some parents like/feel the need to brainwash their kids... with religion
By soadnot
@soadnot (1606)
February 5, 2007 1:49pm CST
Many religious parents like/feel the need to enforce their own beliefs on their kids. Its almost like brainwashing. Wait, it is brainwashing. Kids are the most gullible people. This is because they have no beliefs, ideas, knowledge or experience of their own, therefor, they leach off of other peoples. From childhood they are taught to be good to go to heaven, or they must pray 3 times a day so god can give him a good life or whatever.
Since they have no thoughts of their own, it is their parents' ideas that grow inside them; It is the beliefs of the environment they are raised in, it is not the child's true faith. They are persuaded to believe in these beliefs by embellishment or fear.
For those of you who argue that this is not "brainwashing" lets take a look at the definition of brainwash.
1. persuade completely, often through coercion
2. the application of coercive techniques to change the beliefs or behavior of one or more people for personal or political purposes.
Hmm, are they being "persuaded completely through coercion"?
Telling your kids about Jesus and God, heaven and hell, thats the application of these coercive techniques. They change the child beliefs and behavior (to be good so you can go to heaven). And as stated above, children are the most gullible type of people, these coercive techniques don't need to be to "advanced". The promise of heaven and a "better place" where you can get anything you want is enough for them - or the promise of a worse place if they keep acting bad is also enough to scare them. Therefor, because they have no beliefs to begin with, they cant defend themselves from your beliefs because they have nothing to challenge your beliefs with.
This should be outlawed.
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41 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Feb 07
soadnot I understand what you are saying and I agree...I think if a child is going to be taught the parents key religion they should also be taught about various other key religions in their area as well...for a number of reasons..
#1 so that they are aware and educated PROPERLY (meaning also being told that other religions are equally as valid)rather than goin to school or being out for a playdate or in public etc and possibly insulting someone becuase their faith is different
#2 so that the child(ren) are already prepped with the basics for later yrs when the are old enough to decide for themselves what path if any, they want to choose..they'll have the basics and will be able to do further research in order to make a wise choice for themselves..rather than having to deprogram themselves THEN relearn etc
I also feel that putting the fear of hell and the empty promise of heaven in order to get them to behave properly is basically a form of bad parenting.....You should teach your children to be good ppl and to behave becuase thats the proper way to be not because after you die you'll get a prezzie...Children should be raised to be kind and harmonious because thats what our world needs, because being kind and compassionate is what they would expect from others towards them and because being a positive person and playign a positive role in society will bring a happy, peaceful life...Not to mention I dont agree with lying to our always comes back and bites you in the a$$ eventually and that in itself can not only be damaging in the end but also what is that teaching them??
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
thank you, i agree with every word.
especialy how you proposed a solution to the "problem"
It would not be called "brainwashing" if you were to teach all the (major) religions and told the child to think about them and research about it when they are older. That is good parenting.
I am an athiest but i really respect the Bahi religion. This is because they are not allowed to enforce their own religion. They say that the child must learn about all the religions, including bahi, and the child will eventually become a bahi. This is either an amazinlgy sly "marketing ploy" or a beautiful way to choose your path.
That is why i respect the religion, it has TRUE freedom
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
so what your saying is that i could kill 10 people and rape another 5, swear at "thy mother and thy father", but if i believe in jesus christ i can "go through him" and be saved?
Also, the teachings of love your enemy are much older than the bible and of jesus christ. You may have heard of the profit "mithras" or "mithra", he thousands of years older than jesus, he was also the son of god, and he has also spread the message of love thyn enemy.
And it is even older than mithras. There is evidence of this in mesopotamia (the oldest known civilization). Those writings are much older and they have said this.
The bible is just a book compiled with messages, storys, comandments and good ideas (haha old testiment, yea right)FRom THe PAst that are designd to "enlighten" us.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Lots of people are considered "good" people, but what about God's laws and His standards? It's easy to love those that love you, but not so easy to love those that hate you as Jesus taught us to. Those kinds of things need to be taught as well.
