Your birth story
@anglwatchinme247 (104)
United States
February 5, 2007 3:55pm CST
My birth of my daughter started when I was 21 yrs of age. My water had broke an hour after getting eloped. I got to the hospital at 6pm and I had my daughter at 6pm the next day. 24 hours of labor 20 mins of delivery. I had difficulty though since my daughter was early my placenta wasnt matured it did not detach from my uterus. So the doctor had to go get it they pushed my stomach down and had to fist me to grab the placenta and puled it out in clumps. I know discusting. so my uterus hemeorrhaged they had to give me a shot and 2 suppositories to stop the bleeding. I ripped inside and outside about a total of 15 stitches and had hemorrhoids ewwww.. yea it was scary my sister was tearing up she thought I was going to die because of how much blood was coming out.
so theres my story tell all of us about yours.. all in the end whatever you went through its all worth it because of the sunshine you gave life to. the ones who lost a baby at birth I am very sorry for your loss may God be with you and your baby.
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13 responses
@funkygal14 (53)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
Well I went to my regular appointment on a thursday and my OBGYN said everything was fine and baby was doing great. Well I woke up the next morning at 6am to use the washroom and I was bleeding but I didn't think nothing of it and I went back to bed. I finally woke up at 9 am and had pains and was still bleeding so I called the doctor's office and they told me to come down there so that they could check me out. Well after 2 hours on the buses because I couldn't walk that far because of the pain I was in I got to the doctor's office and they told me that I was 2-3 cm dilated. I was only 32 3/7 weeks pregnant. So they called the one hospital that specially deals with premmies. But finally they sent me to the other hospital so I finally got to the hospital around 1:30pm. The doctor's wanted to try and stop my labour but then my water broke and the doctor's didn't believe me. I told my mom that I didn't p*ss the bed. So finally at 1:52am I finally had a little boy. I had to have stiches on the inside because he decided to come out face up instead of face down. I only saw him for a quick second and then they took him to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where we spent almost 7 weeks.
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@funkygal14 (53)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
sorry about that i forgot to say how much my son weighted.
At birth my son was 3 lbs 12 oz. I had the epidurial at 5 cm and I kept bugging my nurse to turn it up turn it down turn it up. Then they had to give me some benadral because I was so itchy. Finally about and hour and a half before I had my son they gave me the oxitocain to make my contractions stronger so that I would be able to push.
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@funkygal14 (53)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
I had my son at 32 weeks... He is going to be a year old on Feb. 18th... He is still a little behind but nothing that can't be fixed. Yes he does have a shunt but everything is going alright for him.
@anglwatchinme247 (104)
• United States
7 Feb 07
well i hope hes healthy now.. when was he born??? i had my daughter at 36 weeks

@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
6 Feb 07
What timing! Giving birth an hour after you eloped? Where was your husband through this? You mentioned yout sister, but not him. Anyway, at least you have a healthy baby out of it so congratulations!
I had my daughter thru c-section because my pelvis was too small for normal childbirth. Though I was quite groggy I woke up instantly upon hearing her cry. I held her as they stitched me and they allowed my husband inside all decked out in the surgical clothes they gave him (husbands werent allowed yet to be in the delivery room - and believe me, he didnt want the honor!) to see her with me.
She was the only one, the next 3 ended in miscarriage and one stillborn. Today she has 3 healthy children and had no problems in their births.YOu can imagine what I went thru each time!
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@anglwatchinme247 (104)
• United States
6 Feb 07
well my water broke an hour after getting married but Ididnt start giving birth (pushing) until the next day in the evening. my husband was there but he didnt react weird he actually took it well. I did see him start to tear up when she was coming out and then came out. yes he cut the cord and he stayed by my side.

