Opinion wanted
By emeraldisle
@emeraldisle (13139)
United States
February 5, 2007 6:41pm CST
Well in talking with people off of here and in real life, yeah I know it's strange but I do that now and then :). We started talking the new vaccine designed to protect women from the virus that causes Cancer of the Cervix and how some are wanting to make it mandatory. Well we were discussing how really it is very new and there is no clue as to what this could do to girls over time. That got us wondering. In the past twenty years or so ADD, ADHD, not to mention some cancers and other health issues have been on the rise. During that time we've had more and more vaccines developed and given out. We had to wonder if this could be connected.
So what do you think? I mean this is just a theory. I don't have any numbers or studies just curious to see if I'm the only one to have noticed this. To wonder if anyone else thinks it might be something they should check into more. If you have ever had a bad experience from a vaccine I'd love to hear about that as well. I do know some have reactions to them. So give your opinion or story. Have fun bouncing this one around.
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11 responses
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
6 Feb 07
My daughter once had a very scary reaction to an MMR shot.
It has gotten to the point that doctors don't even realize it was the vaccine that caused such a reaction.
My daughter got an MMR shot and some time time after suddenly broke out with spots all over her! From scalp to the soles of her feet. We took her to the doctor and he had no clue what it was and did not do anything for her because he didn't know what it was! So, we took her to another doctor...and the same. We then had to go to the grocery store and even though we were afraid to take her out in public, this say the spots were not as bad. And a much older gentleman commented about our poor baby having mumps. MUMPS! We told him that the doctors didn't know what it was. But he told us that doctors these days had no clue because they have never seen a case of mumps...and it WAS mumps! Well, there you go. The doctors give these vaccines and they are clueless as to how a person might react.
In the military, we are forced to have certain vaccines. And quite often, they would make us take the vaccine on a Friday because if it made us sick, then we would not miss work because we had the whole weekend to deal with it. Gosh I hated the Yellow Fever shot!!! I got soooo sick over the weekend, it ruined my entire weekend!
I would not want this shot/vaccine to prevent cervical cancer until they know enough.
Although, I will admit many of the vaccines that have been given has stopped mass outbreaks. Wes can not be sure where it will take us next and have to know if there is any possible way that we could be effected with something different.
I do believe though, that ADHD/ADD existed before the medical field labeled the condition. But they are also too quick to diagnose what they know, rather than take the time to talk to the patient to find out the real problem.
Doctors often overbook themselves and run hours behind schedule. If they would just slow down a bit, they would have a better success rate of helping someone and not be so stressed out by it being too much.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Oh I do agree many do over diagnose it. I don't doubt it's real just that some doctors go for the nice easy way on it. I've just noticed it along with many other things keep rising like ADD, autism, cancers, etc. It was one possiblity I thought of for causing it.
I feel for your daughter and for you. That had to have been horrible. I know for me Rubella has been a problem. I had it as a baby and so far I've had the vaccine 4 times. Everytime they check I show up as having never been exposed or for having the vaccine. Go figure.
Some of these vaccines they are just putting out way too early. Who knows how they will effect any of us over long terms. They might prevent one thing but might cause others as well. I don't want this new one that is out either. I think it's way too soon.
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@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
6 Feb 07
As far as the new vaccine goes, I don't think anyone has the right to dictate anyone eleses life and demand all young girls to take it! After all, isn't this still America? It should be there avaliable for people, when and if they decide to take it, NOT DEMAND they take it! As you said, no one really knows what that shot will do to a young woman 10-20 years down the line.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Exactly. If someone wants to take it great but to make it a mandatory is riksy in my opinion. They don't know enough about it yet.
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@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Mercury is used in many vaccines as a preservative. Mercury has a strong tendency to cross the bllod brain barrier and to settle in the brain, causing autis, Add, ADHD, Asbergers, etc. As far as I am concerned, no one should ever have a vaccine. They are just not safe enough. My son got autistic from the MMR shot at age 12. Some amish children are starting to get autism since they started getting vaccines. Autism was not known until about 1943, when childhood vaccinations started to be common. Please do not vaccinate your child.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 Feb 07
That alone is enough to make me wonder. When you consider the Ammish are not ones to use other things that could cause problems and if they are now having cases crop up where they didn't before one has to wonder why.
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
Nobody is forcing a vaccine on me. I think the vaccines have gone overboard. What's wrong with the mumps, chicken pox, and a few measles. We all had them . I refused those for my children. They did get polio,smallpox and tuberculosis, the more debilitating diseases and even those I was not too happy about.
Vaccines are a chemical cocktail.
I don't like it at all. I will use a natural remedy, before all else. I move in a wholistic circle. I put much store in mother nature. I can't even remeber the last time I had a cold. I don't need this nasty vaccine either.
That's this girls' opinion!!!!
@missy24t (43)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I honestly think that it is wrong that it is made mandatory. Believe me I think that it is great that they have something like that to offer, however I am one of those people that took Depo Provera for years and years and years. They kept telling me that it was completely safe. Well I got off of depo when I decided to have my daughter and then after I had her decided I wanted to get back on it. Well then they said that I could not take it anymore because it is starting to be linked with bone loss in women. So I was sent for a bone scan and come to find out, I just turned 28 years old and I have a severe case of early onset osteoperosis. Isn't that just peachy. (that was sarcastic by the way). But I think that something like this can be the same way. I think that they need to do alot more studying of the product and testing it for many more years before they make it mandatory. What are they going to do when it makes you sick 10 years from now? What are they going to do when they find out that 10 years after you take it - you are sterile- Then what are they going to do? How are they going to pay for all those law suits? I think that it is very wrong of them to make something so new mandatory. I can just see poor girls like me now not being able to have kids because they made them take this medication. I am now myself taking mdication that 60 year old women take in order to keep my bones from breaking. I feel bad for anyone that has any kind of affect from medication like that. I think that they should make it optional!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I do feel for you hon. That is horrible for you to have to go through. It does show the point I was trying to make. All these new meds they are coming out with and they have no clue on the long term effects. They need to study it for a lot longer before they determine it is safe for everyone to use.