Prayer, love, forgiveness, the Gift of Salvation thru Jesus Christ...all of that is very important, not just being a "good" person.
Many are fooled into thinking that if they are "good", then they will go to heaven. Not so. In God's eyes, none of us is "good" enough to go there. It only takes one sin to keep us out of Heaven. Only thru Jesus Christ are we saved. We cannot work our way into heaven nor can we ever be "good" enough.
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@LindaLou (483)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
It is up to parents to teach them all the things that they feel are important in life, including religion, if that is their sincere belief. I was raised being taught the Catholic religion, but it never "brainwashed" me because I have a brain of my own. Later in life I questioned everything about my faith because my parents also taught me critical thinking skills. I now have my own beliefs and am constantly searching out alternative religions and spiritual theories and concepts.
What parents do for their kids is TEACH them what they know, not brainwash them.
By your theory then, we are also "brainwashed" in school to believe in correct spelling, grammar, math, science etc.
And maybe it is just a belief and not a fact of what is or is not correct, but we've got to learn something don't we? Or should all kids just grow up without any educational structure at all? That would make it rather difficult for them to learn practical living skills and get a job later in life don't you think?

@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
Beliefs are diffrent from facts. We learn the statement "1+1=2" in school. This is a fact, there is no argument against it because it is imposible to think anyother way. On the other hand, the statment "jesus christ is lord" is an opinion, a belief. There is no evidence in it and no matter how much faith you put in it, its still not a fact.
Its like saying that the "string theory is true". That statement is not a fact, it is a belief. This is because you cannot prove string theory (as of yet).
If you teach beliefs as if they are facts, that is "brainwashing". It is a negative word, but your doing a negative thing.
If you teach facts, thats not brainwashing at all, that is teaching the obvious.
A fact is a verified piece of information. God is not verified, jesus is certainly not verified, and spirit is also not verified.
To verify something, you must test it, confirm it, control it, regulate it, review, inspect, check, audit, substaniate or otherwise establish and document whether or not the data is accurate, true.
Also, religion is not practical at all. It slows down the advancements of science, makes us fear fear and narrows our point of view.
Facts must be taught.
Opinions must not.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
5 Feb 07
There can only be one Truth and from what I've experienced with God, I know for a fact that He is real. He's kept every single promise He has made.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I agree Linda. Your parents can't "save" you, only Jesus can do that. When the children grow up, they have to make their own decisions. Some children grow up in very good loving, Christian homes and they still get into trouble, rebell, etc. But, the parent can only do so much and allow God to do the rest.
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@spangles94 (546)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Well before you assume that im a " bible thumper " Ill admit first off that yes I am a christian and yes I do go to church regulary but there is one thing in this whole topic that you posted that is completely wrong , its not about what you said about brain washing because yes I do beleive that some parents do take their religion a bit too far and children can suffer from that , but you said that kids are the most gulible peopl on earth ?? LOL as a mother of 4 ranging from the age of 10 -4 I can tell you for a fact that that is certainly not true in fact kids can see things that we cant in the church and some , like mine will call you out on it , but then there are the others that are told to shut their mouths , its really all about how they are raised in a religion , the first thing our kids are taught about god is how much he loves us and the gift of free will that he gave us , and I also teach my kids to question everything , even tho they do this naturally so usually when somithing new is brought up in the church we think about it and then look in the our family bible and see what god has to say aboput it , see we as a family follow gods laws and not mans , personally I beleive that religion is the ultimate pyramid scheme , there is always gonna be ppl beneith you or above you in the "man made" church that you wont ever be able to change , my children have seen some so called christians in our church and also ones that are pretty high up in our church that are not acting godly ya know gossiping and such and yea like i said before my kids will call you out on it if they see you doing that , I guess thats why they cringe when we walk in every sunday LOL but over all the teaching of god or any religion is really the responsiblity of the parent and not the church after all if my kid went to bible class and was told to go murder a doctor cause he gave abortions then yea i would have a problem with it , but thankfully that hasnt happened , the ppl I find most pulled into cult like religions are teens or young adults that are just looking for someon to acknowledge them and tell them how great they really are , you know the thing parents are spossed to do. so I guess the only thing I can say is if you dont want your kid "brainwashed" then get involved in their lives and let them know how glad you are that they are there in your life :)
hope this sheds a different light on the sub ;)
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
okay, sorry but you made this personal, your the one who brought your kids into this. first of all, it doesnt matter if you have 4 kids, they are all raised by the same person.
