How do you feel about people who fail to control their children n public places?
By loujac3
@loujac3 (1188)
United States
February 5, 2007 3:37pm CST
I work in job where we allow people to bring their dogs as long as they keep the dog on a leash and we require that the animal not be aggressive. It is fun to interact with the dogs and to share ideas.
Now then, there are the people who bring their children and just let them run unsupervised throughout the store....(blood boiling and thinking evil thoughts)those are the ones that really slay me! I am talking about the ones that destroy items, create chaos and scream and know the picture.
I saw a sign that was posted in the window of a little ma and pa store. It stated: Unattended children will be given a latte and a free puppy! I laughed so hard I almost got sick! I mentioned this to my coworkers and they agreed with me. How do you feel about this sensitive and all too often happening subject? Got any great ideas to solve it?
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84 responses
@bethmt (419)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I can understand why that would be so annoying. It bothers me when I see parents just let their children run wild and there are a lot of reasons why.
By setting no boundaries for their kids or teaching them to respect others these parents are doing their kids a great diservice. Someday they'll grow up to be adults who don't have respect for others and may even have a difficult time socializing with others because they don't recognize boundaries.
The other reason this kind of thing bothers me is because the children running wild can possibly be in danger. They can end up hurting themselves by getting into something that they shouldn't, or they could possibly be abducted by someone while they're out of their parent's sight.
And of course the very obvious reason that this bothers me is that it's an extension of the parent's own rudeness and shows a lack of respect for people's personal space and property.
But in all fairness, there are times when even the best raised kids can have their moments. I mean they're not machines and they have their moods, they get tired, hungry etc. and don't yet know how to express their needs the way adults do. I remember the times when my kids were toddlers and they'd have melt downs or get into something before I could stop them, yikes! It's all part of having kids.
I'm not sure how this should be handled though, except maybe ask parents to keep kids on a leash! Seriously though, maybe their can be signs put up saying that children must be supervised at all times. I'm not sure if that would work though.
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I feel for the children who grow tired and the parents just ignore them. I always say,"It sounds like someone is tired and needs a nap." That usually gets the attention of the parent who has learned to zone the child out.
I too agree about the signs! I mentioned the latte and puppy sign to the boss in a joking manner and he thought it was funny. But, alas, we don't want to offend paying customers. I do feel that a sign about attending to your children is in order. Thanks!
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@Only1Andrea (796)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I really don't like when people cannot control their children. The parents and they really don't know how bad that makes them look.
I would suggest that managment send around a general memo regarding people that bring their children with them to please for the "child's safety" do not let their child roam unattended. Maybe someone can suggest a semi day-care where someone brings their daughter or neice to work and all the parents chip in a couple of dollars for her to watch them during the day or something of that nature.
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Good idea about the day care section. I don't know if the head people would go for it but it would relieve some of he pressure and stress for those of us who have to clean up after them. Now, can we get a section for the shoplifters who can't behave themselves?
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@Brooke3 (610)
5 Feb 07
I find it incredibly frustrating. From a customer point of view it makes me leave the shop when there are uncontrollable children. There is a limit to what i can tolerate. If a child falls over and hurts itself and cries, then I can deal with that, i feel bad for the child. If the child is getting a bit bored and fidgety, maybe playing with the displays or something then I can deal with that.
But when there are children throwing tantrums and screaming. Or really young babies that won't stop crying it really frustrates me. I just wonder why parents would bring out children like that.
My sympathy goes to anyone who has to work in an environment where parents bring children who can't behave
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I truly understand what you are saying. I have been in a WalMart more than once and had to listen to children throwing fits and the parents do nothing. I would at least march my child to the restroom or outdoors and have a serious one on one with that child. There have been times that no matter where I go in the store, it seems that the bad child and the parent are following me. I almost have to leave because I can't tolerate it.
Come on parents, do something with those kids!
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
7 Feb 07
A good reason to stop everything, take the child sternly by the hand, ear, scruff of the neck or whatever is in reach and march them out of the store. Once in the car, out of the sight of others, disapline that monster. I used "the look" and even a swat on the fanny once in the car. That is not abuse, that is disapline. Never let the childthink for one moment that they are in control and will be tolerated. Surprise is the best tactic.
My daughter once did circles around my legs for several minutes while I was talking to a friend. Suddenly she stopped and bit me on the butt. I don't really think she thought about what she was doing. I popped her on top of her head and her reaction was one of total shock. She never did that again. My friend was as shocked by my getting bit and she said nothing of me popping my daughter on the head. It didn't hurt my daughter, it just got her attention. That is what all those parents need to do. Stop what they are doing, give their child their undevided attention and then surprise the heck out of them! A good scare doesn't hurt and the child doesn't forget it.
