christian music

United States
February 5, 2007 10:51am CST
For the past year i have gone back to my Roots witch is my belief in God. I have been having a real hard time with music. i was a rock-n-roll girl. I'm talkig Balck Sabbath ,Aerosmith, Metalica etc..I do have a deep love for music. I think the main thing about a song you like is that it makes you feel a certain way. Wether its good or bad songs make you feel ,i dont know if i want to say it's emotion? So any ways i had a hard time with music since i am walking with God again. It was like every song on the radio was a ballad. I needed a song that got your toes-a-tappin.The old days i would have said head banging. I guess i needed to slow down a little. As in accuire a taste for it. I listened to it for the content.THE MESSAGE OF THE LORD. I know there are christian bands out there that are harder but i want that happy medium. Third day is the first christain band that got me. That made me feel something out of the song other than the word of God.
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3 responses
@pitstop (14757)
• Australia
7 Feb 07
If you're looking for bands - try Third Day, DC Talk, TobyMac, Downhere, Jeremy Camp, BarlowGirl, Petra, Kutless, By The Tree, Skillet, AllTOgetherSeparate. Switchfoot, and a lot more - most of the bands above are rock but not really hard. You can listen to some online radio @ And a lot of other online stations. I'll try adding more bands whenever possible.
@bunzilla (74)
• United States
5 Feb 07
does your whole life need to be consumed by THE MESSAGE OF THE LORD? why can't you just listen to what you like and don't pay attention to the lyrics if you feel they will compromise your beliefs.
• United States
5 Feb 07
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. But would'nt that be like Bill Clinton "NOT INHALING" i have to say i still have a thing for black sabbath. I played a song for my Neice who just started playing the base. the song is called NIB "Nativity in Black" if you are not fimalir with them. The song says "my name is lusifer please take my hand" i guess when i listened to them i wasnt like worshiping satan i still believed in God then but i guess my "christian" concience wasnt as strong as they are now. P.S "He did not have relations with that wonan " either. Ha Ha
• United States
5 Feb 07
yeah i guess it could be like "not inhaling" :P but i think that if listening to the music is what makes you happy, then why try to stop? the lyrics arent the only thing you like about it right? as long as you're not taking the lyrics literally and worshipping lucifer or anything i think that you can listen and still be a good christian. just like i can listen to christian music and still be a good heathen. lol
• United States
5 Feb 07
Hi just wanted to tell you i liked marlyn's verson of sweet dreams
@gingerjo (170)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I agree with the need to have good music. My favs are Third day, casting crowns, by the tree and tree63. These are very good bands with rockin music.