secondly, kids are supposed to be the most innocent and most sponge like type of "people". they absorb all the knowledge.
im glad your kids are "calling out on it" (whatever that meens, which im assuming is "fighting back?") not all kids are sponges that absorb knowledge i guess..
okay, i really dont know how to debate what your saying because even in your typing their is an "accent" i cant understand. Some of your combinations of words are odd.
2.(i guess its 2 i dono lol) . anyway, um, your refering to the "family bible" on "gods laws" and not "mans laws"
is there any proof that these are "gods laws?"
is there any proof that man made religion?
is there any evidence for the side that these are "mans laws"
3. what do u meen by "high up"? what are you talking about?
gossiping? what the hell?? calling out? cringe when they walk? what are you refering too? whats going on? why are you laughing?
im sorry lady but i have very little idea of what yourtrying to argue here, please dont "type" in slang so i can understand better. and i dont even know why im making points about this.
4. murder a doctor? cults? what are you talking about?
im sorry but you need to re word this because i cannot understand this without putting words in your mouth and filling in the empty spaces with what i think you were trying to convey.
@purplegirl (12)
• Australia
7 Feb 07
simalar situation to you but my 3 are aged 6 months to 7 years. i also encourage my children to look and learn, question and think. i have a 7 year old that challanges the pastor if he doesn't understand things. by the way, i took my son out of a christian school because they told him "if you do something wrong you are listing to the Devil" i would never teach a child that! i taught him, concerning behaviour, that he has a choice in what he decides to do, it may not lead to a good outcome, but that was his descion and he has the consequenses of his own actions.i:e choosing to hit your sister is going to get you sent to your room, maybe lose a privlage depending on circumstance.

@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
5 Feb 07
But it gives kids morals and the parents believe they are saving their children. What if their religion is correct and they are all the better for it? They can find their own way as an adult, many people do, but while they are children, the parents teach them to behave the way they believe they should behave. The same things can be said of atheist parents teaching their kids in the ways of atheism, they are brainwashing them there, and taking away something from them.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Parents wanting their kids to go to heaven because they truly believe in their religion isn't believing "just in case", and I never said anything about that....
There is no difference in teaching your kids athiesm and teaching them any other religion. By teaching them atheism you are closing them other things, plain and simple.
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
first, you dont need religion to teach morals. they are 2 separate entitys. instead of saying "your gona go to hell cuz you hurt that boy!" you can say "how do you think that boy feels right now?"
morals, are completly diffrent from religions
second, "what if their religion is correct and they are all the better for it?" this is what i hate about religion the most, and i meen hate, that very strong word. I hate when people believe in something "just in case". It has nothing to do with the religion and if there is a hell and you should prolly go to hell for that. It is the single most idiotic and small minded way of thinking that has made religion so powerful.
My mom is a zorastiran and my dad is a bahi. They both wanted me to view the world in my own eyes, and now i do, and i think both religions (all religions) are BS.
