obese or is that what your doctors chart considers you?

United States
February 6, 2007 1:19pm CST
I always wondered who came up the idea of a chart to determine if you were obese or night. I think doctors should stick to what they do best right prescriptions.
2 responses
• United States
6 Feb 07
Well there is quite a bit more to a doctor's job than just writing prescriptions! And determining whether or not a person is medically obese and in need of treatment is one of those things of course. But with that said, I myself have always thought that those charts were a bit off. If you go by what those height/weight charts say *I'M* considered overweight for my height..which I'm not at all by any means. I suppose their charts could use some more work but perhaps it works for some people better than others.
@sonluci (63)
• India
18 Feb 07
yes you are right.