importance of media in todays world

February 6, 2007 5:48am CST
How important do u think is media for todays world of commerce.By media i am not only limited to Television . I include internet, radio, hoardings, etc in media. Do u think without media such a paceful growth of commerce can be expected. I personally beleive that every product except tose neccesity goods in the whole of world needs advertisement for such rapid market coverage. U can help me grow this topic by adding the various aspect and benifits and disadvantages of media
4 responses
@Zebrochka (333)
• Brazil
6 Feb 07
I believe that Media is one of the most effective ways to promote your products&services. Some times it´s even not advertizing, but public relations. I have already seen so many examples of it! There are o many night-clubs, for instance, that have nothing special about them, but they are packed with people every night just because there is too much talk about these places in the press and on TV...
1 person likes this
• India
6 Feb 07
ya frend u r true.. That is what is called publicity.. But some times that publicity might prove fatal if media decides to do so. If it feels and find its negative point it can ruin the reputation of of such places or products
@Bangalorean (1282)
• India
6 Feb 07
Media has been playing a bery prominent role in today's society. Many instances stand witness to it.To name a few 1.Jessica Lal Case 2.Mattoo Case 3.Bofors case 4.Railway scam 5.Fodder scam etc
1 person likes this
• India
6 Feb 07
Thats true my dear frend.. Media can bring masses to fight for people and attain justice.. It has proved itself in many cases as u narrated. But to elaborate upon it,, it also has a lt of interfearence in a celebrities life
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
the very big role that media plays maybe summmed up into one-- that is it shapes people's minds. Media more than bringing us news, or information, it influences us on how we think, we dress, we speak, on how we behave and how we view the world in general. We buy those products shown on televisions. we buy those clothes shown on televisions or internets. Our thoughts, ideas are influenced by television, internet,radio etc. Our perception of the world is shaped by media.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
6 Feb 07
The media is very important with today's living it is better to know the news where ever it is coming from to not know at all I listen continually to the radio when I have my computer on and at night time I like to listen the the television with the world news as to receive more information as to what is going on not only in my own country but in other countries as there is just so much different media around today on different topics.