Athiest parenting is actually not at all brainwasing, because you must explain to your kids why religion is stupid, which is a higher level of thinking. So basicly athiest parents dont need to explain anything, they explain morals, and when they are older, they explain why they are athiests. Because, atheism is not a religion, it is not a belief, it is a lack of belief.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Parents need to teach their children about the Lord Jesus Christ. Parents should want what is best for their children...for their future and for their salvation. It's very important to instill Christian values into their children's lives. Children need to know that the Lord created them and that He loves them so very much. They need to know that they can lean on the Lord in any situation...that He is always there no matter what. Children belong to God and God entrust His children to their parents. The Bible speaks of this. Jesus said, "Let the children come to Me."
I'm so glad that my mom took me to church and helped me to learn about the Lord. I now am strong in my relationship with Him. I have a closer walk with Him and I love to serve and worship Him!
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
If that religion for that child is truly part of "gods plan", he wouldn't need his parents to "enlighten" him. When hes old enough, he should have the freedom to learn about god in his own way, and accept whoever he wants to accept. When you teach from birth, the child is a sponge. He will be a brick wall if someone was to try to explain the facts of religion. He will not accept anything because he will assume that everything is a test of god.
Now, tell me thats not brainwashing.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
5 Feb 07
God has a plan for everyone. If you are a parent, then God expects you to do your part in raising your child with godly values. He entrusts that child to you. God uses us for His purposes.
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
but the thing about "gods plan" is.. (i should start a new thread).. that it is complete nonsense. It implys we have no freewill. If i choose not to teach my child about christianity, that is also gods plan. If i change my views, and choose to teach it to him again, god already knew that too.
I could say this about anything.
I could say that this shoe has a plan for everyone. If I choose to wear the shoe, the shoe already knew that i was going to wear it, if i choose to go barefoot, the shoe knows i was going to do that as well.
but you know that what im saying is illogical, the shoe doesnt actually know about that stuff, its just a shoe, nothing more.
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@purplegirl (12)
• Australia
5 Feb 07
while i believe your opion is your own, rightfully to state, do you also consider training children in use of manners ie;: saying please and thankyou gets a reward, positive response from parents, to be a form of brainwashing? Also to be considered is the methods considered "accetable" by your own parents in teaching/training you to observe and make descions/come to conclusions. i asume that your parents used positive re-inforcement to imlpement changes in behaviour deemed un-accetable by themelves/society at large. for examble we do not encourage others to lie, cheat, steal or murder others. this can also be stated as coercion by society at large. just a few points to ponder...
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
finaly, a good argument which does not resort to the words of the bible haha.
bad parenting:
say please and thank you to go to heaven
say please and thank you to get a reward
good parenting:
say please and thank you, then think about what the person your thanking is feeling because you said that, doesnt that make you also feel good knowing that they feel good?
*i could have prolly worded that better but im too lazy
your talking about teaching morals in your second argument.
morals are diffrent from religion. morals are just things to make people feel good about what they have done and understand that thanking and crediting people makes them feel good as well, which intern, makes you feel good too.
If they are tought **WHY** things are wrong and right, that is good parenting.
Why shouldnt i kill mommy?
-think about what that person could have become in the future
-what the family might be feeling
etc etc.
thanks for the argument
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@lvhughes (545)
• United States
6 Feb 07
ok lets all do it your way we will stop bainwashing our kids into thinking that if the rob people they will get caught and go to jail , and if the take a bath they will be clean. we have kids that need us to teach them. if everyone had your beleif we would all be little more than monkeys oh what their parents teach them things too so scratch that. children may be gullible but peoples believes change as they grow but dumb ideas stay dumb. i maen come on think we also brainwash them that 2+2=4 or you getting it yet.
you teach your kids to be as not brainwashed as you want be ine will be brainwashed as you put it i call it learning. Please stop and think what you are saying is called teaching it doesnt just protane to religion.
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
wait wait wait wait, is a FACT that if you rob somebody the chances of getting caught is very high and you will probably end up in jail.
it is not a fact that if you rob somebody you will go to hell.
2. they dont NEED us to teach them religion, they need morals.
3. you just lost your "logic" because you made this personal..
