Wildy pk's
By DocterDew
@DocterDew (902)
United States
17 responses
@miningbeeble (328)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Well, I'm nonmember so I went to just outside varrock wildy. There was a dumb archer that attacked me. I didn't know what was happening until he started attacking me. Luckily, my friend was right near me and just ran at the archer and attacked the heck out of him. We both killed him instantly. I got some dragon hides and some runes and some arrows. The noob asked for everything back and I rejected him and shared the plunder with my friend. =)
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@DocterDew (902)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Yeah im not a member yet. After i get paid on the 15th for this i will be though! Yes i love wildy pking above varrock with pures its so much fun. I have about 10 pures that tells you how much i like it ;-)
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@miningbeeble (328)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Yep it is very fun. I like to do that with friends and once I'm member Im going to pk a whole lot more. And by the way do you NEED verified paypal for runescape membership. Or can you just use regular paypal? I have heard people do it with just regular paypal but I dont know.
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@DocterDew (902)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I don't think it needs to be verified or so i've heard. I will tell you for sure when i attempt it.
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@danprovolone (192)
• United States
28 Mar 07
I'm strictly f2p, i pk a lot of rune scims and such but the best i have ever gotten was wizzy (g) top, sold it for 270k lol.
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@DocterDew (902)
• United States
19 May 07
Nice job. Wait wizzy (g) top as in the wizard robe top? Like a f2p item? Never knew there was one.
@stickricky808 (69)
• United States
1 Mar 07
hmmmmmmm... when i killed a guy with rune pl8, rune 2h, 2 rune scimis, and rune full helm.....and I GAVE YOU THE PL8!
@DocterDew (902)
• United States
1 Mar 07
That is because well lets see I half of him, and used up all his food. Then I telly'd because you kept lagging or whatever and didn't help. Then you killed him. I said you coulda given me the swords :-P
@DocterDew (902)
• United States
6 Feb 07
That sucks yeah I hate it when you're deep and a random person comes and decides to help because a) neither person will likely share it and b) it just ruins the whole fight and if it's on me even if i'm owning I telly.
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@volcom (161)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Well ill name a few of the best pks ive ever gotten they are one time. I went to the mossies and a huge team came and attacked me i killed them all and i got a lot of rune scimmies they were pures by the way bad ones. Another time i pked full black g on my pure. I've pked a lot and i mean alot of rune weapons and armor. the reasons they were my best are because they all added up to a nice prophet and they prophet makes it so i can buy more of the supplies i need to keep pking i have a lot mpore stories but i think ill save them for another time
@DocterDew (902)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I'll bet you've made quite a lot of money. It looks as though you are a strong pker.
@eyehategod (106)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
my best pk would have to be.....getting full dragon.and full mystic.it was fun.against a lvl 122....i destroyed him.i have 99 magic.and yeah....i was walking just north of the boneyard....and a clan popped up outta nowhere.they just passed me.but one ran towards me and attacked me....idiot...he shouldve thought better.just becuz i didnt have my armor on.haha.i pulled out my full rune.and my dragon scimitar.and i attakced him till he was low.and i used wind blast.lmao.noob mage att.haha.but i killed him.he had 14sharks,fullmystic,fulldragon,dragon long(noob members weeapon),str pot,mage pot,full black dragon.i dont know why he had all that.but bonus for me.
@DocterDew (902)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Sounds like a great kill. By the way if you ever see cowterdrck in the wild make sure you tell him you pwn and that you wanna team with him :-)
@miningbeeble (328)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I found the best pure guide. So, I made a pure to go along with seeing the guide. I am very excited because from the success stories that people have, I can't wait to share in the spoils. I will tell you all of my wildy pk stories in here. I will keep you updated on my pk successes. I wish you all happy pking.
@DocterDew (902)
• United States
8 Feb 07
That won't be as easy as you think you know. I have tons of pures even when they get to the 30's there are still many other pures attacking you.
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@Marcus159 (17)
6 Feb 07
I've gotten full rune, but I split it with a friend who was pking with me.
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@DocterDew (902)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Yeah that's what I hate, but unless it was a clan member I would say I'd share then get outa wildy and keep it. If they are clan members though I have to share.
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@DocterDew (902)
• United States
11 Feb 07
That guy must have been a big noob because he woulda ran if he was out. That and that fact that he would take a long time to kill. He musta lagged maybe?
@Cazualty (5)
• United States
8 Feb 07
i only go on pk trips with my clan on f2p, after spending more time on here i plan to become a member though, we usually find ourselves a full rune set or two, sometimes we get lucky and get ppl tryin to return back to town with their own loot they got off pk, i got the final blow last time and got it all :)
@snapygapi0 (16)
• Rwanda
11 Feb 07
I dont like wildy very much. I allways get killed. Im level 56, and in my life i have killed only 1 man in wildy. And i got killed like thousand of times. I just am trying to avoid wildy, and i dont go to wildy to kill other people. I just rise up skills and gain money. Thats the main thing i do in RuneScape.
@DocterDew (902)
• United States
11 Feb 07
I use wildy as a way to profit, or would like it to profit me. I haven't been all that successfull yet because none of my pures are of high enough level and my main gets owned by teamers.
@Duck_3 (8)
• Slovenia
11 Feb 07
I have 4 pures. One is melee pure,one is magic pure, one is ranged/magic pure and another is magic/ranged pure. Now i am training with melee pure. I have 30 attck and I am on way to 40 attack and at least 60 str. I hope that i could kill some rich people with that. My magic pure has 31 magic and is on way to 59:P I have runes to about 45 magic, something like that. Then I will have to ask my friend for some runes :P
@DocterDew (902)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Yeah when I'm a member I will be runecrafting crazy. I will try to get tons and tons of runes so that when I take a month or so off from being a member I can give all the runes and stuff to my pure mag and train him way up there. I hope to get quite a lot of stuff when my mag gets really really high.
@Rimzbusted (22)
• Canada
11 Feb 07
Well I was pking with a mage friend near Green Drags. All of a sudden 5 or so lvl 70s with d long and other drag weps came and attacked us. We were in multi so my friend and I picked em off one by one. My friend maged and tbed while I ranged. We killed most of em and got their drag weps. I wonder why they didnt prot item lol . Oh well. Good Times
@DocterDew (902)
• United States
11 Feb 07
Wow you and your friend beat 5 level 70's? That's amazing I sure hope I never encounter you and your friend in wildy!
@joelofcow (193)
• United States
6 Feb 07
well i just got the guts to go in for the first time and im lvl 60 and 3 lvl 40-50s attack me and i won
@DocterDew (902)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Nice what did you get? I'll bet they ran because other 30 40-50's would pwn you ;-)
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@triumph007 (48)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Well I've never gone member pking (f2p at the moment) but the best kill I've ever gottent was Full Black (g) (yes some noob was walking around the wilderness with it) and a Rune 2h and Scimmi of course. But I mostly just get kills from pures, like rune 2hs and rune scimmies when I go PKing with my clan.