@youngworriedmother (15)
October 11, 2006 8:50am CST
I am a 23 yr old single mom of 2 girls. I left my boyfriend of 6 years 14 months ago. He stopped making payments on our house after i left and the bank took it from him 2 months later. He moved 2 hours away (to live with his mother) and hasn't seen our children more than 10 times since then. He called often (upwards or 20 times some days) and made our 6 year old promises of visits that he never kept. He was a wonderful father before we seperated so i put up with alot of it. Three weeks ago he told me that he was starting seeing a girl that i know very well. She was a friend of mine about 10 years ago. My family had moved away but i still seen her some over the years. She had got deeply involved in drugs and was charged with some things related to them ( including bringing them into a jail for friends). She has been addicted to crack cocaine and has a criminal record including other offences. After a week of seeing this girl he has moved in with her. I told him that my children will not be visiting him in her home because I believe that she is still using drugs and she had told me that she has Heptitas C from using dirty needles. I told him that he was welcome to take them to the park or to his family to visit them but he doesn't agree with me and hasn't seen them since. I've just contacted a lawyer to gain sole custody of our daughters and I am hoping that I can have it so that he can't have them in her home. I am scared that he might be using these drugs too and they might not be safe there. Do I have a chance of him not being allowed to take our daughters there on his visits?
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