4. peoples beliefs do change, but not ultimatly. for example if one is raised in a strict christian environment, they could either reject all of it, or change it to suit themselves, but this is not their true feelings about it because there is a little voice in their head replaying their old memmories(i learned this in psychology).
5. facts are proven man, 2+2=4 is PRoven! HEAVEN IS NOT man
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
5 Feb 07
No way it could be outlawed without outlawing religion.
Parents, if they believe in their religion, do not want the most precious things in their lives (their children) damned for all eternity. So they will do what they believe is "best" for those children by trying to instill in them the same beliefs and set of values that the parent has.
Teaching the other religions in school will not work 100%; because, many parents homeschool in order to prevent their children from being exposed to other beliefs while they are still young and "impressionable".
Is this right or wrong; well, that all depends on what your religion tells you.
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
I see where your coming from but i didnt think it would haveto fall upon outlawing religion. Its true tho, some parents are just as brainwashed as they want there kids to be. This is child abuse.
when i said above that morals are diffrent from religions, i was right. From a moral persepective, this is wrong.
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@rahuldmhatre (736)
• India
5 Feb 07
well thats wrong, why enforce your views on your child, he will think thats forced belief, let him find religion in his own way........just guide him, i know that he will surely find the same
@royalkaliber (135)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I agree with you to an extent. When I first met my husband he was constantly regurgitating things his parents had hammered into his head. I don't think he even knew what they meant. Now he is more open-minded and free thinking. My parents allowed me to make my own decision about church and religion. (Much to the chagrin of my in-laws who are still as close-minded as ever.)
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@grinjaguar (571)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Outlawed? I don't think so. since when did the Christian doctrine teach the childrem to hurt someone? I think it depends on how the parents teach their kids about religion whether they teach their kids about fear or something but in the end as the child grows up, it is up to them to decide what is right and wrong, and whether they keep their religion , change it, or have no religion at all since they have the freedom to choose. Actually, brainwashing is a part of disciplining them but it doesn't mean that the child has no right to choose whatever he believes in. The child's education and self-realization doesn't stop in the house. It continues as the child faces the environment and interacts. In deed, parents brainwash their kids but it doesn't mean that the kid's brain doesn't work and react to what is coming in its thinking system and way of life.
@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
thats exactly what im challenging, im saying that the brain wont want to think of it any other way. THAT is what brainwashing is. Especially when you brainwash a child at that age, where it is most vulrinable. Only the smartest ones could challenge their own beliefs and come out of it.
Others, need someone to help them do this.
The only way of escaping it is challenging your own beliefs, wether someone enlightens you or you see it for yourself.
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@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
5 Feb 07
Parents feel the need t brainwash their kids with religion.... and my parents tried to do it with me, but without success. Unfortunately my parents (above all my father) are Catholic in an exaggerate way and I fought much with them when I was young. Instead I let my son free to decide, he loves Christianity and I let him free to go to the church, but I never took him to church and I won't ever do it. My parents tried to brainwash me, but they failed. :-)
@saralee1 (1983)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Yeah. It is brainwashing.I'll share my experiences with you, in a nutshell. had two mormon parents, who had 6 kids. Atthe age of 7, was telling everyone, Joseph smith was the true Prophet of God, but I wasn't sure really who the guy was. (Brainwashing technique) at 10, I was baptized. I was always told, if I lefttheir church, even at an early age mind you, I'd be cast into outer darkness, you know, with the murderers and stuff. at 14, went to live with foster parents, because my own parents were considered unfit. foster parents were Born again Christian. Became Born again Christian!
brainwashing in that church as well!
ok, so yeah, the brainwashing does go on. it isn'tpleasant by any means, to try to think of a different belief. Luckily, I have been around the block, and I have turned Agnostic, because as every religion will admit, they do not really know GOD.I have also been a Druid, and Wiccan. If you ask me my religion, I simply state Spiritualist. I try to keep an open mind to things, because a closed mind is a terrible thing.