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@jlmcknit (92)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I work in Pediatric insurance and let me tell you this and the Menigoccal, that colleges are requiring are not cheap either. If you do go to get your daughters vaccinated make sure you health insurance is going to cover it. They are both still such new vaccines that many of insurance companies have not yet added them to there formularies and you are looki at $120 for the HPV vaccine and $260 for the Menigoccal. Only a few states have passed that you woman have to be given this vaccine, so hopefully you live in states that it is not required. If you insurance does not cover it that is money out of your pockets. So just a heads up to you all thinking about getting the vaccinations and live on a tight budget like the rest of us.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Feb 07
My thought is if the government is requiring it they should pay for it. Why should we have to pay for something they are demanding for kids to have? They need to think about that one as well.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
6 Feb 07
That's just one of many that I've seen like that. Then on top of it you have the commercials for new meds that have such a list of warnings with them you have to wonder why take it.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
7 Feb 07
It's all about the pretty grenn paper and who has the most of it.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I'm glad to hear you are all right. I know I've seen similar happen. I've had my mom call us and ask "have you ever been on this medication" and will list it due to a new problem found with it. They push out some of these meds but others that have been used for long times in Europe they won't touch. Got to wonder about the push for the almighty dollar.
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@RebeccaLynn (2256)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I do apologize, my temper got the better of me. These are our daughters we are talking about and the very idea of government telling me what is best for them when they are obviously not sure themselves.....well it boils my blood.
Must be my Irish heritage.
So I decided that instead of getting angry, I would just have to do something about it. So I did.
Governor Rick Perry's email address is
I told him exactly what I think of this entire situation and my suspicion that it is all about money. I told him to make a fast buck on his own kids and that government needs to get out of our homes and our bodies.
I also informed him that millions of women feel the same as I do and we are all voters. I asked him to remember that when our daughters begin to get sick from this vaccine. I wished him luck and I gave him my name, phone number and address.
Call me a conspiracy kook all you like. My daughters still are not getting this vaccine and...I feel better!
Now I'm going to email my governor and let him know where I stand on this issue as well. Hell I may get a petition going in my state and since I'm about to move to another state, I may as well get one going there as well!
I am not taking this sh*t anymore.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I think you did a good thing and that it might be what we all need to do. You could also email them links to discussions like this one and some others on mylot that deal with this issue. Let him see that you aren't alone in it but that several feel this way.
Lets blame it on the heritage. I have it as well and there are times it comes out in force. I know that feeling all too well.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 Feb 07
Exactly. Until they hear from us they have no clue. The more we let them know how we feel on this issue along with others they have an idea of how the people stand on it. Let yourself be heard. Find your voice and use it.
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@byfelisa (45)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I can understand your concern and anger. It is our bodies and we love our daughters and want them to be healthy and safe. No government has the right to force anything on us we don't want but that is what legistration is for.
We can take it to our governors, councilman/woman, senators and even the president. Let them know how we feel and what needs to be done before women would consider taking a vaccine of any kind that affects their health.
Staying informed and knowing as much as you can about what is going on in health which deals with women is always best.
Yell out if something is not right and let your voice be heard, don't shrink back as many women lives could be at stake including yours. Stand firm, if you don't want your daughters to get vaccinated then they won't.
Wouldn't it be something if you start up a ruckus there and get more women aware of this health issue and it reaches the politicians and other states?
I wish you well and your daughters too. I'll be the first to sign the petition, so let me know. :)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Feb 07
I think every Vacine which is new, should be looked into very Carefully in the first Place, before they get used. I will be totally honest, since I have been sick, there are a lot of times I do not trust the Medical Treatments of today anymore, I have been given to much which made me more Ill.
I would not have this Vacine, unless I knew for a fact that it is looked into 100%.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I agree. I've had my share of meds that made me worse and not better. I think with any new medication we need to be careful with. We need to make sure that they are safe and that we know what risks we are taking with them. The same with vaccines. This new one I don't trust yet. It is too new and not tested enough in my opinion.
@earthsong (589)
• United States
6 Feb 07
From what I understand the virus that can create issues with cervical cancer is sexually transmitted. If this is the case, and a woman uses protection, a vaccine really shouldn't be necessary.
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@byfelisa (45)
• United States
7 Feb 07
While I think it is great with the advancements in medicine and diagnosis today of illnesses, I do wonder if there is a common thread between diseases than might onset another one. I clearly know with diabetes it does this,
making you vulnerable to other illnesses over time.
It wouldn't surprise me if this was the case with ADD, ADHD and some Cancers. However, I still believe that ADD, ADHD are a chemical imbalance in the brain and can be corrected. I like to see a study though on how many have been diagnosed that have both, should be interesting.
It would be great if doctors tried to see if many of these diseases are linked to each other, wouldn't be surprised the outcome of it showing us they are.
I am leery of vaccinations, everyone received from childhood til now I came down with afterwards so it makes me feel it is not for everyone to get them.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I think there is so much we do not know about the medicines they give us and our own bodies. We cannot say for sure what is connected to what. We might need to have some of these childhood diseases that they are vaccinating against to help prevent against other things. The vaccinations could be causing other problems that we have not connected to them. There is still so much we don't know about how our bodies work and I think before we make something required there should be long term studies on it's effects to make sure that it's not doing more damage then it's curing.
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