Is there a such thing as having book knowledge but no common sense knowledge?

United States
February 6, 2007 1:38pm CST
My boss is a LPN, in order to be an LPN you must have some book knowledge. But things that make common sense to others, she just does'nt get until you reiterate it to her.
1 response
@123bart (303)
9 Feb 07
yes, my brother is the same. These people think that if you have three apples and you eat one, after three years you will still have two apples. In real life the two apples will rot away after a couple of months. Another one is when you have a tree with 35 pigeons, 2 hawks, 25 sparrows and so on and on and you shoot and kill 12 sparrows, 17 pigeons and so on, so how many birds are there left on the tree? None of course as they'll all have flown away. But I caught out my teacher with this. They just don't have a clue and in a real life situation many will suffer. Society isn't doing much to help either as the measures with which we value individuals mostly go by books and examinations so common sense has slowly been dieyng off