I have been cast out into outer darkness by my very ignorant siblings who believe the way to GOD is through the Mormon Church.
However, the way I see it, I have truly been set free.
Brainwashing is Definately a form of abuse. it makes you stupid!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Feb 07
"I was always told, if I lefttheir church, even at an early age mind you, I'd be cast into outer darkness, you know, with the murderers and stuff."
omg...I dont know how a parent could do that to their child or any child for that matter..Thats terrible..Same with the whole threatening a child with hell etc...Parents/caregivers like that need a good slap upside the head with a really heavy large object
@Psychodaly (106)
• Israel
6 Feb 07
Well I think that a parent shouldn't enforced his child...
He could show him the way and talk with him about religion and stuff but not in enforced it's aint helping at all.
Genereally I think that kids should learn something about their religion and believe. because man without believe is nothing.
@baileym11 (887)
• United States
6 Feb 07
The truth is many parents "brainwash" their kids about much more than religion. I think most parents try to do the best for their kids; it's just that everyone's ideas are different. Personally, I believe that you give your kids enough varied experiences that they can make educated choices for themselves. Now, of course, that means you have to live with the consequences. They may not choose what you would choose. But I believe in diversity.
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@navinbond017 (969)
• India
6 Feb 07
i dont like anybody talk about religion, caste etc.....
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@randyequal (439)
• China
6 Feb 07
It is quiet common that a family has the same religion, and it is very rare that two contradict religions exsiting in a family... It is ture that parent like to brain-wash their children.
it is difficult to forbidden parents to do so, you mentioned law.. is that feasible? in my opinnion it will not work... becasue the daily effect kids receive from their parents is so strong... and you can't forbid parents to teach their kids new things and the things that parents right from parents' opinion, including religion
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@soadnot (1606)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
its not "very rare" at all. Im not sure about you, but I live in toronto, a very diverse city. Lots of kids my age find their own way. but i agree, the majority of them in the world follow their parents footsteps. But your parents footsteps may not nessaceraly be yours, like how many kids follow their parents footsteps in their jobs.
if what your saying is true, this "daily effect" should work wether or not they explain the religion or not. So they shouldnt in the first place unless the child asks, in which then you would say, "it is my belief that.. but you can believe whatever you want about that. I encourage you to research all religions, and question all religions, find the right one for you or dont find one at all. whatever is your spiritual path, i will not block you in anyway"
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
Where your argument fails is you are saying that the 'proof' that there is no God is 'fact'. In fact, there are holes, gaps, and unproven areas in the theory of evolution, and creation. You claim your beliefs are 'facts' but they aren't ... they are opinion as much as my beliefs. You chose to believe there is no god - you choose to 'gloss over' the areas where there really is no proof. That, in itself, is faith. We all make a choice along the way what we are going to have faith is real ... despite not being able to find solid facts about it all.
I was raised by to forward thinking atheist parents. My father and I have long debates about my decision to become Christian. It was not based on brainwashing or blind faith. My eyes are wide open. I did my research, and when challenged by my father, I did more. I find as many holes in each side of the evolution argument, in each side of the creation/big bang argument.
Not everyone who believes in God is brainwashed.
As for parenting - I encourage my children to seek. I tell them what I believe to be true, but I also tell them they will decide for themselves one day.
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@geejoy (344)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
As parents, its your duty to be the guide for your children.....if they are still minor and under your care, you have every right to tell them what to do and where to go coz they don't know yet what is good and what is bad.....and from there, children will slowly comprehend that parents only whats good for their slowly, they will follow the lead of their parents...but there are cases that children will rebel from their parents as they grew up to have their own decisions and way of thinking...with this behavior, and with proper age already, with sound decision - making capability, parents then will eventually let their children do their thing....because they know, they raised their children as best as they can...and its up already to them how will they live their lives...
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
6 Feb 07
if you found something so valuable the worth could not even be assesed ,wouldnt you want your children to benefit from its worth?????
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