Were you one of the people who didn't believe in Global Warming?
By Tesa
@xphile777 (427)
United States
February 5, 2007 4:42am CST
There's never been a doubt in my mind that Global Warming is a real, man-made phenonmena. Now the world's leading climate scientists have confirmed that.
But just last week, I saw someone on MyLot and on another website talking about how Global Warming isn't real.
What I want to know is, were you one of those who didn't believe that GW exists? And now that the panel of leading climate scientists have confirmed its existence, are you convinced that it's real or do you still not believe that man has had a hand in screwing up the Earth's climate?
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41 responses
@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
5 Feb 07
Climate change has always operated more or less in cycles ever since the Earth was formed. The planet has seen ice ages and much warmer periods, and this is part of the natural changes.
However, Man has always affected his environment -- making fields out of meadows, cutting down forests to use the wood for housing, etc. -- and the industrial revolution has quickened the pace at which this singular bipede has influenced his home planet. Now, there is no doubt that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and other greenhouse gases caused by human activity, are changing the global climate.
I've always thought that Man may have been the cause of the current changes but, knowing about the different climate variations throughout the 4.5 billion years of the planet's history, I wasn't quite certain about it. Now, a panel of experts has determined that there are 90% chances that global warming is due to human activity. Who am I to dispute the experts' observations and conclusions? ;)
@AJMSmith (112)
5 Feb 07
Most CO2 released into the atmosphere comes from volcanos. As for global warming ... mankink has probably added to the effect but bearing in mind that the planet is still warming from the last ice age, mankind is NOT the sole cause of global warming.
As for the so panel of so called experts ... select from people with particular beliefs and you get a response that reflects that ... no surprise there really.
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@FaaNee (30)
• Indonesia
6 Feb 07
haven't you oticed for the last ten years the rain forest have declined significantly? the numbers of car running down the street has increase more than quadruple? yes indeed volcanos emit CO2 but that is how the nature works, it is mankind who change the balance of nature to fullfil their greed.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
5 Feb 07
This is a huge debate in my house between my partner and myself.
He seems to think it is not real and others at his work has convinced him it is not real. While I have always believed in it!
I have had discussions with my partner recently that have really caused me to be upset at his ignorance and stubbornness.
It is now my goal to prove it to him that it is real. But he seems to think that scientists are at constant conflicts of each other. So, thus far, nothing has smacked him across the head yet to get him to understand it is real. But I am considering using that as my method to get my point across to him. ha ha
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
5 Feb 07
There is a lot of evidence that the climate operates on a cyclic basis, so it is quite possible that we would be experiencing global climate changes irrespective of the effects of current technology.
However, the one thing that is absolutely certain is that mankind has played a major role in the destruction of the ozone layer and caused serious harm to the environment. It is virtually impossible to determine how the environment would have been if mankind was not here, but we have either caused it completely or at the very least aided the problem.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Of course, Global Warming is truly happening and it has been taking place from the time man started to abuse the environment. The scientists have been talking about this way before the 1970's but most people didn't care to heed what they were talking about as the effects were hardly ever been felt then. But those who heeded it somehow, started to plant some trees and encourage various governments to undertake similar activities. The heed was taken by the Philippine Government wayback in the 1970's. I still remember that high school and college students were required to plant trees as a part of the activities we had to undertake this being treated as a school requirement for graduation. Maybe having undertaken such steps helped greatly in the delaying of the GW thing to reach its devastating heights. Nonetheless, because of the wanton disregard of most of the populace of this wide world, GW to be reaching present heights can in no way be stopped. Let us hope that by now, what with the information dissemination campaign being carried out through trimedia, at least 90% of the world's population will do its share required to stabilize the ozone layer. With this much taking concern, at 90% doing everything to save the world, what we do now will really make a big difference.
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@sandphinx (131)
5 Feb 07
Well man cannot go on raping the earth of its trees which provide oxygen and the animals which provide balance along with creating more and more carbon without some payback can he
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@gleissonfidelis (3)
• Brazil
6 Feb 07
is cleare thalt man is the great cuprit conutries as USA. TAt had not signed to kioto because this would only go to harm the industries, that is prefer to be rich and not to have future for they had spent what they had earned.
