What is your favourite meal of the day?

United States
February 5, 2007 9:51pm CST
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or some strange combination meal? (I tend to eat a lunch-snack combination after school, that would count) Why do you like it? What is your favourite thing to have at that meal? I'd say my favourite is breakfast. I work at a breakfast restaurant, so I've gotten to try a lot of different foods. I don't like to et a really early breakfast, but I feel better and have more energy throughout the day if I do eat breakfast. At work, I always order a banana walnut pancake and two slices of bacon. Every day. Haha. But my favourite thing I ever got was Eggs Benedict, home fries and a side of hash. I would only order it if I'm paying for it, because my boss indicates that it's a huge pain to make, but it is so yummy.
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11 responses
@bicklelady (1404)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I guess mine is breakfast. My hubby always cooks breakfast and I cook the rest of the meals. I love not having to cook. LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Feb 07
Hehe, that's very cute. I wish my boy could cook.
• Bermuda
6 Feb 07
My favorite meal would have to be deep fried chicken or lobster....i love em both...but i dont think both would be to great together...lol
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• United States
6 Feb 07
I live in New England, so I grew up on lobster. Haha. It is delicious.
• United States
9 Feb 07
My favorite meal of the day is dinner - because I actually have time to sit down and eat something good. Usually at breakfast time I just have oatmeal or yogart. Lunch is left overs or something I can grab fast before I leave the house. But dinner, my fiance and I actually cook and get to eat together.
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• Philippines
6 Feb 07
I want ot adobo everyday!...thats my favorite!...i cant live without it!...it is the specialty of my mom!...I loved it when she cooked it!...My day will never be complete without eating adobo!...i dont care about the effects of eating it everyday!...All i care is to eat my favorites everyday!...
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• United States
6 Feb 07
I wasn't sure what adobo was, so I looked it up on Wikipedia... it looks delicious! I wish my mother made it. Hehe. I'll try and find a good recipe for it and make it when my boyfriend is here.
• United States
8 Feb 07
I like dinner because it's sometimes huge and filling. Breakfast wins because of all the stuff you can put syrup on though.
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@JJLoa44 (346)
• Canada
8 Feb 07
For me it's dinner. And my reason for that is the same reason I don't really have a 'favourite thing to have' - because the reason I choose dinner is because it's the one time where I usually have the time and ability to create something new and creative. Breakfast is often in a rush, lunch is often on the run, but dinner I can sit and plan and come up with a yummy new meal, or test out a new recipe, or go back to a standard favourite and spice it up a bit.
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@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
6 Feb 07
Brekfast is my favorite meal of the day. I am so hungry when I wake up in the morning, I just look forward to it each day. I even have had a dream about it I was so hungry. I also like having breakfast for lunch and dinner. I used to go to Dennys, boy was their food good. Second would be dinner food.
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• United States
7 Feb 07
I don't have a favorite as my schedule is so messed up that I don't eat regular meals. Usually I prefer breakfast... chicken fried steak and hashbrowns and eggs... now I am getting hungry
@blindedfox (3315)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
Breakfast! That is the most important meal of the day. I never skip breakfast (I may eat breakfast late at times but it's ok I guess). I tend to have brunches lately because of time constraints though.
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• Canada
8 Feb 07
Dinner is my favorite meal. i don't like eggs or any other breakfast foods so i either don't eat breakfast or i eat leftovers from dinner the previous night.
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• United States
6 Feb 07
Dinner. More often than not, it's the only big meal of my day because I'm either at work or in class all day. Sometimes I have a couple of boca burgers, sometimes I eat a nice teriyaki chicken bento, and sometimes my boyfriend and I go out to eat.