing sands of time, because i wasn't,
i simply implied that the other two, especially warrior within, has the best potential for the most awesome scenes and fights, ofcourse the first one is really important cuz that's how it all starts, but i was saying that if it has to be compressed in one movie, then the villain of the second one, the dahaka, would be a great supporting character, cuz the second one has the most material to work with.
@yashINSANE (3)
• India
5 Feb 07
ya deinitly ther must be a movie on it..but i prefer it
to be a hollywood made...n john abraham is the right match..if this movie were to be released its gonna be a block buster of all time...
@dunce002917 (226)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I think there should be a movie based on the Prince of Persia Franchise. But it needs the following for it to be a hit: 1. a GREAT script 2. an excellent director 3. a great actor for the lead (doesn't have to be famous but has to be recognizable) and 4. full support from the game developer.
as for the actor, I would like to see the guy who plays Mohinder Suresh in Heroes to play the prince. What do you think?
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
6 Feb 07
here's what i think
great script but nothing too far away from the game, actually the script should be based totally on the game, i would say mainly warrior within and two thrones, cuz those had great story lines.
ofcourse an excellent director, who has played the game, and who understands the prince and sees him like gamers do.
a great actor, but someone who we can see the prince in, in his face, in his characteristics, and i'll still stick to john abraham with that.
i totally agree with the last one, full support and consultation of the game developer, that's where most movie makers go wrong they buy the rights to the game, and they make it with their own vision, instead of that they should work together with the game developers to make a great movie but to still keep the game feeling alive in the movie.
@posterBOY (116)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
I'd say this would make for a good blockbuster trilogy. The movies should be based on all three games: Sands of Time, where all the trouble started; Warrior Within, the Prince's attempt to set things right; and The Two Thrones, to finally end the series and wrap up the whole thing. John Abraham will make a good Prince, but I think his English might be a problem. How about Johnny Depp? He has the action credentials due to his "Pirates" movies, and he can play character roles well.
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@Mohd_moiz (28)
• Pakistan
11 Feb 07
Definitely there would be a flim on all the parts of Price of Persia specially on the II part b,coz it has an advantue,action,puzzle and it has a better story then other parts. I enjoy it most
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@DRainCode (14)
• Indonesia
1 Apr 07
i think it would be perfect but he should had more athletic body,...