@madtownsweety (418)
• United States
6 Feb 07
My labor and birth story hmmmmm ok well I've had 2 so I will tell the more exciting of the 2. It was with my son I was going in for an induction and I got to the hospital about 8 am the doctor came in and broke my water about 9 and they started me on pitocin. Nothing was happening. My husband was there and so were both our moms and his dad. We all sat around and talked all day the nurses kept coming into turn up the pitocin and finally the contractions were coming on full force one right after the other, I beg for the epidural and got it about an hour later but I wasn't making much progress at all. Around 4pm the nurse came in and checked me I was only about 6 cm dialated and she said she couldn't turn the pitocin up anymore it was at the max level she would have to consult with the doctor. The nurse came back and the doctor said no not to turn it up anymore that he would be there to check me a little bit. I sat up and proceeded to flip through the tv channels figuring I would be there quite some time yet.It was about 15 minutes later and all of a sudden I got this feeling that I just had to push. I knew it was time I told everyone GET THE NURSE!! ITS TIME!! The nurse looked under the sheet and the head was right there. She went to get the doctor he walked in laughing said we were just talking about you and they said you weren't making any progress. I started the pushing process and his head got stuck it hurt bad well after a few giant pushes his head finally came out. Then his shoulders got stuck and I couldn't push enough to get them unstuck. The nurses knocked everyone out of the way and jumped up on my belly and started shoving as hard as they could with me pushing as hard as I could 10 minutes later he finally popped out. Then I hemmoraged they had to keep giving me shots to make me quit bleeding. I pushed so hard that I broke all the blood vessels on my face and neck I looked like someone had just beat the snot out of me. But in the end it was all worth every minute of the pain and agony. I have a beautiful little boy to show for it. I am currently expecting number 3 and hope its not as bad as he was. The doctors are already preparing me that I may need a c-section. I hope not but if it happens then it happens.
@anglwatchinme247 (104)
• United States
6 Feb 07
thanks for sharing your story.. it sounded like you needed the c-section with him anyways he sounded like he was to big for your pelvic.. well u should know if you need a c-section usually babies get bigger each pregnancy but I hope u dont have to a c-section .. Iwas going to have one if my daughter didnt come at 7pm the next daythey will do a c-section because I was starting to dry up after leaking for 24 hours .. but good luck with this baby
@annepretty (584)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
My daughter was born seven years ago that makes me 23 that time..I think i gave birth to her 2 weeks before due date so no one was prepare..Both me and my sister were pregnant that one month earlier than she about three days before i gave birth i drove my sister to her pre natal check up..i was 8mos pregnant and she was seven car was manual transmission so i think that was the culprit..i got tired from sept 5 at 4am i woke up feeling back pains,and some contractions..i monitored it and it was bout 20-30mins intervals so i wasnt worried..i read about it..and it says 5 mins go to at 6 am i had to ask my partner to bring me to the hospital just to check if i was ok,it wasnt my due date we go to the hospital,doctor tells me its 4 cm i asked "can i go home and get the baby's things?i forgot"..she said no because you are going to have that baby in an i tell my hubby to get the things..well he thought it will take longer so he slept at home..It was 7am when they changed my clothes,pain was ok..i can still take it..8 am they put me on a bec..made me lie down..injected something to me and made me count..after that,thats when i felt everything..the contractions was intense..i think i pushed about 3 times,someone pumped on my tummy and one more pushed i felt my kids head down to her feet..and i just fell asleep..that was 8:17am..i woke up at 9:00 still in the delivery room asked if my baby is ok..they said she was beautiful..then they transferred me to my suite and got to see my beautiful bby that night..
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@anglwatchinme247 (104)
• United States
6 Feb 07
did you get to hold her atleast before u fell asleep?? they were pushing my stomach after I gave birth to get the placenta out but I was still holding my daughter I wasnt paying attention to the doctors I just kept looking at my daughter she was calm and quiet I held her for like 30 mins and hubby got to put the first diaper on her . thanks for sharing your story
@thunderofsins (738)
• United States
7 Feb 07
My daughter hasn't been born yet but here's MY birth story:
I was 10 days late, so my mom stopped by her doctor's for a check on the way to the mall with her sister to try to walk herself into labor. She told the doctor she had felt "a couple" contractions that day, nothing hard or regular, and it was only a few hours ago and then they stopped. He checked her and she was 9 cm dialated! They hooked her up to the fetal monitors, she was in FULL ACTIVE labor. She was sitting there watching the contractions on the screen and going "wow! Thats a big one!" but she couldn't feel them at all! Then the doctor told her to push, she pushed, then felt one hard contraction and pushed again, and i was born. It turned out that I was pinching some nerves and she didn't feel anything until that last contraction when I moved off of them.
I want my labor to be like that!! :)
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@anglwatchinme247 (104)
• United States
7 Feb 07
wow thats all pregnant womans thanks for sharing
@puranjaysingh (16)
• United States
6 Feb 07
i was born in the evening and my mom told me that it was really easy to deliver me...she said that i just came out myself, without any effort
she said it was almost as if i wanted to forcibly come out...i just dropped out like a seed..
guess thts the way ive been ever...slippery
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@anglwatchinme247 (104)
• United States
7 Feb 07
well sounds like my mom too when she gave birth to me she said the total time from contractions to water brake to me coming out was 45 mins. only one push and I flew out doc almost dropped me.
thanks for sharing
@rahuldmhatre (736)
• India
6 Feb 07
well thats a nice story, but my birth story is not so was pretty normal, but i want to say hats off to you
@jeans6618 (168)
• China
6 Feb 07
when i was born,my aunty looked after my mother
and i was very fat
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@anglwatchinme247 (104)
• United States
6 Feb 07
well maybe one day you can come back on MyLot and share your story because the reason why I started this discussion is because alot of us are so proud of what we did handle and the lives we gave birth to.. and believe me alot of us almost probably lost our life or our babies lives to give birth. so when u have a baby please tell us about it
@potatobutt87 (348)
• United States
5 Feb 07
i had to be induced because i had hypertntion/ preeclampsia. they started me at 1pm my water broke at 7 am i was 4cm at about 12 30ish.. and i gave birth to her at 2 08pm
i also had pretty bad hemorraghing im not sure how many stiches i had.. but i know it was quite a few. i kept passing huge clots! it was pretty nasty i had to have the stupid IV in for like 6 hours more to make sure that they woudlnt have to give me anything because of the hemorrahging.
my epi wore off just as i was about to push her out.. OMG i so wasnt ready for that pain. but it only lasted about 10 mins..
her cord was wrapped about her neck. her heat beat went down to about 90.. had to rush a bunch of docs in to check her out, but she was fine, and we got to go home the next day!

@potatobutt87 (348)
• United States
5 Feb 07
OH MY. thats so sad about your cousin.. i wouldnt know what to do if that happened! i would so file a law sute against that!
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