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
I don't understand parents who choose to just ignore the child, rather than dealing with them constructively. Like you, I was in Wal-Mart with my husband. We were in line at the register and a woman in front of us had her son with her. This boy was at least 10 years old - he was NOT a baby. From what we could figure out, he had wanted something in the store and his mother wouldn't buy it. This boy stood there and literally screamed at the top of his lungs. Not saying any words at this point. Just one, long, loud scream. Everyone was staring and shaking their heads and such. The mother? Did nothing. Totally ignored him. The cashier was literally working as fast as she could, I presume to get them out of there. Then, the boy was distracted by some item on the rack at the check-out. He demanded his mother buy it. She just shook her head "no". AGAIN with the screaming! I've never seen the likes of it. It's totally disrespectful to everyone else in the store to allow your child to behave that way and do absolutely nothing about it.
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@hitzphillygirl (1235)
• United States
5 Feb 07
That's highly annoying, watching children misbehave and listen to them whine. Parents really should control their children when they're out in public. I know some children just don't want to listen, but still... Parents are just setting themselves up to look bad.
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@paogutierrez (465)
• Philippines
7 Feb 07
Children who are misbehaving in public are really annoying. But we should react to them not too negatively. It is really hard for parents to control their children especially in public places. We could help by ignoring them. Stop staring at those who make scenes; stop talking about how evil the children were and the irresponsibilities of their parents. It will just make the whining child whine more.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I say those children should be kept on a leash. And muzzled. I can't abide by parents who do not control their children. Children need discipline. They cannot be allowed to run amok the way some parents allow them to. it's not cute. It's not letting little Precious express themself. It's plain bad behavior and the parents are the ones that need a good smack.
I used to do a lot of work with animals and i loved that we were allowed to ban children at our own discretion. As well as call the cops if parents just left their kids in our building - since some parents thought 'pet center' = 'daycare'. Few things pleased me more than grabbing a running, screaming unattended child and sitting him up front while I called the police.
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I have seen the situations where people leave their children in a store and then take off to go somewhere else. Then there are the stolen children.......wonder how that happened? I used to pre-warn my children before entering a business that if they acted out or cried and begged for candy or toys that they would never come with me again. They also knew that I would spank them when we got back to the car if they were bad. They were good and a pleasure to take along. Today they are just as irritated with screaming and crying brats. Oh for the days of disapline and a swift potche on the hiney....
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@Lush_heidi (994)
• United States
5 Feb 07
its annoying as I used to work in retail and some parents would let kids just run wild,knock stuff over,open packages and wreak havoc in the store. Very seldom would a parent correct their child. Some acted as if we were baby sitters and tell them you stay here in the toys and we will be back. Man the messes I would have to clean up. When I was a kid, parents didnt tolerate these actions. I also didnt let my girls act this way in public. I guess since I worked in retail I knew how it felt and I made sure they behaved.
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
5 Feb 07
I will say something positive to the kids that mix up the bolts and nuts in the bulk section of the hardware. Usually that is enough to get the parent to take control of their child.
We also just added a big rack of toys right next to the checkout counters. I am talking about the slimy bug balls, whistles, tiny toys and impulse items. I didn't like the idea at first, but then I felt sweet justice because now the kids will play with those instead of the dog aisle and the parents will have to watch the child or get harassed on the way out. The parents will be under the eye of the store manager, the customer service counter and the checkers. Come over and see all the fun and neat toys kiddies.......Look out parents!
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
5 Feb 07
We have really set ourselves up for trouble by not being able to disapline ill behaved children. We have a latte machine in the front of the store and I am so tempted sometimes to just slip the kid a small one. I know I can't but if I could.........
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@alfa62603 (192)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Hi there...some of you may think that I am defending such act but I would just like to explain why at some point, even those well-trained children, they tend to be sooo hyperactive when brought outide the house, most particularly the toddler years, which is probably between the age of 1 -3 years old, this is so because, they are still learning to adapt to the environment and even if the parents repeatedly tell them to stop, they will follow for a few second and go again...i hope you understand also that some parents or mommies in particular, need to do some errands at times and they do not have someone else to take care of their kids which leaves them no choice but to tag along their little is always proper to tell the parents if you are kinda disturbed....myself included, if my baby is just so annoying, i would appreciate a stranger to come up to me and tell me about it, i know for a fact that some people just hate children..
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
I work retail at a baby store, so I see a fair amount of people coming in with their toddlers. I get all sorts. I like the ones that have parents who watch them and always know what they are up to, and talk with them about not making a mess in the store. Then there are the ones who figure I am the babysitter, since they are spending money in my store. Drives me nuts. We even have a special box of toys and a play table ... but some parents let their kids play with everything in the store as if it wasn't all for sale! I always say something ' not like 'can you watch your child' but I always ask the child not to play with thigns that are not for sale and redirect them to the play box. If I am lucky, the parent gets the hint and starts doing that themselves.
