Intoducing the Filipinos to the World
By fedge098
@fedge098 (1330)
February 5, 2007 5:20am CST
Yes, we're proud to be Filipinos!
I recently received a compilation of what a typical Filipino is. Read along and realize what we, Filipinos, have in common. For non-Filipinos out there, do you have some Filipino traits in you? Let me know after you read this...
1. You point at directions with your lips
2. You eat using your hands and have it down to a technique
3. Your other piece of luggage is a balikbayan box
4. You nod your head upwards to greet someone
5. You put your foot up on your chair and rest your elbow on your knee while eating
6. You use a rock to scrub yourself in the bath or shower
7. You have to kiss your relatives on the cheek as soon as you enter the room
8. You are standing next to eight big boxes at the airport
9. You collect items from hotels or restaurants "for souvenir sake"10. You smile for no apparent reason
11. You flirt by having a foolish grin while raising your eyebrows repeatedly
12. You go to a department store and try to bargain the prices
13. You use an umbrella for shade on hot summer days
14. You scratch your head when you don't know the answer
15. You never eat the last morsel of food on the table
16. You go bowling (even though you cant bowl)
17. You play pusoy (a card game)& mahjong
18. You prefer to sit in the shade instead of basking in the sun (at a beach or awimming pool)
19. You add an unwarranted "H" to your name, eg Jhun, Bhoy or Rhon (I'm guilty of this! lol!)
20. You put your hands together in front of you as if to make a path and say "excuse, excuse" when you pass in between people or in front of the TV
20. Your middle name is your mother's maiden name
21. You like everything that is imported
22. You check the labels on clothes to see where it was made
23. You are perfectly comfortable in a squatting position with your elbows resting on your knees
24. You consistently arrive 30 minutes late for all events
25. You always offer food to all your visitors
26. You say "comfort room" instead of "bathroom"27. You say "for take out" instead of "to go"28. You "open" or "close" the lights
29. You ask for "Colgate" instead of "toothpaste"30. You ask for a "pentel pen" or a "ball pen" instead of just a pen
31. You refer to the refrigerator as the "ref" or "pridyider"32. You say "kodakan" instead of "take a picture"33. You order a "McDonald's" instead of a "hamburger" (pronounced ham-boor-jer)
34. You say "Ha?' instead of "What?"35. You say "Hoy!" to get someone's attention
36. You answer when someone yells "Hoy!"37. You turn around when someone says "Pssst"!
38. You say "Cutex" instead of "nail polish"39. You say "for a while" instead of "please hold" on the telephone
40. Your say "he" when you mean "she" and vice versa
41. You say "aray!" instead of "ouch!"42. Your sneeze sounds like "ahh-ching" instead of "ahh-choo"43. You prefer to make acronyms for phrases such as "OA" for overacting, "DOM" for dirty old man and "TNT" for, well .... you know
44. You say "air-con" instead of "air-conditioner"45. You pronounce the following words: "hippopo-TA-mus", "com-FOR-table" "bro-CO-li"46. You say "brown out" instead of "black out"47. You say "Uy!" instead of "Oops"48. You say "go bark" instead of "returning home"HOME FURNISHINGS
49. You use a walis tambo & a walis ting-ting as opposed to a conventional broom
50. You have a "weapon of Moroland" shield hanging in your living room wall
51. A television set is indispensable 'coz the second you step into your home you switch on the TV even though there's no program to watch .... and
leave it on the whole night through
52. You have a portrait of "The Last Supper" hanging in your dining room wall
53. You own a karaoke system
54. You own a piano no one ever plays
55. You have a tabo in the bathroom
56. Your house is cluttered with burloloys
57. You have 2 or 3 pairs of tsinelas at your doorstep
58. Your house has ornate wrought iron gates in front of it
59. You have a rose garden
60. You display a laughing Buddha for good luck
61. You have a shrine to the Santo Nino in your living room
62. You own a "Barrel Man" (shwing!)
63. You have a parol hanging outside your house during the holidays
64. You cover your living room furniture with bedsheets
65. Your lampshades still have the plastic covers on them
66. You have plastic runners to cover the carpets in your house
67. You refer to your VCR as "Beta-max"68. You have a rice dispenser
69. You own a turbo broiler
70. You own one of those fiber-optic flower lamps
71. You own a lamp with the oil that drips down the strings
72. You have a giant wooden fork & spoon hanging in the dining room
73. You have wooden tinikling dances on the wall
74. You own capiz shells chandeliers, lamps or placemats
75. You call your "Mercedez Benz" a "chedeng"76. Your car chirps like a bird or plays a tune when it's in reverse
77. Your car horn can make 3 or more different sounds
78. Your car has curb feelers on it
79. You hang a rosary on your car's rear view mirror
80. You have those air-freshners in a bottle
81. You have aunts & uncles named "Baby", "Girlie" or "Bhoy"82. You were raised to believe that every Filipino is an aunt, uncle or cousin
83. Your dad was in the navy
84. Your mom or sister is a nurse
85. You get smelling kisses from your grandma
86. Your parents call each other "mommy" or "daddy"87. You have a family member that has a nickname that repeats itself, eg Deng-deng, Ling-ling, Jon-jon,& Bing-bing
88. You put hot dogs (instead of sausages) in your spaghetti
89. You consider dilis (anchovies) the Filipino equivalent to french fries
90. You think that eating chocolate rice pudding & dried fish is a great morning meal
91. You order things like tapsilog, longsilog, or tocilog at restaurants
92. You instinctively grab a toothpick after a meal
93. You order a "softdrink" instead of a "soda"94. You dip bread in your morning coffee
95. You refer to seasonings & other forms of monosodium glutimate as "Ajinomoto"96. Your cupboards are full of corned beef hash, Spam, Vienna Sausages & tins of sardines
97. "Goldilocks" means more to you than just a character in a fairy tale
98. You will die for a fresh pot of hot rice
99. You bring baon to work everyday, and your boan is usually something over rice
100.Your neighbors complain about the smell of tuyo on Sunday mornings
101.You eat rice for breakfast
102.You use your fingers to measure the water when cooking rice
103.You wash & re-use plastic utensils and styrofoam cups
104.You have a supply of frozen lumpia in the freezer
105.You have an ice-shaver for making "halo-halo"106.Your tablecloths have tell-tall "toyo circles" on them
107.You eat purple yam-flavour ice cream
108.You gotta have a bottle of Jufran handy
109.You fry Spam and hot dogs and eat them with rice think half-hatched duck eggs are a delicacy
111.You know that "chocolate meat" isn't really made with chocolate
112.You use rubbing alcohol all over your body when you are sick instead of taking a bath.
Feel free to add to the list. NO OFFENSE MEANT.^_^
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