Online Shopping.

@Ambur25 (1006)
United States
February 6, 2007 6:20pm CST
Do you like to shop online? Sites like Ebay, or regular store sites. Even I do! I love sitting in the comfort of my home and doing some shopping. And a new development, for anyone that has a piercing or two, message me, there's an awesome site where you can get really cheap body jewelry. =)
7 responses
• United States
10 Feb 07
I like online shopping. The only bad thing is waiting for the item to arrive. I have bought on ebay, etsy,,, the idle hands soap website,, and tons of other shops for various things.
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Feb 07
Love to shop online. It's better then dealing with crowds! Beautiful site! Thanks for the info!
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@shanhari (120)
• India
7 Feb 07
Yes, Ocassionaly
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Feb 07
Hiya ambur- I have some other sites you might enjoy, if you enjoy bath and body products at reasonable prices. Just msg me and I will send you the link.*smiles*
@viseek (74)
• China
7 Feb 07
I think I will like ,but now I must earn enough money to do so!
@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
7 Feb 07
I love shopping online. It is true that I have made a few mistakes that way, but I make mistakes occasionally when I shop in person, too. The nicest bedspread I ever owned came from ebay. Every time I look at it on my bed, I feel so pleased with myself for finding it. I think the secret is in really searching for a good buy, and then in not being afraid to take a chance. After all, if you do buy something that ends up to be too small, or the wrong color, you can always auction it off on ebay and get at least part of your money back.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
7 Feb 07
I love it, love it, love it. I often don't have time to get to the store, so, I love to do shopping online. If it's something that I don't have to try on first, I buy online. It saves so much time and trouble.
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