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@thekkan (2)
• India
6 Feb 07
Yes I feel people who fail to control their own children are failures themselves. Mischievious children will spoil all the good atmosphere in a party or a gathering..
Last month, I myself experienced this.
I went for my cousin's birthday party.2 of the children in the party were playing and running thru the party hall. They were running amok and one of them crashed onto the birthday cake and spoiled the party itself. Then my cousin had to order another cake.
Discipline is a must for children and I feel children should be self disciplined rather than anybody enforcing discipline on them.
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@jbrowsin66 (1321)
• United States
6 Feb 07
No I don't have any ideas, but I know that a well-behaved dog as well as well-behaved children stress their parents out a lot less. Parents do themselves an injustice in not teaching their children manners. A screaming child should be "removed" from the scene and taught that actions have consequences (that doesn't mean spanking necessarily). I think I'll make up a sign like that, thanks!!!
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@gabbyheart (63)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Shame on the parents. They should only shop when the child is well rested and in good health. Can't imagine what the home looks like if the kids are allowed to act like they do in public! 'nuf said.

@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
6 Feb 07
loujac3, really? i haven't seen a kid with that kind of leash. well, it won't look like a bad leash since it's long enough for your kid to roam around. but it's my first time to hear someone do this to their kid. but that's a nice idea. thanks!
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Hey, I used one of those on my oldest daughter. When I traveled with them on the airlines I would a 6 foot leash on the back loop of my daughter's pants and my youngest would be in a pouch strapped to my front. That way the oldest didn't disappear in the crowd or run out an electronic door into traffic. Best device there is, a leash. They work good on my dog too! :)
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I don't like parents who don't take care of their children in public. Children need to learn discipline and that includes outside of the home. There are plenty of ways to make a child understand that behavior such as misbehaving in public will not be tolerated.
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I think shock collars for kids might be a good plan! Only kidding! But it does work on dogs and they are better than kids most of the time. If we can use shock pads to help children with bed wetting, why can't they come up with a similar product for bad behavior?
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
6 Feb 07
I absolutly can not tolerate to be anywhere where thre are unsuperviser and obnoxious children. People should seriously have better control of them. Some people will probably say that it's hard, but it has to be done. Some people are very aggrevated by such children and there are those that are bad people. Those bad people may become irritatedtoo much and do something about it. People should control their children because of safety but out of POLITENESS as well.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
6 Feb 07
As someone without children, I seriously cannot stand ther peoples' kids being badly behaved, and screaming, and ruining my enjoyment of a day out. Yu see the parents standingthere gawping at them, sometimes laughing at their antics, but never, ever criticising, or stopping them, or telling the off, and it drives me crazy! Often, I find it is parents ike these who go mad at dogs roaming freely because they are a "danger" to their precious kids! Yes, it makes me mad too - give me the dogs everytime - LOL!
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I feel that way too sometimes. I have to say that I am a responsible pet owner and I make my dog behave at home and in public. Nobody enjoys an ill behaved animal.
I have to say that my dog trained faster than my children. But, dogs age faster than children so they are probably about equal.
@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
6 Feb 07
ive been in plenty of stores where kids run rapid it absolutely drives me nuts if that would have been my kids they would have gotten their butts tore up
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Or at the least, a good shine on the cheeks! I have to say that a good swat on the bottom never hurt a child and it got their attention. When my two would fight in the bathtub and things got out of hand, I would give them a good smack on the wet hiney and it sounded like something horrible but it was only the sound and it really didn't hurt. It was the sound that got their attention.
@webduck (238)
• United States
6 Feb 07
It is sad to say, we have lost control of our children. Why? Because states like CA make laws to make it illegal to spank your own child. If you even grab their arm in public to try to restrain them, you are suspect. It is nuts, and it is like a plague all over our nation. We have lost our civility towards one another, and this is just another aspect of it.
@AyaMiami (95)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I find it annoying and a bit sad that some parents do not control their children when they are out in the public. Sometimes I feel like speaking out to the parent and embarrassing them, but I think some of them wouldn't even be phased by my comments. Unfortunately, I have no ideas to solve the problem, but I wish I did.
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@krebstar5 (1266)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Oh, I agree completey. It's the parent's responsibility to teachtheir child how to act in public. I understand that there are some children who have emotional problems that can make things difficult for the parent, and it's also unfair to expect the parent to remain at home all the time...but it also isn't fair to those other people who are being disrupted by the child's behavior. When I was younger, my mother would just pick me up and remove me from the scene as soon as I started acting up. In fact, there were even times she left items at the store that she was going to buy so she could deal with me. This taught me at a very young age that I would not be allowed to go with her to the store or even to go out to eat unless I acted appropriately.