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@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
I do believe in Global Warming and I have heard in the news that some places can be erase on our globe and I feel sad about those people that has to transfer for a safer place for the water is already on their place specially those near at the sea.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
6 Feb 07
i believe on scientists claim and discovery..that global warming really is happening now...climate at present are so very different when im still teens...its not only a manmade thing..it also causes natural calamities,,such as volcanic eruptions and others...
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
5 Feb 07
What panel? The IPCC? They haven't released a report yet, just a summary. Check this out to see a little more on the issue:
There are plenty of people that don't believe the earth is warming, and even more that dont believe its man made. The science just isn't methodologically sound.
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@96vidalias (344)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I did have some doubts about fifteen years ago. But it isn't just warming, it is other changes too, like the wind patterns changing, causing some places to even be cooler.
Everyone talks about using more energy efficient vehicles, etc. but what I can't understand is why people are not more worried about the population expanding. That is where the pollution comes from. I thought we had all agreed back in the sixties that we would strive for zero population growth.
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@xphile777 (427)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Well, I've done my part concerning zero-population growth. I can now stand back and blame the rest of the world who've reproduced. :)
@PacificChief (123)
• United States
5 Feb 07
How can go about this non sense global warming,in Hawaii today its 50%,take a look at the weather picture for the US and finally look at these websites "iceagenom.com" and CO2science.com What you are suffering from is called "LIBERATUS DEMOCRAZIES DENIAL SYNDROME and the remedy for it is "get a little dirt on your hands" and live a life
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@kims374 (300)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I definately believe in global warming...too many things are happening @ the world for it not to be happening. One of these days, the earth is going to burn up, and it will be too late. It's already too late...something should have been done @ this 30 years ago, and the president is stupid for thinking taking action now will prevent the inevidable.
@Swinghi (53)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I guess I am one of them because the "World's leading scientists" also said that maybe the it has been oversold. I love how people just love to hear what the want to hear. I don't know either way but some people just love jumping on the first thing people hear.
@xphile777 (427)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Um, speaking of hearing only what one wants to hear:
Note that the BBC article doesn't claim that Global Warming doesn't exist, just that it's exaggerated. There's quite a difference between "oversold" and "doesn't exist at all."
@the_mole_patrol (3)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Regaurdless of if it is man-influenced or not, our country is WASTING money on this war. Even if this war is just for oil, if we INVESTED that money soley into breaking ourselves from economic dependence we would be set. Spend it on research for electric-only automobiles or cleaner energy generation. How I wish the more simple problems were easy to fix.
@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
We don't have to be a rocket scientist not to believe that Global warming do exist.It just the effect of depletion of the ozone layer.Carbon dioxide that has emitted here is contributory to the depletion of the ozone layer thus leading to more penetration of the UV rays of the sun thus melting of the ice.Bingo!
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I can see the effects of global warming and definitely believe it. However, while I can see it is happening, I'm not entirely sure the causes have been sufficiently proven. There are other factors.
For example, now there is also evidence of global warming on Mars. You can't really say humans caused that.
But I do think humans contribute to it here on Earth.
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@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
6 Feb 07
Unfortunately global warming is a serious threat to us, animals, plants and earth. I kmow some people who don't believe that, but in these days,in Winter, in the town where I live, there are amazing warm days and the friends of mine who don't believe in global warming are fearing to be wrong. Some trees, some plants are blossoming and this is very sad. There are scientits who deny this terrible threat because some governments don't want sign Kioto protocol and so "use" scientists to deny the truth.
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@ac1988 (6)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I actually believe Global Warming exists in a way by the actions, we as humans, create. Pollution being a great factor, however looking at the history of changes the earth's climate has been changing throughout. I've been actually looking into Global Warming since the cold weather we've been receiving in California. Especially since it hasn't been so since the early 1920's.
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